Principal's Weekly CSW Edition
A Message from Dr. Nadjarian
Catholic Schools Week 2023 has officially concluded, and it was a memorable one. From crazy socks to an inspiring and moving Mass, this week we did it all! I was thrilled to join the staff basketball team as we competed in a students vs. staff game. Students made signs and cheered, and I was so impressed by the sportsmanship from both sides.
Please read through this newsletter carefully as it follows a different format highlighting each day of Catholic Schools Week!
Lastly, I want to share this touching message from our PreK teacher, Ms Crapo:
"As an early childhood teacher at St. Mary’s, it always brings me so much joy to be able to visit students who were previously in my classroom as they grow in their education at our wonderful Catholic school! This year, as part of our Student Appreciation Day during Catholic Schools Week, I visited the 8th graders who were in my K2 class in 2014-15 and gave them each a little token of appreciation for being my student and continuing their education at St. Mary’s! I am so proud of their accomplishments at our school and can’t wait to see where the future takes them!"
Please stay warm and safe this weekend.
Looking Ahead
February 8th:
Parent Volunteer Council Meeting at 8 am (in person and via Zoom)
February 12th:
Boston Winter Walk - Copley Plaza from 9 - 11 am
February 13th:
Extra Band Day, Band students in K2-8 must bring their instruments
February 15th:
Boston Lyric Opera performs at 2:45 pm (must RSVP to attend, limited seats available)
February 16th:
Pizza Thursday or Home Lunch, no Brookline Lunches Served
February 17th:
Carnival Breakfast Party for Lunchtime
February 20th-24th:
No Schoo l- February Vacation
February 27th:
March Matching Challenge begins
March 1st:
Middle School Family Meeting (Field Trip Zoom)
March 10th:
Admissions Open House 9 am
March 13th:
Extra Band Day, Band students in K2-8 must bring their instruments
March 16th:
Pizza Thursday or Home Lunch, no Brookline Lunches Served
March 17th:
No School - Pastor’s Day
A Message from Nurse Catherine
Covid cases: 2
I have seen a lot of dry cracked lips this week. If your student requires lip balm please send some in with your student. Students may use it in class for comfort.
Enjoy your weekend and stay warm.
A Message of Renalyn Te, Director of Admissions
Thank you to all families who have already completed their 2023-2024 re-enrollment packets. Please note that if the re-enrollment packet is not submitted by April 1st, your family's enrollment status will be considered withdrawn for the 2023-2024 academic year. If there are any extenuating circumstances regarding your family's decision to re-enroll, please make us aware as soon as you are able.
First Day of CSW - Sunday Mass
Second Day of CSW - Monday
On Monday, the students had a wonderful opportunity to hear about all the different vocations as we hosted a great panel of priests, religious, and married men and women from different walks of life. It was an exciting opportunity to learn how each vocation came to fruition.
Religious Sister: Sr. Tracey Dugas from Paulist Sisters
Seminarian: Marcelo Ferrari
Married Couple: Gerald Lee & Geraldine Lee
Franciscan Religious: Fr. Will
Priest: Fr. Bobby Leblanc
Our Pastor: Fr. Jonathan Gaspar as our M.C.
PreK Vocations
PreK explored different vocations and learned about how Ms. Porcello and Ms. Julia had a calling to become teachers! Then students discussed what they want to be when then grow up!
Dress your culture:
Students wore attire representing their culture. We love our diverse community, and every day we learn about different traditions. We cannot wait for our International Family Festival!
Boston's Healthcare of the Homeless
Amanda from Boston’s Healthcare for the Homeless came to speak with our middle school students about the roughly 18,000 people in Massachusetts experiencing invisible and visible homelessness. In Boston, there are over 4,000 people in the homeless community. Students learned that these populations are both individuals and families. Amanda showed the students video testimonies of people in Boston who have experienced homelessness. Students were then called to action to organize a drive to collect socks, hand warmers, sweatpants, and sweatshirts in sizes medium, large, and extra large. Middle school students launched this drive later in the week with all students and will also be collecting canned goods for the Brookline Community Fridge. Additionally, students and families are invited to participate in Boston’s Winter Walk on February 12th, 2023 from 8:30 am until noon. Some information about the walk from their website:
The Winter Walk is an initiative that believes ending homelessness is within our reach. Our mission is to raise awareness and funds towards that goal and to support organizations in Greater Boston that are working on prevention, support, and care for our homeless community.
The 7th annual Winter Walk in Boston will be held on February 12, 2023. This 2-mile walk through the streets of Boston during the coldest month of the year will begin and end on Copley Plaza. Participants, housed and unhoused, will walk shoulder to shoulder and then share a meal together as we hear real stories of Boston’s homeless population.
Join us on Copley Plaza on Sunday, February 12, 2023. Registration opens at 8:30 am, the walk sets off at 9 am and we complete our event by 11 am! For those who cannot join us in person, we will offer a remote option to walk anywhere and everywhere, and then celebrate with us on February 12th.
Here is a link to the sign-up page: https://secure.qgiv.com/event/winterwalkboston23/
And your code to waive the fee: STMARY23 (of course all of the funds that are raised go back to their partner programs.
Third Day of CSW - Tuesday
The snow didn’t stop us from serving our families Dunkin’ coffee and donuts on Tuesday! It was a joy to hand out a warm cup and sweet treat as parents dropped off their children by car and as walkers at both entrances of the school.
Gifting parents
Students gifted their families with arts and crafts that they made in their classrooms!
Fourth Day of CSW - Wednesday
Guest Speaker-Mr. Eddie (head of facilities) Visits Classrooms
As we celebrated our community on Wednesday, Mr. Eddie took the opportunity to speak with students about how to best care for our school building and grounds. We are so thankful for Mr. Eddie and his hard-wroking team: John, Edwin and Ronald. They go above and beyond in maintaining our school and making sure everyone is safe.
Thank you Mrs. Crapo!
Students surprised Mrs. Susan Crapo, our Parish Office Manager on Wednesday! Mrs. Crapo works as our liaison with the Parish. She welcomes new hires, coordinates events with both Parish and school staff, and works tirelessly behind the scenes to be sure everything runs smoothly at St. Mary’s! If you didn’t know, she is also an alumna and so is her daughter, Ms. Sarah Crapo, one of our talented PreK teachers! Thank you for all you do, Mrs. Crapo!
Celebrating Community in Grade 1
This week in first grade, students celebrated their school, families, one another, and their staff. To celebrate their school, students created a shield and wrote four reasons why they love being a part of the St. Mary's community!
Middle school students visited CatholicTV on Wednesday for a taping of daily mass. It was aired on Thursday for the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. Students served on the altar with Father Bobby and after Mass received a studio tour and waved hello for the live show, “This is the Day.” After the visit, they went to Cabot’s for ice cream. Thank you so much to our parent chaperones, teachers, and Father Bobby for making this field trip possible!
Middle School Assembly
Middle School students presented to all the students about what they learned from their Boston's Healthcare for the Homeless guest speaker. Be on the lookout for a blue winter-themed flyer (on the right) designed by our talented middle school students for the Community Drive which will run from Monday, February 6th until Friday, February 10th. Students will be collecting sweatshirts and sweatpants sized M, L, and XL, socks and hand warmers for Boston’s Healthcare for the Homeless, and canned goods for Brookline’s Community Fridge. All donations should go with students and remain in their homerooms until the middle schoolers retrieve and deliver them.
Fifth Day of CSW - Thursday
School Mass
On Thursday students in Grades K2-8 attended mass for the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. Father Bobby presided and explained how this feast is also known as Candlemas, when the candles used throughout the liturgical year are blessed before the procession into mass. This Feast is also called the Festival of Light, and Father Bobby asked the students to identify sources of light in the church. They looked around and pointed at the chandeliers hanging from the lofted ceiling which offer electrical light. The students raised their hands to mention another source of light streaming in from the stained glass windows: natural sunlight which God created. Lastly, students noticed the candles on the altar and tabernacle as the third source of light. Like the chandeliers, sunlight, and candles that bring light to our world, Father Bobby explained how God calls us to be light in each other’s lives. Our middle school students served on the altar, our fourth graders wrote the Prayers of the Faithful, and our teachers served as lectors and cantors! It was a beautiful mass!
Student Council Elections
On Thursday, our middle school students listened to their peers’ speeches to vote for their Student Council. The four representatives are Jenni from 8th grade, Emilia from 7th grade, and Brandon and Oliver from 6th grade. These students will communicate with their constituents and school teachers and administrators to address student concerns, help plan events, and lead the student body in various activities. We congratulate them and look forward to their leadership!
Not only did faculty and staff celebrate students but so did our older students! Our older students paired up with their younger buddies and participated in many crafts and activities! For example, K2 celebrated Catholic Schools Week with their middle school buddies. Buddies worked together to draw an illustration that depicted what makes their school special!
Gifting our students
Students received a special gift, a St. Mary’s keychain for their backpacks, on Student Appreciation day! They also were treated to an ice cream or popsicle dessert at lunchtime. We are so blessed to teach and nurture our students!
Last Day of CSW - Friday
Appreciation Lunch
Special thank you to Araujo family for their generous donation of catered lunches from Tatte for our faculty and staff on Teacher Appreciation Day! Teachers were so thankful for the delicious sandwiches from Tatte!
Memento Videos
Thank you to all the families who sent in a video for teacher appreciation day. The videos were heartwarming and teachers were touched!
Students vs. Staff Basketball Game
Students in grades 7 and 8 represented the student body against the staff during the Basketball Game. Shouts of encouragement could be heard through the halls of St. Mary’s! The Student Team showed excellent sportsmanship and hustle as the Staff Team took the game with a final score of 46 to 22. The Staff Team consisted of Mrs. Kacie Palmer 5th grade teacher, Mr. Claudio Ferrari Apprentice Principal, Ms. Kendall Arkay K1 Teacher’s Aide, Ms. Lynn Cafferky 3rd grade teacher, Mr. Peter Nguyen 8th grade math teacher, Mr. John Lujares Facilities Custodian, Father Bobby, Mr. Connor Febesh middle school teacher and boy’s basketball coach, and Dr. Christine Nadjarian our School Principal. We may need a rematch in the Spring before our eighth graders graduate!
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