November 2023 Edition
Dear Pirate Families,
As we swiftly approach the end of fall, I am delighted to share the many achievements our NC community has accomplished thus far. From outstanding academic accomplishments to remarkable athletic performances, our students have exemplified dedication and excellence in every endeavor.
Last month we celebrated On-A-Roll, Honor Roll and Principal's List students and those who earned a perfect score on the 23-24 AASA math assessment. We also celebrated our fall student survey data, which showed that NC students have a high sense of belonging while at school and are highly engaged in class. Finally, we want to give a big shout out to our baseball and softball teams. NC softball won the District Championship and are now headed to Regionals- good luck Lady Pirates!
The NC PTSA fundraiser, Pirate Bootcamp is underway. This event will take place on November 9th (see the flyer below for more information). Thank you in advance for your participation and support of this fundraiser. Your contributions allow us to continually enhance NC programs across campus.
I'm wishing you all a November filled with gratitude, togetherness and the joy of learning. Thank you for being a vital part of our caring and connected Norterra Canyon family.
With warm regards,
Principal Milks
Mark Your Calendar
10/30-11/3: Spirit Week
11/3: 1:30pm Dismissal
11/2: Kinder Preview Night--Now enrolling for the 24-25 school year! See info below
11/3: 1:30pm Dismissal Day
11/9: Veteran's Day Flagpole Assembly (more information below)
11/9: Pirate Boot Camp
11/10: No School--Happy Veteran's Day and THANK YOU to all who have served!
11/17: 1:30pm Dismissal
11/20-11/24: No School- Thanksgiving Break
Upcoming Dates to Remember....
12/1: 1:30pm Dismissal
12/8: Family Flagpole Friday @ 8:15am
12/8: 1:30pm Dismissal
12/13: Matilda the Musical Opening Night @ BGHS (ticket info below)
12/14: Matilda the Musical @ BGHS
12/15: 11:35am Dismissal
12/18- 1/1: No School- Winter Break
1/2: No School- Professional Development day for teachers
Required paperwork for each athlete needs to be competed at www.registermyathlete.com. Step by step instructions can be found HERE. Once an account is created, all forms can be accessed through the website and completed forms should be uploaded through Register My Athlete including a current sports physical.
Please visit the Athletics Page for additional information.
For questions, please email:
Cross Country jill.barron@dvusd.org
Girls Volleyball hannah.burnam@dvusd.org
Boys Volleyball wes.harder@dvusd.org
Scan the QR or click HERE for Wednesday 12/13 tickets
Scan the QR or click HERE for Thursday 12/14 tickets
The Norterra Canyon Library needs you! If you have attend volunteer training and would like to help in the library, please email barbara.kapla@dvusd.org.
Reporting an Absence
Text YES to 68453 to receive text updates and reminders from Norterra Canyon.
Student Meal Accounts
We encourage EVERY family to set up a meal account for their child(ren) using EZSchoolPay.com.
BONUS: Having this available for your student reduces stress if/when he/she forgets his/her lunchbox at home.
Breakfast costs $1.50
Lunch for elementary/middle school is $2.95
Students may qualify for free or reduced-price meals. Find out more by visiting EZMealApp.com
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