Natick Preschool
Your Bi-Weekly Update from Natick Preschool
Principal's Message
Greetings Preschool Families,
Throughout this school year, your child has been introduced to many new and exciting skills. Please remember that during these important preschool years, each child is unique and develops at his/her rate of growth. A child may accomplish certain skills quickly, while taking more time to master others. In addition, a skill mastered may be set aside and not regularly observed again until much later. This is normal and expected. Children gain new skills when they are developmentally ready. We hope this progress report gives you some insight into your child’s ever changing growth and development. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to speak with your child’s teacher next week.
Your child’s progress represents these following areas:
Social/Emotional and Self-Help/Life Skills:
This area of development focuses on a child’s ability to be responsible, independent, and in their ability to follow rules and routines. It also includes pro-social behaviors, such as their ability to share, take turns, and seek help when needed. This area is essential to a children’s wellbeing and their success in school and in life.
- This area addresses a child’s gross motor and fine motor skills. It involves the body’s large muscles, for jumping, hopping, etc., and the coordination and dexterity of small muscles in the hands to manipulate objects such as scissors and writing tools. As children learn what their bodies can do, they gain self-confidence.
- Cognitive Development is the process of learning to think, reason, and the ability to make choices. The goals of this area include children’s ability to resolve conflicts, make predictions, sort, classify, count, measure, etc. and their ability to use their imaginations. This area fosters children’s critical thinking skills, as well as their academic skills.
- A child’s ability to use language, participate in conversations, and express oneself are important components of oral language development. This area of development also includes a child’s ability to understand the purpose of print, the knowledge of letters as symbols, and the importance of literacy. A solid foundation in language development gives children the skills they need to become successful learners.
Progress notes will be sent out electronically on January 26, 2024 after 3pm and are only available to view online for a short period of time. As you read your child’s progress report, please keep in mind that there is a broad range of development in young children, as all children develop differently and at different rates. If you are interested in learning more about the preschool learning standards in the state of Massachusetts, please visit the Natick Preschool website curriculum section. If you would like a copy, please make sure to download or print it. If your child also receives special education services, you will also be receiving a progress note relative to their IEP goal(s). This will come in a separate email from your child’s teacher.
In closing, thank you for sharing your child’s early childhood experience with us. We truly appreciate being part of your journey.
PK Parents - How to View Grades in PowerSchool Parent Portal, Jan 2021
Stay warm!
~MaryBeth Kinkead
Natick Preschool Principal
A Message From Our Nurse
Social Emotional Learning and Independence
Support Social Emotional Learning and Independence at home using the same language and systems we use at school
Handwashing at Home video
Schedules, Visuals, Daily Living and Social Emotional Learning These can help!
- How To Use PBIS at Home complete with printable red birds (don’t have a printer? Have your child make some red birds or choose what household item you can use to represent them.)
Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility
Natick Preschool staff works with students to support their ability to build relationships with peers and adults knowing that is the foundation for learning to self-regulate (identify feelings, manage emotions and regulate the body) to effectively participate in learning.
Important Things to Know!
Updates to our Art and Music programming:
We are thrilled that our preschoolers will have instruction by NPS art and music teachers this year. Ms. Abby Khandelwal and Ms. Meghan Olynciw will be joining Natick Preschoolers in their classrooms each week for alternating art and music instruction. Watch SeeSaw for photos!
Reminder for Parents Who Want to Volunteer--CORI Checks
Reminder If you want to volunteer in schools, you must have a CORI check conducted and you must go into the building with identification (driver's license or passport) to do this. Click here for description of what a CORI check is and does. Without a CORI check, you cannot volunteer in the school. Here is the form to fill out for a CORI. Preschool volunteer opportunities include being a Mystery Reader for the class, presenting a family tradition and supporting special projects.
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Bullying Incident Report
Use this form to report a bullying incident.
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COVID-19 Updates
View the latest COVID-19 updates from NPS.