February 9, 2024
Pastor Rich's Weekly Devotional
The Story Behind Days of Elijah
By Robin Mark
The choir anthem this Sunday is called, The Days of Elijah, by Robin Mark. Robin is a Northern Irish Christian singer, songwriter, worship leader, and composer. He is based in Belfast, Northern Ireland.
The music and lyrics for today’s anthem originate with a television show at the end of 1994: “Review of the Year.” That review covered the earth-shattering news of the Rwandan civil war which tragically claimed one million lives. Close to Robin’s heart, the first of several ceasefires was declared in his native Northern Ireland. In addition to those very somber stories of 1994, there were the typically happy, goofy, and daft stories of new styles, trends, and products introduced.
As Robin reflected on the year that was, he felt the need to compose a song affirming his Christian conviction that God was still in control. He hoped to inspire his fellow disciples of Christ to stand up for their faith; moreover, to lead others to reclaim integrity and the courage of faith even in the most difficult days.
His mind became fixed on the Old Testament prophet named Elijah, whose story is found in the book of Kings (especially 1 Kings 18). In his ancient culture, Elijah felt marginalized, alone, and isolated, because of his great faith and trust in almighty God. The culture in which he lived had little to no interest in God. Rather, Elijah’s critics and opponents believed in “gods” who confirmed their every behavior as rational and correct.
But God told Elijah to stand up and speak for Him. And Elijah bravely did.
In addition to Elijah, Robin Mark mentions the righteousness of Moses and the life-giving prophecy of Ezekiel, all of which culminates in the arrival of our Messiah, our Lord Jesus Christ.
The song Robin Mark composed is one of hope, courage, and faith. May our lives exhibit our complete trust in our Lord God, ruler of this and every age.
Sunday Worship & Scriptures
Our Sunday worship times are 9:00 am & 10:30 am.
Join us this Sunday as Pastor Rich brings us the message, The Lid is Off.
Gospel Lesson: Mark 9:2-9
Old Testament Lesson: Psalm 50:1-6
See you Sunday! Join us after the service for soup and dessert!
Live Streaming Sundays at 10:30 am
To access our church online options, subscribe to our YouTube channel on the link below.
In Our Prayers
Mary Bahr-Jones, Marion Benedict, Julie Blom, Nancy Burton, Nancy Carter, Vangie Chase, Ellen Coffman, Bud Conrad, Tom Conrad, Sandra Crane, Judy Daulton, Ann DeMarco, Pamela Duplacey, Eileen Fisher, Dorothy Friedl, Carol Froling, Maureen Gribbell, Tom Gribbell, Steve Hauser, Herbert Jarvie, Diane Kennedy, Kay Malaney, Bill Marvin, Mary Mehelich, Julie Morrish, Rebbeca Naftel, Sarah Robertson Nadeau, Shannon Paul, Pat Rothley, Brian Russek, Karen Schoonover, Jim Skeeters, Pat Sluka, Paul Stottlemyer, Terry family, Brett Tremaine, Jeanne Thamer, Ron Verduin, Nancy Watts, Doris Wiegert, Woodby family and Pamela Zimmerman.
Stephen Ministry
OLCCP is a Stephen Ministry congregation, which means many of our members and friends have completed a 50-hour training course in peer counseling, listening, and referral. If you would like to meet regularly with a Stephen Minister for a listening ear, supportive prayer, and companionship in times of struggle or transition, see Steve Orr or email info@olccp.com
The OLCCP Stephen Ministers are: Bev Ayres, Dorothy Friedl, Sherry Orr, Steve Orr, Bob Siebert, Pat Redner-Colvin, and Betty Singleton.
OLCCP Calendar
Our calendar is available to browse live 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at OLCC,P Calendar. You can browse all events coming up. You can also subscribe to the calendar on the same page.
Please be sure to check the calendar before organizing an event at OLCCP
Join us this Sunday!
Please note, there is only one worship service at 10:30 am on Souper Bowl Fellowship Sunday. All invited to join us after the service in the Fellowship Hall for soup, dessert, and fellowship time.
This year’s Souper Bowl to benefit the Youth Mission Trip. Thank you for your support!
The Historical Society hosts several open houses per month. On March 10, OLCCP will be the featured theme in honor of the 150th anniversary of Heritage Hall.
Members of OLCCP will serve as docents to share the history of the church and its connection to Scottish immigration, Apple Island, and the growth of faith communities in this area. Special guest appearance by Caroline Campbell too!
Museum admission is free; donations are appreciated.
Everyone is encouraged to drop in!
Click below for more details on the West Bloomfield Historical Society website or see Patrice Steele or Christy Forhan for more information.
Click here for Greater West Bloomfield Historical Society event website page.
RSVP Today!
All students 6th-12th grade are invited to join us July 14-July 20 for our summer mission trip! We will be heading off to Copperhill Tennessee for an unforgettable week ! There will be youth from across the country in attendance as well.
RSVP today! $100 to reserve your spot for the trip!
See Pastor Rich if you have any questions. Make checks payable to OLCCP (Memo: Mission Trip). Drop off checks at the Church Office or give to Pastor Rich.
We are excited to announce that the GLU Youth of OLCCP will be having a SHOE DRIVE FUNDRAISER through Funds2Orgs to benefit the upcoming 2024 GLU Youth Mission Trip.
We have officially kicked off the fundraiser. You can either bring your shoe donations to the church or we can make arrangements to pick them up. Funds2Orgs accepts all pairs of used (GENTLY WORN) and new shoes, sneakers, and even cleats.
They love to repurpose shoes that are in the best possible condition. They love new shoes best of all!! Please reach out to Kelly at kellyh@olccp.com or Barb Christoff at daddyspedro@yahoo.com with any questions.
Our Daily Bread Devotions
Join us on Zoom for Our Daily Bread Devotions during the winter months, Monday through Friday at 9:00 am. Free devotional guides are available for pick-up 24/7 in the Little Free Library outside our entrance or in the main lobby.
The Zoom link is
And to lead the class, you can sign up here Orchard Lake Community Church, Presbyterian: Our Daily Bread Devotional (signupgenius.com)
Why do we ask for Per Capita contributions?
Each year, the Session of the Orchard Lake Community Church, Presbyterian, asks its members to donate toward Per Capita.
In 2024, the amount requested is $35.90 per member. This money does not stay with our local congregation but is added to the Per Capita donations of our sister congregations to help support the work of the Presbytery of Detroit, the Synod of the Covenant, and the General Assembly.
Through the Presbytery of Detroit, we undertake efforts to meet concerns in southeastern Michigan. Through the Synod of the Covenant, we extend college scholarships, support campus ministries, and provide enrichment opportunities for pastors. Through the General Assembly, international mission efforts take place, a bi-annual gathering is held, and curriculum developed.
The Per Capita donation confirms the connectional nature of our denomination. This annual donation provides the administrative tie to bring us together to work as one. The support, guidance, and resources provided by our Presbytery, Synod, and General Assembly are available to all congregations, large and small. Thanks to Per Capita donations, we can serve as the church together.
Thank you for your support.
Thank you from our Family
We would like to thank all of our Orchard Lake friends for the kind words and condolences on the passing of our mother, mother in law, and grandmother, Marion Poppelreiter. She was a special person and had a wonderful life of 102 years!
God bless you all,
Jim & Linda Poppelreiter and Chris & Cathy Mancina
Chancel Flowers
You can sign up for flower dedications in 2024 in honor or memory of loved ones online by clicking here or you can use the sign up sheets located in the Lakeview area.
Please note: the cost of the chancel flowers are $40 this year.
Thank you,
Worship & Music
Open Door Outreach Food & Household Item Collection
Open Door Outreach Collection:
The pantry is in need of the following food items: jelly, condiments, canned meat, tuna, soups, canned vegetables and fruits, canned chili, stew and baked beans, spaghetti sauce, pasta, boxed cereals, cake mix and frosting, crackers, and juice.
This is an ongoing collection at OLCCP that is distributed weekly. They accept all shelf-stable items. Any donation of food or hygiene products is appreciated. Items can be dropped off in the brown bench near the office.
Thank you for your continued support!
Deacon Transportation Service
Do you need a ride? Deacon Transportation Services at OLCCP is staffed and able to take fellow members to medical or essential appointments.
Please contact Emily G. or Linda V. for information or email info@olccp.com.
Contact Us
The Church Office is open Monday through Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
- Rev. Dr. Richard Lapehn (Pastor): In the office Monday through Thursday. May be reached by email at (pastorrich@olccp.com)or by phone at 248-682-0730.
- Leida Soto (Office Administrator): In the office Monday through Thursday or by email during office hours at (leida@olccp.com) or by phone at 248-682-0730.
- Stacey Cheff (Business Administrator): In the office Mondays and Thursdays or by email during office hours (stacey@olccp.com)
- Kelly Holquist (Children & Youth Director): May be reached by email during office hours at (kellyh@olccp.com) or phone at 248-682-0730.
- Emily Grakul (Faith Community Nurse): In the office Tuesdays and Wednesdays, by phone 248-346-7062 or by email during office hours (egrakul@yahoo.com)
- Margaret Bell (Organist): (mtbellmusic@gmail.com)
- Bruce Snyder (Director of Music Ministries): (bruce@olccp.com)
Email: info@olccp.com
Website: www.olccp.com
Location: 5171 Commerce Road, Orchard Lake, MI, USA
Phone: 248-682-0730
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OLCCP/