Board Highlights
The Winnetka Public Schools, December 2023
Brad Goldstein, Chief Financial Officer, presented information on the 2023 Final Levy. The levy is a request for property tax income, representing over 90% of the District’s annual revenue. A tentative hearing was held at the November 14, 2023 Board Meeting. The School Board approved an aggregate levy increase of 7.98%. The increase includes 5% for CPI, and an additional 2.98% to ensure the capture of new property growth. To access FAQs on the 2023 Levy, please visit this link.
Regular Board Meeting
Emily Rose, President, welcomed all to the meeting. Ms. Rose shared that Dr. Kelly Tess has been selected as a “Superintendent to Watch” by the National School Public Relations Association, which recognizes up to 25 superintendents annually for their dynamic leadership and strong communications. Ms. Rose noted that she and Vice President Waters attended the Village of Winnetka community information session which included details on the stormwater plans for the Crow Island school site. Work on the school site is set to begin in March and additional communication will follow from the Village and District. Ms. Rose wished all families and staff a restful winter break and safe travels.
Reports on the following Committees were shared by participating Board Members:
Winnetka Public Schools Foundation
Stewardship Committee
Calendar Committee
Dr. Kelly Tess, Superintendent, thanked all families and staff for their efforts to support students in 2023, most recently by making the winter season festive for students. Dr. Tess noted that a mid-year update will be shared in the winter so the community will be able to see progress toward the District’s annual goals. She thanked all who took time to complete the recent Superintendent’s survey and wished The Winnetka Public Schools community a wonderful break.
Painting our Portrait:
Monthly, a selection of the five District schools share a video to showcase an initiative that helps support attributes outlined in our Portrait of a Graduate: Global Citizen, Lifelong Learner, Effective Communicator, Empathetic, Resilient, Creative Problem Solver and Collaborative.
Hubbard Woods Principal Beth Carmody shared a special edition episode of WGST, World’s Greatest School Television, with the Board. WGST is an experience for 4th graders that began over 20 years ago. The daily news broadcast allows students to work together in small groups over a multi-day rotation cycle to write, produce, and broadcast a daily news program.
Washburne students presented details on several Project-Based Learning initiatives surrounding povery. Students discussed how they collaborated with their team to help provide resources and raise awareness on helping people in need. A student-created infographic detailing their impressive efforts is here.
Representatives from Bulley & Andrews, the construction management firm for the District, shared a brief presentation on the Crow Island School construction project beginning in the summer of 2024 and concluding at the start of the school year in 2025. They provided the results of the bid process and bid packages for the project, along with a budget update and next steps for the ongoing construction work in coordination with the Village Stormwater Project.
Informational Items
Construction Manager Monthly Summary Report
Bullety & Andrews shared a monthly Executive Summary on construction.
Project Authorization with Bulley & Andrews
Brad Goldstein, Chief Financial Officer, presented a project authorization for the completion of the work to be done at Hubbard Woods and Greeley Schools in 2024. They will be the construction manager for this project, overseeing these projects. The School Board approved this project authorization.
Bid Package #1 - Crow Island Summer 2024-2025 Referendum Projects
Brad Goldstein, Chief Financial Officer, presented an overview of the bid packages for the work at Crow Island School spanning the summer of 2024 through the start of school in September 2025. The District received 63 bids for 18 different trades. These bids were reviewed by Bulley & Andrews, the construction manager for the project, Perkins & Will, the architect, and the Administration. The budget estimates and status of the current costs were shared at the meeting. The current estimated project costs are $24,545,823, versus a budget of $23,038,455.
Quarterly Staffing & Enrollment
The Board was presented with an overview of the change in student enrollment and staffing from September 2023 to December 2023. Each building is included and overall there has been little change. It was also noted that the preliminary staffing plan will be presented in February 2024.
2024/2025 School Calendar Update
The District Calendar Committee met in early December to begin planning for the 2024/2025 school year calendar. The committee takes into account requirements from the Illinois State Board of Education along with other considerations included in the memo. A preliminary survey has been sent out to the staff and the next steps of the process will be to utilize the data to create different options for further staff input. A draft of the calendar will go to to the Board for review in January 2024 and for final approval in February 2024.
Food Service Vendor - Anticipated Renewal/Bid Process
The food service contract for Washburne with Quest Food Management Services is up at the end of the school year. Administration shared that they will be conducting a survey of parents and students regarding the program to determine if a recommendation will be made to extend this contract, or go out to bid for next year.
The School Board held a 1st read on Policy updates prepared by the Illinois Association of School Boards Policy Reference Service reflecting General Assembly legislative updates, administrative rules, Advisory Board feedback, and continuous improvement. These draft updates will be brought forward to the Board at its January 23, 2024, Regular meeting for a 2nd read and, pending no changes, adoption during the consent agenda portion of the meeting. Policy 7:270, Administering Medicines to Students is amended by P.A. 103-348, effective 1-1-24, requiring districts to maintain a supply of undesignated opinion antagonists to administer as necessary. The District currently maintains a supply of undesignated epinephrine injectors and asthma medication.
The Consent Agenda and Following Action Items Were Approved:
Adoption of 2023 Property Tax Levy
Project Authorization with Bulley & Andrews
2024-2025 Bid Package 1
To view the entire Board Packet from the December 2023 Meeting, click here.