Bee Informed
Newsletter from Medina City Schools-February/March, 2023
Bee Informed
Intradistrict Enrollment Option for the 2023-2024 School Year to Begin April 1, 2023, for Medina City School District Students
The Intradistrict Enrollment Option will be available only for Medina City Schools’ students who wish to attend an elementary or middle school other than the one they are assigned within the school district during the 2023-2024 school year. This option is based on enrollment numbers, space, and staff availability. Class assignments are made only to those grades that are at the District class size less one.
Intradistrict Enrollment requests will be accepted through the Medina City Schools website beginning Saturday, April 1, 2023, by visiting www.medinabees.org and clicking on the Student Registration tab in the green bar at the top of the website, then to the link to Intradistrict Enrollment. Requests will be accepted via online submission only from Saturday, April 1, 2023, through Thursday, May 25, 2023, for the 2023-2024 school year. Parents will be notified in writing of their child’s acceptance/non-acceptance no later than the second week of August 2023. Assignments may be revoked in reverse order of date received (last in, first out) if enrollment figures no longer allow for additional classroom space.
Parents whose children are approved for this Intradistrict Enrollment Option are responsible for transporting their own children to and from the school.
As a matter of information, Medina City Schools does not allow students from other school districts to enroll in the Medina City School District under the Intradistrict Enrollment Option.
However, Medina City Schools does allow students to leave the District to attend another district.
For more information, please contact the Office of Registration at 330-636-3100 or email at rottingl@medinabees.org.
Medina High School Names February Students of the Month
Medina High school has named its February Students of the Month seniors Charlie Allen and Julia Denman.
Charlie is described as both responsible and dependable. If he says he will do something, you can be sure he will follow through. He's willing to help others, not taking credit or seeking to be in the spotlight. While tutoring, Charlie makes students feel comfortable and not overwhelmed.
Charlie’s class schedule consists of Honors, Advance Placement, and College Credit Plus courses. He earned the Medina High School Academic Distinction Award Summa Cum Laude his freshman, sophomore, and junior years. Charlie is a member of the National Honor Society (NHS), serving as the NHS secretary, a three-member of Ohio Math League, plays alto saxophone in the Honors Symphonic Band, was the Marching Band Alto Saxophone Section leader, and is the Woodwind Section Leader. Charlie has played alto saxophone for the Medina High School Jazz Band, and this year plays tenor saxophone for Stardusters, performed in SPICE, and is on the Medina High School Video Production team.
Charlie volunteers as a peer tutor at the Joyce B. Ebner Tutoring Center. He also volunteers his time at the Children’s Center of Medina County, which provides a center for Child Advocacy, Family Visitation, and Anti-Human Trafficking services, and the Miracle League of NE Ohio, an organization providing opportunities for children and adults with special needs in Medina County a chance to play baseball in a league-based environment. Charlie works at Dairy Queen. He plans on attending Akron University and beginning his studies in general engineering. Charlie is the son of Erick and Allison Allen.
Julia is caring, committed and humble. She raises up her family and friends by helping them feel more confident. Julia does not need to be the center of attention but has the confidence to take the lead. She has a strong work ethic and is dedicated to doing her best.
Julia’s class schedule consists of Advance Placement and College Credit Plus courses. She earned the Medina High School Academic Distinction Award Summa Cum Laude her freshman, sophomore, and junior years. Julia is a member of the National Honor Society, HUDDLE, and OCOM. She is also a Medina Musical Marching Band Color Guard member, serving as Captain for the 2022 marching season. She is a participant in the 2023 Medina County Spring Leadership Ball. Participating students must apply, meet additional leadership requirements, and actively involve themselves in their community.
Julia was a Girl Scout for eight years. She is a volunteer at the Joyce B. Ebner Tutoring Center as a peer tutor and has volunteered for the Medina Safety Town program. In her spare time, Julia works at PJ Marley’s and babysits. Julia plans on attending college and studying Early Childhood Education to become a Kindergarten teacher. She is the daughter of Heather Cooper and Sean Denman.
Charlie Allen
Julia Denman
Inductees Into the Medina City Schools Hall of Fame Celebrated
On Saturday, March 11, ten outstanding alumni and the 50+ Class Reunion Committee were honored as they were formally inducted into the Medina City Schools Hall of Fame during a recognition dinner at The Blair Conference Center at Westfield Country Club. The Medina City Schools Foundation, the Medina High School Student Council, and Jeanne Pritchard, founder of the Hall of Fame, graciously sponsored the event. As guests arrived, they were entertained by Medina High School Encore Entertainment Company members Mia Marsala and Graham Dennis. Members of the Medina High School Student Council helped to welcome guests.
During the event, the inductees and those in attendance enjoyed a video presentation with voice recordings from friends, family, former teachers, and classmates and memorable photos of each of them, providing those in the room with a personal perspective. “One of the best parts of the Hall of Fame is listening and reading about everything the inductees have accomplished. The Hall of Fame is, in essence, a tribute to the school system for the outstanding work each employee did in molding the lives of our inductees. It also gives us a chance to honor individuals who fly under the radar but have deep roots in our community and make us all richer for being a part of their lives,” said Jeanne Pritchard, Hall of Fame founder and committee chair. Medina City Schools Foundation president Ken Stump, master of ceremonies, and Medina High School Student Council members presented each inductee with a plaque.
Inductees honored that evening from the induction Class of 2021: Matt Amodio, Mallory Mahar, Mark Miller, Alan Parkhurst, and Brian Stadnik. From the induction Class of 2022: Ken Alber, Anna Boyert-Thorp, Brian Feron, Kase’ McCoy-Stiefvater, Tracey Robinson-Ruffin, and the 50+ Class Reunion Committee.
The next Hall of Fame event will be held in 2025. To make a nomination for the Hall of Fame, please visit the Medina City Schools website at www.medinabees.org and go to District Quick Links on the right side of the page and scroll down to Medina City Schools Hall of Fame Nomination Form.
Kindergarten Registration is Now Open for the 2023-2024 School Year
Board of Education Approves Redistricting Plan
As part of this plan that will go into effect in the 2024-2025 school year, a small area of Waite Elementary will go to Canavan Elementary, a small area of Blake will go to Waite Elementary, and a small area of Blake Elementary that will go to Canavan Elementary. These new boundaries will be the same regardless if elementary buildings are K-4 or remain K-5.
One of the driving forces behind this plan is the need for our buildings to best represent the entire District population rather than only a segment. To view the new boundary map, click here. For the most current Frequently Asked Questions, please click here.
Board of Education Meeting Calendar
Tuesday, April 11, 2023
Board of Education Work Session
4:30 PM-Medina High School-Professional Development Center (location subject to change)
Monday, April 24, 2023
Regular Meeting of the Board of Education
6:00 PM-Medina High School-Professional Development Center (location subject to change)
The Board of Education meetings are open to the public. Location may be subject to change. Meetings may also be viewed live on Medina City Schools' YouTube channel, MedinaTV Facebook page, and Armstrong channel 201.
Replays of the meeting will also be available on Medina City Schools' YouTube Channel and Armstrong Channel 201.
Helping Hands Preschool Accepting Applications for Typically Developing Peers
The program provides high-quality learning experiences that are rooted in the Ohio Early Learning Content Standards in preparation for kindergarten. There are two sessions offered, Monday-Thursday. The morning session runs from 9:00 AM-11:40 AM and the afternoon session from 12:40 PM-3:20 PM.
To register typically developing peers, please call 330.636.4601 for directions to complete the online registration and screening information. For more information, please click here.
Medina High School March Students of the Month
Medina High School recently named its March Students of the Month Marina Halkiadakis and Anthony Stabile.
Marina clearly has a much wider and broader personality that expands well beyond the school. She is someone who will quietly grow into a person who will do something extraordinary. Her kind personality and achievements tell you she will have one of the brightest futures.
Marina’s class schedule consists of Honors, Advance Placement, and College Credit Plus courses. She earned the Medina High School Academic Distinction Award Summa Cum Laude her freshman, sophomore, and junior years. She is a member of the National Honor Society, HUDDLE, a past Link Crew member, and was a member of Junior Leadership - Medina County. Marina volunteers in the Joyce B. Ebner Tutoring Center as a peer tutor and with her church youth group. Marina works at Subway and at an area assisted living facility. She will attend the Ohio State University, study biochemistry, and then continue to medical school. Marina is the daughter of Jennifer and Ron Kula.
Anthony (Tony) is described as a genuinely curious student who truly wants to understand the how and why and not just know the what. He wants to embrace new ideas at a deeper level and can apply that understanding to different and new situations. He is a person who will be a lifelong learner.
Tony’s class schedule includes Honors, Advance Placement, and College Credit Plus courses. He earned the Medina High School Academic Distinction Award Summa Cum Laude his freshman, sophomore, and junior years. Tony is a member of the National Honor Society and Key Club, where he is president, HUDDLE, and Science Olympiad, and is trumpet section line leader for the Medina High School Musical Bees Marching Band. He also plays trumpet in the Medina High School Stardusters Jazz Band and was selected to be a part of the Portrait of a Graduate Student Committee. He volunteers as a peer tutor in the Joyce B. Ebner Tutoring Center and works at Keller Meats. Tony plans on attending college, majoring in Microbiology, leading to Disease Research. Anthony is the son of Christopher and Gina Stabile.
Marina Halkiadakis
Anthony (Tony) Stabile
24 Tournament Back After Two Year Hiatus
24 is a game where students work to be the fastest to use four numbers on a card to accurately arrive at an answer of 24 using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, building strong mental math skills.
The Medina team was comprised of Israel Amagashi, Peyton Bunt, Lilyana Homolka, Alyssa Mullen, Aila Norris, Mason Sarles, Tyson Saunders, and Sam Toops-Flad from Blake Elementary, Brayden Fedarko, Mirabelle Harper, and Tripp Picad from Canavan Elementary, and Nicholas Cihlar, Caleb Hampton, Noah Leroux, and Braden Robisinon from Heritage Elementary.
These Medina City Schools students competed against others from Buckeye, Cloverleaf, and Brunswick. Blake Elementary student Lilyana Homolka took first place in the tournament, with second place going to one of the Cloverleaf students. Blake students Alyssa Mullen and Sam Toops-Flad took third and fourth place, respectively. Congratulations to all of the 24 Club students who had a great time stretching their brains.
Thinking About Volunteering?
Looking for Camps and Other Activities? Check Flyer Central Digital Bulletin Board
Highlighting Innovation Award
The Highlighting Innovation Award recognizes teachers that work to provide rich learning experiences for our students that help them master our rigorous academic content and includes the Portrait of a Bee competencies. These awards are presented by the Department of Instruction each month.
In January and February, the following teachers received this award.
Blake teachers Courtney London, physical education, Andrea Risenhoover, art, and Lauren Patyak, music
Jacque DesRochers, music teacher, Garfield Elementary
Medina High School teachers Katie Shaffer and Erin Peters, social studies, and Bonnie Morris, intervention specialist, Medina High School
Andrea Risenhoover, Lauren Patyak, and Courtney London
Jacque Des Rochers
Bonnie Morris, Eric Peters, and Katie Shaffer
Summer Reinforcement Program in its 50th Year
The Summer Reinforcement Program (SRP), now starting its 50th year, is a tuition-based tutoring program open to any child aged 3 to 14 years in Medina County. It is a classroom-setting program with an emphasis on math and reading. This program introduces no new materials, only reinforcing and re-teaching basic classroom skills. Speech Therapy is also a part of the program. The goal is to maintain academic skills over the summer months.
The three-hour sessions will start on Monday, June 12, 2023, and end on Friday, July 14, 2023, from 9:00 am to 12 noon, Monday through Friday. The classes will be held at Blake Elementary School, 4704 Lexington Ridge Road in Medina. For more information about the program, click here. To apply, click here.
The City of Medina Parks Department Now Hiring
Medina City Schools Staff Members Recognized for "Going the Extra Mile"
Recently, several staff members were recognized for Going the Extra Mile. The Going the Extra Mile Award is presented to staff members that demonstrate an exemplary work ethic, are great role models, show pride and enthusiasm in the workplace, and go the "extra mile" serving on committees, assisting others, and improving the culture within their department or building, spreading kindness, or doing good deeds. Up to twenty staff members in a school year are selected by the District Award Selection Committee to receive this award. The Medina City Schools Foundation sponsors these awards. The following staff members have recently been presented with the award.
Kristin McRitchie, art teacher, Heritage Elementary
Sandy Eisenmann, secretary, Medina High School Athletic Office
Trisha Nastycz, music teacher, Northrop Elementary
Lori Rue, custodian, Garfield Elementary
Scott Quade, language arts teacher and debate coach, Medina High School
Kristin McRitchie
Sandy Eisenmann
Trisha Nastycz
Lori Rue
Scott Quade
Middle School Students Participate in Power of the Pen Regionals
Free Youth Physicals Offered
Medina City Schools Mobile App
Kids First Medina Offers Decorative License Plate
Kids First Medina is a group of volunteers that help to provide a voice to community members, families, and students of Medina City Schools to help shape educational opportunities for our students.
Online Ticketing Through Hometown Ticketing
Medina City Schools
Email: busbya@medinabees.org
Website: www.medinabees.org
Location: 739 Weymouth Road, Medina, OH, USA
Phone: 330.725.8831
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MedinaCitySchools
Twitter: @MCScomm1