Stories and updates from Bay City Public Schools
JiJi, the ST Math mascot, visits Bay City!
Bay City had a special visitor from ST Math on October 21st- Jiji!!! JiJi heard that BCPS students were doing an amazing job completing problem solving puzzles through ST Math, and wanted to celebrate with them! As of the end of October, Bay City K-5 students have completed over 260,000 puzzles!
The top 4 schools were visited, and the classrooms with the most completed puzzles had a special classroom visit as well.
Congratulations to the following classrooms:
Auburn Elementary - Mrs. Green (2nd Grade) & Mrs. Dillon (4th Grade)
Mackensen Elementary - Mrs. McMartin (1st/2nd Grade) & Mrs. Snover (4th Grade)
Washington Elementary - Mr. Connor (Kindergarten) & Mrs. Kraut (5th Grade)
Hampton Elementary - Mrs. Dietlein (Kindergarten) & Mrs. Adcock (3rd Grade)
Great job students!
Bay City Public Schools
BCPS Calendar Update
Plan ahead: there will be no school November 23rd, 24th, or 25th. Classes will resume Monday, November 28th.
A message from Washington Elementary
Washington Elementary had an amazing turnout for our annual Trunk or Treat on October 27th. Nearly 800 people between families and staff were in attendance! This is nearly double the attendance from the 21-22 school year. The weather cooperated and made it easy for everyone to have a great time.
We are looking forward to our "Create with Me" Family Art Show coming up on December 15th. Now through mid-December, families are spending time together creating a piece of family art. From simple to complex, the choice is theirs! The goal is for families to spend time creating something together in the evenings at home and then gather the Art Show together in December for our collective Washington Family to admire everyone's works of art!
Quick links
Strategic Plan
Board of Education Meeting
BCPS joins New Tech Network
Vision: Bay City Public Schools: Diverse opportunities, exceptional experiences, empowered to transform the world!
Mission: We provide an engaging, diverse, and supportive learning environment that will allow each student to reach their fullest potential.
Email: info@bcschools.net
Website: bcschools.net
Location: Bay City Public Schools, 601 Blend St, Bay City, MI 48706
Phone: (989)-686-9700
Facebook: facebook.com/BayCityPublicSchools
Twitter: @stephencbigelow