The Blast
SPARK Academy Newsletter - August 12, 2022
Off to a Great Start!
I look forward to the learning and growing we will do together this school year.
Lorian Charles
Principal, SPARK Academy at Cowart Elementary
Important Dates
August 15: First Full day for all kindergarteners
August 17: Spirit Items for Sale
August 18: Pep Rally on the Square (dismissal at 2:15)
September 5: Labor Day Holiday (no school)
The document below has the latest on COVID-19 Procedures for Athens City Schools
We Have Spirit! Yes, We Do!
- Spirit Items for Sale - Cheerleaders will come to SPARK the day before every home came to sell ribbons, beads, and other items to help student show their school spirit. Every item is $1 and all proceeds go to the Athens High School senior class. All sales will take place before school. The first day to purchase Spirit Items will be August 17th.
- Pep Rally on the Square - The first pep rally of the school year will be held at 3 pm on August 18th on the East Steps of the Limestone County Courthouse building. The entire town is invited to attend. SPARK Academy, along with all elementary schools, will dismiss at 2:15 so that everyone will have the opportunity to participate.
- AHS Varsity football game @ home versus East Limestone High School - August 18, game time 7:00 p.m.
- Become a member by returning $10 and the PTO form to the school. PTO forms will be sent home in the coming week. Thanks to those who have already become members!
- Volunteer to be a Room Parent. Room parents help with volunteer opportunities and planning Halloween and Christmas parties for their child's class.
- Don't want to be a Room Parent? That's ok. You can still provide support when the Room Parents reach out to you and support our fundraisers when they take place. Every action makes a positive impact.
The faculty and staff or SPARK Academy would like to give a huge "Thank You!" to our PTO officers for providing snacks on the first day of school. Your thoughtfulness was very appreciated!
SPARK PTO Officers:
Case Bearden, president
Pam Hipolito, vice president
Pick Up and Drop Off Procedures for Car Riders
Pick up and drop off have gone very well so far. Thank you for your patience and for following procedures. REMEMBER: NO ONE WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO PICK UP YOUR CHILD IN CARLINE WITHOUT A SCHOOL ISSUED CAR TAG WITH YOUR CHILD'S NUMBER ON IT. THIS IS AN IMPORTANT SAFETY MEASURE.
I'll leave these directions in the newsletter for a few more weeks in case someone needs a reminder or if someone new enrolls.
DROP OFF in the morning may enter from both directions on Bullington St.
PICK UP will enter on the south end of the school from Bullington St. It is extremely important that pick up traffic arrive from the south on Bullington St. (from the direction of West Washington St.). Students will be dropped off and picked up for dismissal at the south entrance of the school at the door beside the cafeteria.
*Traffic on Bullington St. from West Hobbs is reserved for buses and parking for front office business. PICK UP traffic should not enter Bullington St. from West Hobbs.
Car line will start off slow for about a week or so, therefore, we ask for your patience and cooperation.
Students are only allowed to be picked up at the south end entrance. Students will not be allowed to leave from any of the side doors.
Walkers will dismiss from the main entrance (north side)
Walkers must have a note from parent/legal guardian granting permission to walk home.
School dismisses at 2:45. Please do not come inside the school to pick up your child. We ask that you stay in carline.
If you have to make changes to your child’s transportation please notify your teacher or the office as soon as possible.
When you register your child as a car rider we will issue your first car tag for free. You must have the car tag visible in order to pick your child up. For the safety of your child, if someone else will be picking them up they MUST have the car tag. You may purchase additional car tags for multiple cars that may be picking up your child if you choose. Your child will have the same number for their entire time at SPARK academy.
Additional and Replacement Car Tags: $3
Are You Interested in Joining Girl Scouts? See the flyer below for more information.
SPARK Academy at Cowart
Athens, AL 35611
Location: 1701 West Hobbs Street, Athens, AL 35611, USA
Phone: 256-233-6627
Twitter: @SPARK_STEM