Nutritional Supplements
A New Standard For Nutritional Supplements
In the world of nutritional supplements, one thing stands true: no one seems to agree on what makes the best supplement. There's a big debate, for instance, on whether liquid supplements are more easily absorbed; even if they are, almost all liquid supplements are either pasteurized and/or use preservatives. We wouldn't like either in a perfect world.
Some believe in the "less is more" concept, pointing out that you don't need much of very high quality supplements to do the job. It is only the lower-quality products that need to cram you full of each nutrient in hopes that some will be used.
So what's the truth? How do we know which supplements will really do the trick? And do they work only for some people, or do they work consistently for almost everyone? ("Almost," because I don't believe anything is 100%.)
The answer is good old-fashioned testing.
Now legitimate testing is expensive, and many of today's supplements are made by smaller companies that can't afford testing. As long as someone's supplements are safe, I don't believe anyone should be required to test. (The market should decide what to demand.)
But for those who want to know what a supplement will do for them -- rather than hoping or guessing -- proper clinical studies provide an answer that even the medical world can appreciate. And I believe that this kind of approach will bring supplements more into medical practices as a result.
A handful of companies invests in this kind of testing today, and as a health researcher, I appreciate having solid studies to back up the supplements that I recommend because I know that people will get results. One supplement I recommend, for instance, has not only gone through rigorous safety studies, but also through controlled clinicals that back it up as a premiere product for relieving arthritic conditions.
Another favorite is the only network marketing company whose products I currently recommend, specifically because their clinical studies show their products to be so far superior to anything else on the market (in their categories). Their glutathione product, for example, was shown in a two-month clinical study to boost intracellular glutathione levels nearly 300% while also raising both DHEA and IGF-1 by more than 40% and lowering systemic inflammation (as measured by TNF, or Tumor Necrosis Factor) by 37%.
Likewise, they put their weight loss product through an 8-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Two groups following identical dietary guidelines and exercise programs were compared: one took a placebo and one took the product. Those on the product lost 90% more weight! (And from my perspective, the more important fact is that it was HEALTHY weight loss, as the product retrains the body on burning FAT.)
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As a researcher, I've never been a product pusher because most products just don't have studies like these behind them, so it's usually hard to know what will really, really work. But when you have proven products, you can rely on results and know that you're recommending a wise investment. As a consumer, the same thing is true. You don't need a professional telling you what a product can do if the studies already tell you.
As a result, I believe that testing will become the new standard within the industry and that, in time, we may see more medical doctors coming on board with nutrition as well. After all, they want patients getting well, and nutrition is a safe way to go. But more than anyone, doctors need proof. And clinical tests may be just what the doctor ordered.