October Resource Newsletter
Please check out this month's reminders and resources!
We hope you are having an excellent school year! Please check out the October Newsletter to learn more information about monthly reminders, upcoming events, and even resources!
- Remember that enrollment documents need to be submitted within 90 days of registration
- School supply and hygiene items have been shipped. Reach out to your TSL if you have not received it
- Dollar General Gift cards were mailed out on 10/06. Please contact your TSL if you do not receive your card(s) by next week. Only those that confirmed their addresses were mailed the gift cards
- Asynchronous School Day - Friday, October 7th, 2022
- Student Staff/ Holiday- Monday, October 10th, 2022; Enjoy! :)
- All current and former resource newsletters can now be found on our Georgia Cyber Academy website under Community Resource Tab. Click the link below to check it out!
Home Plate Project Community Food Drive : Food Drive with The Atlanta Braves Foundation
Monday, Oct 10, 2022, 11:00 AM
South Atlanta High School, 800 Hutchens Rd SE, Atlanta, GA 30354, USA
Home Plate Project Community Food Drive : Food Drive with The Atlanta Braves Foundation
Come one, come all!! The Atlanta Braves is hosting a food drive at South Atlanta High School!!
Date: October 10th from 11am – 1pm
Location: South Atlanta High School; 800 Hutchens Rd SE, Atlanta, GA 30354
Name of event: Home Plate Project Community Food Drive at South Atlanta High School
Complete special QR code that takes you directly to the registration website (See picture below)
Per organizer: "I’ve attached the flyer which includes a special QR code that takes you to the registration website. Our partner MUST Ministries requires families to complete the pre-registration survey to receive their boxed non-perishable goods."
Home Plate Project at South Atlanta High School Overview:
The Atlanta Braves are teaming up with Athena Farms, Chick-fil-A, MUST Ministries and CHOICES to host a community food drive at our 2022-2023 Hank Aaron Adopted School, South Atlanta High School. The goal is to distribute 300 boxes of fresh produce from Athena Farms, 300 hot meals from Chick-fil-A, 300 boxes of non-perishable foods from MUST Ministries and CHOICES to the South Atlanta community."
JOB OPPURTUNITY - The Job Fair Opportunities
- Date: October 12th, 2022 @11:00AM-2:00PM
- https://www.eventbrite.com/e/atlanta-job-fair-atlanta-career-fair-tickets-347585306007?aff=ebdssbdestsearch
Amazon Job Fair:
- Date: October 8th, 2022 @ 10:00AM- 4:00PM
- https://www.eventbrite.com/e/job-fair-with-amazon-tickets-418243486527?aff=ebdssbdestsearch
Sandy Springs Job Fair:
- Date: October 7th, 2022 @11:00AM- 2:00PM:
- https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sandy-springs-job-fair-sandy-springs-career-fair-tickets-263474317777?aff=ebdssbdestsearch
Sandy Springs Job Fair:
- Date: October 20th, 2022 @11:00AM- 2:00PM
- https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sandy-springs-job-fair-sandy-springs-career-fair-tickets-263463003937?aff=ebdssbdestsearch
Website: City of Refuge Job Training Courses - https://cityofrefugeatl.org/job-training
Cobb County Resource
MUST Ministries (Cobb):
Phone Number: 770-427-9862
Address: 1297 Bells Ferry Marietta, GA - Intake time(s): 10:00AM- 4:00PM
Individuals who are homeless can go to a shelter in Marietta for a hot meal daily.
Assist families with rental assistance who have been impacted by COVID
Families who are displaced can go in for intake process. Might have available beds
Dekalb County Resource
Hosea Helps - every Wed (2-4PM) Food Drive ( Dekalb)
Call on Wednesday: Hosea Williams Feed the Hungry and Homeless
1035 Donnelly Ave., SW Atlanta, Georgia 30310
Phone number - (404) 755-3353 | Dial 0 -- Only providing food assistance
Website: https://4hosea.org/
Clayton County Rental and Utilities Assistance
- Phone Number: 770-347-0212
- Website: https://relief.claytoncountyga.gov/
- Provides rental assistance to families who currently have pending evictions
Clayton County/ Fayette County Resource
The Salvation Army ( Clayton & Fayette County Residents )-
- Food pantry (Monday Time: 1-3Pm & Tuesday 10-12pm|
- Prevention - Rent and Utilities | 404-486-2888 - Tuesday Rent assistance 9:00AM-10:30AM | Jonesboro GA Corps
Address: 130 Spring St Jonesboro 30236
Telephone: (770) 724-1680
Clayton County Food Assistance
- Provides/ Delivers food boxes to families in need of food
- Address: LOCATION: 142 College Street MAILING ADDRESS:, 147 Church St, Jonesboro, GA 30236
- (770) 478-6710
Fulton County Resource
Family Life Helps Ministries
Website: http://www.familylifehelps.org/
Pre-registered, eligible applicants may receive assistance on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30AM until 10:30 AM. RESERVATION REQUIRED.
To pre-register, call 404-761-6302
Referral based only (Please contact TSW for more further details)
Bibb County
The Salvation Army (Bibb)
- Phone number: 478-746-8572
- Assist families who currently have active eviction notices
- Currently taking new applications. Provide hot meals at 8:00 AM & 6:00 PM
Bibb County
Brookdale Resource Center (Bibb)
Provides transitional housing to families experiencing homelessness
- Community center in Macon, Georgia
- Address: 3600 Brookdale Ave, Macon, GA 31204
- Hours: M-F (9:00AM-4:00PM) / Sat. & Sun. (Closed)
- Phone: (478) 292-5123
Glynn County
Salvation Army (Glynn County)
- Address: 1620 Reynolds St. Brunswick, 31520
- Shelter: Audrey Easterland, POC (912-265-9381)
- Shelter for displaced families
Additional Resources
Helping Mamas (Norcross)
https://helpingmamas.org/mobile-distribution/ --- Great resource for parents and students with babies - Organization provides diaper bags, diapers, wipes, period items
State of Georgia Homeless Resources
- More Covid Resources
- United Way: http://211online.unitedwayatlanta.org/
ASCEND Program
Ascend program
ASCEND - CARE Services (kennesaw.edu)
Offering dedicated opportunities throughout the academic year for cultural and learning experiences. ASCEND Scholars are expected to actively participate in ASCEND and remain committed to actively participate for this academic year.
Faculty, Staff and Community Members can help make this experience at KSU even better by adopting a student's move-in wishes and/or their campus rent. For more information, CLICK HERE
- Displaced Students
GCA participates in the education of displaced students by providing specific support and supplies to help with their education. A “displaced” student is any student who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. This could mean that a child is sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing or economic hardship; is living in motels, etc. due to the lack of alternative accommodations; is living in emergency or transitional shelters; or is awaiting foster care placement. If you are currently experiencing homelessness and are in need of assistance, please contact our Transitional Student Liaisons, Ja’Net Crayton (jcrayton@georgiacyber.org),
Michelle Dalton (mdalton@georgiacyber.org) , Sophia Sutherland (ssutherland@georigacyber.org).
- Migrant Students
GCA participates in the Migrant Education Program (MEP). Migrant students in GCA are also provided additional support and supplies to help with their education. Additionally, please contact your Transitional Student Liaisons for more information.
- Tutoring
GCA offers TutorMe which is a free online 24/7 online tutoring service that covers 300 plus areas. This online platform allows students to connect with a live tutor right from their home. TutorMe’s network of over 10,000 verified tutors are ready to help with any academic question, no matter how big or small. To access TutorMe, log into Clever and find the TutorMe icon under District Apps.
Click here for more information- https://www.georgiacyber.org/academics/tutoring/tutorme
ALL ABOUT US! - We hope your year is going well! We would like to introduce ourselves and share a little about how we serve families at GCA. Contact Us!
Ja'Net Crayton
Email: jcrayton@georgiacyber.org
Phone: 404-334-4790 (3519)
Michelle Dalton
Email: mdalton@georgiacyber.org
Phone: 404-334-4790 (2882)
Sophia Sutherland
Email: ssutherland@georgiacyber.org
Phone: 404-334-4790 (3579)
Mia Lewis
Email: mlewis@georgiacyber.org
Phone: 404-334-4790 (3139)