SMN News for April 22, 2019
Where tradition began, excellence continues.
Shawnee Mission North High School
Location: 7401 Johnson Drive, Overland Park, KS, USA
Phone: 913-993-6900
Twitter: @SMNindians
New Vaccination Requirement 2019-2020
Dear SMSD Parents, The Kansas Department of Health and Environment has issued new vaccination requirements for the 2019-2020 school year. The new requirements affect Kindergarten, 1 st grade, 7 th grade, and 11th grade students. Hepatitis A: Kindergarten and first grade students must have one dose to attend school. Second dose must be given 6 months after initial dose. Meningococcal (Serogroup A,C,W,Y): 7 th and 11th grade students must have one dose to attend school. 7 th grade students will receive a second dose in 11th grade. For 11th grade students, only one dose is required. A full listing of immunization requirements can be found here: ent_K-12.pdf Please contact your school nurse if you have questions.
Estimados padres del Distrito Escolar Shawnee Mission, El Departamento de Salud y Medioambiente de Kansas ha metido nuevos requisitos de vacunación para el año escolar 2019-2020. El nuevo requisito afecta a los estudiantes de los siguientes grados, Kínder, 1,7, y 11. Hepatitis A: los estudiantes de Kínder y primer grado deben tener una dosis para asistir a la escuela. La segunda dosis debe administrarse 6 meses después de la dosis inicial. Meningococo (Serogrupo A,C,W,Y): los estudiantes de los grados 7 y 11 deben de tener una dosis para asistir a la escuela. Los estudiantes del grado 7 recibirán una segunda dosis al entrar al grado 11. Para los estudiantes del grado 11, solo se requiere una dosis. Una lista completa de los requisitos de inmunización se puede encontrar en el siguiente enlace: K-12.pdf Por favor, contacte la enfermera de la escuela si usted tiene preguntas.
Attention Seniors- Important Upcoming Dates
*May 8th-10th, 2019 SENIOR FINALS (Schedule and more info below)
*May 10th, 2019 Graduation Rehearsal, Senior Picnic, Group Photo
May 15th, 2019 (7:00PM) Graduation
*These dates could change based on inclement weather.
Graduation Class of 2019
Wednesday, May 15, 2019, 07:00 PM
Shawnee Mission North High School, Johnson Drive, Overland Park, KS, USA
IB Admissions Process
Currently there is no admissions process to become an IB Diploma candidate. It is an opt-in program. However, there are a few academic requirements that students must meet due to the IB courses that must be taken:
· Students need to have completed their PE, health, fine arts, and computer competency requirements during their 9th and 10th grade years.
· Students must have completed (at a minimum) Spanish 3, French 3 by the end of their 10th grade year.
· Students must have completed (at a minimum) Algebra 2 by the end of their 10th grade year.
For further information on the IB program, please contact
Jon Durham, IB Coordinator
(913) 993-7138
Leah Murray, IB Counselor
(913) 993-6935
Math Relays
Last Tuesday, the SMN Math Team traveled to Pitt State to compete in the Math Relays. Members of the team include: Brian Blood, Logan Setzkorn, Thomas Parnell, Collin Ingram, Omar DeLosAngeles, Christian Hedrick, Maya Routh, Jack Dahlke, Ore Oni, Zach Setzkorn, Eli Pijanowski, Abby Ingram and Anna Hathaway
SMN had several students place in their events!!
- The Calculator team (Brian Blood, Thomas Parnell, Logan Setzkorn and Christian Hedrick) got 1st place!!!
- The Geometry team (Maya Routh, Jack Dahlke, Ore Oni and Zach Setzkorn) got 6th place!!
- Logan Setzkorn placed 1st in Number Theory and 3rd in Probability and Statistics
- Brian Blood placed 2nd in Algebraic Simplifications, 2nd in Algebraic Equations and Inequalities and 2nd in Potpourri
- Thomas Parnell placed 2nd in Algebraic Simplifications and 3rd in Geometry
- Maya Routh placed 2nd in Potpourri and 3rd in Programming
- Jack Dahlke placed 5th in Programming
Writing Workshop Field Trip to the Nelson Atkins Museum of Art
The Writing Workshop class went to the Nelson Atkins Museum of Art through a generous grant from the Shawnee Mission Education Foundation. The students viewed art and wrote their reflections, responses, and reactions. Ms. Rivers and Mrs. Miner enjoyed showing the students some of the most popular of the Nelson’s works – and the students enjoyed sharing what they loved most. Some responses included the surprise at how many beautiful works of art were at the Nelson, and how much fun a trip to the museum could be.
Little Dancer, Aged Fourteen by Edgar Degas
Reading the backstory to this piece was interesting. I think the sculpture is beautiful, but to read that some people find it gross is crazy. The position she is in is very different yet organic and I love her facial expression of seriousness and content.
Model Boat
I love the Egyptian room at the Nelson. I decided to pick the boat as I love reading about the Nile River. It’s interesting to see how easy it was to go up and down the river. It must have been so fun to sail with your friends on a wooden boat you made yourself. I think this model boat is also pretty to look at.
Competitive Speech and Drama Team Celebrates a Season
The Shawnee Mission North Competitive Speech and Drama Team has had a season to celebrate. From the very first weekend of competition in January to the last regular-season tournament at Shawnee Mission East, the SMN Forensicators have a lot to be proud of. Students in all grade levels earned medals in multiple events. In fact, there was not one weekend that SMN went without earning at least one medal. Below is a list of some of our accomplishments.
Additionally, several SMN Forensicsators qualified to compete at the KSHSAA state tournament on May 3-4, 2019 at Olathe East. Those
students are listed below.
Note: Students with asterisks (*) by their names qualified for state one or more times – This qualifies them to compete against other state qualifiers from all divisions at the FCI (Forensics Coaches Invitational) Tournament on April 29th at Lawrence High School.
Our greatest success occurred in the middle of our season. Several students competed in national qualifier tournaments for two organizations CFL (Catholic Forensics League) and NSDA (National Speech and Debate Association). While all students did exceedingly well at these competitions, SIX of our own SMN Forensics students performed well enough to qualify to compete at the national level. These students are listed below.
Shawnee Mission North has not had this many national qualifiers in the six years I have been at SMN. The accomplishments of these students, needless to say, is quite impressive. I am proud to know them all and excited for what the future months of competition have in store!
Movie Night
Movie Night will be April 26th at 6pm in the stadium. Movie night is for SMN Students and students from area middle and elementary schools, so invite all your family and friends! We will be showing Madagascar! Concessions will be available and will benefit the Sophomore class to raise money for the next Prom.
Congratulations to the 2019-2020 PEP Execs
New Pep execs for 2019-2020
President: Austin O’Dwyer
V.P.: Harden Boldt
Secretary: Glory Obi
Treasurer: Alexa Silva
Publicist: Erin Morgan
Recruiter: Summer Squires
Purchase a Yearbook!
Only a limited numbers of yearbooks are still available for purchase. If you haven’t purchased a 2019 Yearbook, they can still be purchased through the bookkeeper in the main office or at Cost is $65 if purchased at school.
The money ($65) or a check made out to SM North, can be taken to the bookkeeper. If you would like to pay with a credit card, payment can be made at Choose Shawnee Mission North. There is a $2 service fee if you choose to pay online.
Booster News
Seniors and Senior Parents
The All Activities Booster Club has available for you to order Yard Signs and Banners. These are very high quality items. You can print the attachment Grad Banner & Sign Order form and order through the office or order on our website at SPIRIT WEAR STORE
Orders must be turned in no later than April 25th. They will be ready to pickup by May 7.
We also have a Legacy Brick Patio located by the Swimming pool and entrance to the Stadium. You can buy a brick that will be personalized and then placed in the ground for the years to come. We have many new bricks being placed in the next few weeks. LEGACY BRICK ORDER FORM
We have attached order forms for you here and they can also be downloaded on the school website as well.
Dr Sullivant presents Prepped and Ready: Parenting Into the Teen Years
Wednesday, May 8, 2019, 07:00 PM
Children's Mercy Hospital Auditorium (2401 Gillham Road Kansas City, MO 64108
NJROTC National Championship
The kids had another great year. They finished the year with a 72-5 record. For the 14th consecutive year they were 1 of only 26 schools (out of 613) to qualify for the National Championship. And for the 13th straight year they were champions of their 54 school region known as Area 9. They have won 141 straight against schools from this region. Their last loss to an Area 9 school was the spring of 2006!!
OVERVIEW OF COMPETITION - The Navy JROTC National Academic, Athletic and Drill Championship begins in the fall each year with a series of qualifying competitions around the country culminating with each Area/Region hosting a Championship in which the top 2 schools qualify for the National Championship in Pensacola, FL. The competition consists of 11 Events; 100 Question Academic Test (15 Students), Personnel Inspection (Every student), Color Guard (4 students), Armed Regulation Drill (14 students), Unarmed Regulation Drill (14 students), Armed Exhibition Drill (13 students), Unarmed Exhibition Drill (13 students), sit-ups (8 boys and 8 girls), push-ups (8 boys and 8 girls), 16 x 100 shuttle relay (8 boys and 8 girls), 8 x 200 oval relay (4 boys and 4 girls). Kids can do multiple events and a school can compete with up to 40 students (we competed with 35 kids this year).
At the National Championship the kids were able to secure another National Title in the Armed Regulation Drill category and trophied in several other events. Here is a breakdown of the National Championship:
The dominance of the kids in the program over the past 14 years has been impressive at the National Championships:
4 – OVERALL DRILL CHAMPIONSHIPS (2007, 2009, 2010 and 2016)
3 – OVERALL ATHLETIC CHAMPIONSHIPS (2012, 2013 and 2016)
9 – ARMED REGULATION DRILL CHAMPIONSHIPS (2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017 and 2019)
5 – COLOR GUARD CHAMPIONSHIPS (2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2016)
7 – SIT-UP CHAMPIONSHIPS (2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2016 and 2018)
3 – PUSH-UP CHAMPIONSHIPS (2011, 2016 and 2018)
It’s been one heck of a run!!
Helmet Head Bike Rodeo
Sunday, May 5 - 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. • Olathe Health Cancer Center
15123 S. OMC Pkwy. - Cancer Center parking lot on Olathe Medical Center campus
Food Service...Did you know...
Did you know some ways you can help encourage healthy meals for your student?
- Explore – Encourage your child to try new foods at home and school.
- Encourage breakfast – Breakfast fuels learning. School Breakfast is available at all schools. No advance registration necessary! All students are welcome every day!
- Know the options – Schools offer a variety of selections at meals. Talk with your child about healthy choices.
- Encourage good nutrition – Encourage your child to take and eat the fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and low-fat milk offered in school meals.
- Taste for yourself – Take time to visit your child at school and enjoy a nutritious school meal.
- Be a healthy role model – Eat a wide variety of healthy foods with your children.
Don’t forget – if your child receives free or reduced meals, they are eligible for one breakfast and one lunch per day as part of this benefit. All breakfast and lunch meal choices are available for all students regardless of eligibility status.
Food Service Payment Options
Parents can pay:
- Online through efunds ($3 fee per transaction)
- At the school with check or cash
- At most schools with a credit card (no fee)
- Calling food service office with credit card (no fee)
Donations can be made:
- At the food service office with check, cash or credit card (no fee)
- At the school with check, cash or credit card (no fee)
- Coming soon, online SMSD donation site
The school breakfast menus, lunch menus, and other nutrition information are available on the district’s website at