November 18, 2022
The Principal's Corner
The Week Ahead
Dates to Remember
11/19 Saturday School 9:00-12:00 PM
11/21 Powder Puff Game 6:30 PM (Veterans Memorial Stadium)
11/23 No School Thanksgiving Day Break
11/24 No School Thanksgiving
11/25 No School Thanksgiving Day Break
11/29 Site Council Meeting 7:20 AM (Superintendent's Conference Room)
11/29 Student ALICE Safety Training Assemblies
12/1 Early Release for Staff PD @11:20 AM
12/2 Blood Drive
12/2 & 12/3 Midsummer.com 7:00 PM (Auditorium)
12/8 Credit for Life Fair Grades 10 & 11
12/10 Saturday School 9:00 AM-12:00 PM
12/13 Term 2 Progress Reports Available on Aspen
12/13 Senate Leadership Council Meeting 7:20 AM (Library Media Center)
12/14 Choral Concert 7:00 PM (Auditorium)
12/15 Early Release @ 11:20 AM for Staff Professional Development
12/15 Concert Band Concert 7:00 PM (Auditorium)
12/20 Site Council Meeting 7:20 AM (Superintendent's Conference Room)
Blood Drive Sign-Ups
The Rockland High National Honor Society, Phelps family, and Children's Hospital will be hosting the Ann Phelps Memorial Blood Drive on Friday, Dec. 2 from 9-3.
The donations will be made in a mobile bus in front of RHS's main entrance.
Appointments to donate can be made at this link.
(For high school teachers, it's a day 4, no D block)
Wellness Committee Looking for Parent
Inside the Classroom
Native American Heritage Month
Native American Heritage Month celebrates the history and heritage of Native Americans. Sprinkled throughout the building are some handy maps that will help you do that. Do you know what Indigenous lands we live on? Have a look - discover which Indigenous people lived and took care of this land before us.
There are a lot of fun, educational events happening this month.
For starters, check out the events listed on the official Native American Heritage Month website or take a peek at the National Park Service calendar. The Library of Congress and National Archives are other great places to look. If you’re interested in something local and you’re comfortable meeting in person, check out your local institutions—libraries, schools, community organizations, and museums—for special events.
Guidance Notes
This article gives a very detailed overview of steps you can/may need to take after you file your FAFSA.
Travel Club Spots Available!
There are 2 spots available for our Italy trip in April, and about 10 each for Australia/New Zealand (July 2024) and Ireland, Wales, England, and France (April 2025).
If you plan on signing up or have any questions, please email kwalsh@rocklandschools.org for the next steps!
Bulldog Buddies
Band Performs at the Veterans Day Parade
Get Ready for the Fall Play on 12/2 & 12/3!
Powder Puff Football Monday 11/21
Cheerleading Competes in States This Sunday
Tickets can be purchased using the GoFan App!
Athletic Updates
Michael Moriarty, Lucas Leander, Jacob Coulstring, Leary Costa, Austin Clarke, and Liam Wallace. Coulstring was also named Sullivan Division Co-Player of the Year! The team is back in action Friday @ Walpole HS @ 5:30 vs. St. Mary’s in the State Semi-Final!
Winter Sports Preview
I hope that you all have had an enjoyable fall! We saw a great deal of our student-athletes participate and have success in our fall athletic programs! We look forward to much of the same this winter.
In this Newsletter:
Bulldogs Online Apparel Store
Winter Sports Registration
User Fees
Start Dates
Schedules (Practice and Games)
Rockland HS Athletics Boosters
Bulldog Winter Apparel Online Store
Check out all of the Winter Bulldog Apparel that you can order and have delivered directly to your house before the Holidays.
Winter Sports
We will be offering 12 different teams this winter. We highly encourage all students to come and try out for a team, even if you have never played the sport before. Unfortunately, we do have cuts in boys basketball. All other offered sports do not typically have cuts.
If you have, sport-specific or team-related questions please reach out to the head coach using the coach directory link below.
Freshman Team(s):
Boys Basketball
Junior Varsity Teams
Girls Basketball (Open to 8th graders!)
Boys Basketball
Varsity Teams:
Boys Basketball
Girls Basketball
Boys Indoor Track
Girls Indoor Track
Boys Swim (Co-Op with SSVT)
Girls Swim (Co-Op with SSVT)
Hockey (Open to 8th graders!)
Wrestling (Open to 8th graders!)
Winter Sports Registration is now open. It is important to register ASAP so coaches can contact students with important team information and practice schedules. Rockland HS will be using Arbiter Registration (Formerly FamilyID) to register student-athletes. Please click here to register your child for a winter sport. Only students that have registered through Arbiter Registration are allowed to participate in fall athletics.
User Fees:
You are only required to pay the user fee ONCE every year. User Fees must be paid in full by the program's first game. Fees can be paid online through Invoice Cloud (Arbiter Registration will direct you to the page). If you are experiencing financial hardship please reach out to Athletic Director, Dan Kimball: Dkimball@rocklandschools.org
Fee Structure:
$200 for one student for the entire year
$400 Family Cap
Winter Athletic Start Dates:
Pre-Season Important Dates and Times **All Times Subject to change**
Girls Basketball (JV/V): (Coach Diana Newcomb, Dnewcomb@rocklandschools.org)
Monday November 28th 3:00-4:30 HS GYM
Tuesday November 29th 3:00-4:30 HS GYM
Wednesday November 30th 3:00-4:30 HS GYM
Thursday December 1st 3:00-4:30 HS GYM
Friday December 2nd 3:00-4:30 HS GYM
Boys Basketball (F/JV/V): (Coach Fred Damon, FDamon@rocklandschools.org)
To Be Determined: A vast majority of our basketball student-athletes are still involved in football. As the date gets closer, Coach Damon will communicate tryout times for the Freshman and JV/Varsity teams.
There will be cuts made in the sport of Boys Basketball!
Cheer: (Coach Jeaninne Reardon, JReardon@rocklandschools.org)
Boys/Girls Winter Track: (Coach Kara Penney, KPenney@rocklandschools.org)
Monday November 28th-Friday December 2nd 3:00-4:30 Meet at Room 228
Hockey: (Coach Stephen Murphy,SMurphy@rocklandschools.org)
Monday November 28th 5 AM Rockland Ice Rink
Tuesday November 29th 5 AM Rockland Ice Rink
Thursday December 1st 5 AM Rockland Ice Rink
Friday December 2nd 5 AM Rockland Ice Rink
Saturday December 3 7:10 Rockland Ice Rink (Scrimmage vs. Plymouth North)
Wrestling: (Coach Peter Harrison, PHarrison@rocklandschools.org)
Monday November 28th 3:00-5:00 Back GYM
Tuesday November 29th 3:00-5:00 Back GYM
Wednesday November 30th 3:00-5:00 Back GYM
Thursday December 1st 3:00-5:00 Back GYM
Friday December 2nd 3:00-5:00 Back GYM
Boys/Girls Swimming: (Coach Julie Margolis, JMargolis@rocklandschools.org)
Monday November 28th 8:00-9:00 PM Hanover YMCA (7:45 arrival)
Tuesday November 29th 8:00-9:00 PM Hanover YMCA (7:45 arrival)
Wednesday November 30th 8:00-9:00 PM Hanover YMCA (7:45 arrival)
Thursday December 1st 8:00-9:00 PM Hanover YMCA (7:45 arrival)
The entire winter game schedule can be located on Arbiter Live. We encourage all families to download the Arbiter Sports app to your mobile devices. The application is up to date as schedules change frequently.
Physician’s Physical Requirement:
An up-to-date physical is required by all student-athletes to participate in fall athletics. Physicals are valid for 13 months. Make sure to schedule your physical and upload an electronic copy to your Arbiter Registration profile.
Rockland High School Athletic Boosters:
The Rockland High School Athletic Department is reliant upon the support of our Boosters Program to ensure student-athletes can conclude their athletic seasons with a banquet to commemorate their season. The boosters also fund our championship gear and other necessities. We are in desperate need of parent volunteers to continue supporting our Bulldog athletes! Our next meeting will be on November 29 @ 6:30 in the Library.
Community Resource
Quick Links
Rockland High School
Email: jharrison@rocklandschools.org
Website: https://www.rocklandschools.org/o/rockland-high
Location: 52 Mackinlay Way, Rockland, MA, USA
Phone: 781-871-0541
Twitter: @RocklandHS