🌸 Meaningful Math Moments
JSD Elementary Mathematics, April 2023
Happy Spring, Teachers and Coaches!
In this newsletter:
- Meet 'Fletchy', Graham Fletcher
- Getting the most from your time using evidence-based instructional routines
- What to do for kids who get it - resources for enrichment
- Quote of the month
- Coaches' Corner
- Suggestion Box
Graham Fletcher, 'Fletchy'
Creator of the Building Fact Fluency Toolkits and numerous other fabulous resources for the teaching and learning of mathematics
Getting the most from your instructional time
Click below for access
What to do for kids who get it
The Youcubed website has resources for all your students, but offers alternatives to some of our traditional 'fast finisher' solutions.
Math Quote
There should be no such thing as boring mathematics. (Edsger Dijkstra)
Coaches' Corner
Coaches, you may have noticed that the Coaches' Corner item remains the same. Our goal is to work with you to support the teaching and learning of mathematics in your building. This Math Support flier is our reminder to you that we are here to support you. Please use the "Suggestion Box" button below if you have specific needs or interests that you would like to see in our newsletter. Thank you for all you do!
Math is love....🌹
Suggestion Box
What would you like to see in a future math newsletter?
Click on the button to access a google form
Your math specialists
Melissa Garber
Elementary Math Specialist Grades K-2 & 6
Contact me at melissa.garber@jordandistrict.org
801 567 8170
JSD Elementary Mathematics
Orla Hurley
Elementary Math Specialist Grades 3-5
Contact me at orla.hurley@jordandistrict.org
801 567 8868