Keystone Local School District
What's New at KLSD in February?
Superintendent's Message
Firstly, I want to express our thanks to our AMAZING KES and KMS/KHS PTA. The events you hold for Keystone have such a meaningful impact for our students, parents, teachers, and community! Family science night was packed with attendees, and the volunteers you solicited were busy engaging in fun experiments with our students. Not only did you have the entire cafeteria full of fun activities, you also had different stations in our grade-level pods! We TRULY appreciate and want to recognize the TREMENDOUS amount of hours you put in as part of our PTA.
Pictures from Family Science Night!
Communication Survey Results
Thank you SO much to the 281 individuals who filled out our communications survey! We so much appreciate your feedback! Please see a summary of the results below.
- The preferred method of communication is text.
- **We added the school texting feature because of your feedback on last May's survey.
- Text is followed by the all-call, email, and Facebook.
- Roughly 82% of our responses indicate that we do not over-communicate.
- Per your comments, we will be sending home PAPER COPIES of grades for Quarter 4.
- In response to the question of the amount of time it takes individuals to find information on our website, roughly 41% of respondents said they find the information they need in 1-2 minutes, 46% said they find it within 3-4 minutes, and the remaining percentage of individuals find the information in 5-6 minutes.
- After analyzing last May's feedback, we added additional links to make the school calendars more accessible, changed the layout on the bottom of the site to three columns to enable us to include more news stories on the homepage, and added banner pictures with links to accessible content. We will continue to analyze the data to determine additional changes we can make to our site.
- The analysis of communication from the superintendent (pictured right) and from all three schools is provided in the images below.
KES Results: Click to Enlarge
KMS Results: Click to Enlarge
KHS Results: Click to Enlarge
Students Earn Governor's Merit Scholarship!
Six of our seniors were recently awarded the Governor's Merit Scholarship. Congratulations to Jacob Willi, Madison Shippy, Addisyn Rodachy, Ayden Olic, Rylan Norris, and Michael Gale! The newly-launched program provides up to $5,000 per year in financial assistance to high school seniors, should they choose to go to a college/university in Ohio.
The objectives of the scholarship program are to "reduce financial barriers preventing Ohio’s top high school graduates from pursuing higher education; recognize the impressive scholastic achievement of Ohio’s top graduates; and incentivize Ohio’s high achieving high school students to attend an institution of higher education." Learn more about this scholarship opportunity @ Ohio Governor's Merit Scholarship.
Tournament of Books!
Each Monday, new books will face off in our March Madness Tournament. Listen to your favorite Keystone stars read new books and vote for your favorite by Friday of each week. The winner will continue on until we have a grand champion! The winner will be announced at the Keystone Elementary School's Literacy Night on March 21st, when all books will be auctioned off to our students! Click on the image to view this week's books and superstar readers, and be sure to vote for your favorite!
Students in Keystone High School's FCCLA organization, led by teacher Ms. Heffernan, on a variety of topics related to safe driving. Their main topic for their project is the dangers of distracted driving. The members are working on creating their own displays & planning little activities to go with them.
KeyCare for Grades K-8
Registration Year-Round
Key Care is for Keystone students in kindergarten through eighth grade. Childcare is available for KES students from 6:30am-8:50am AND 3:30pm-6pm. KeyCare is open for KMS students from 6:30am-7:40am and 2:40-6pm.
You may arrange care for your children during part or all of the above-mentioned times. You do not have to sign-up for specific days or times; the purpose of KeyCare is to be flexible in serving your needs.
Read more about our Keycare services at access registration forms @ https://www.keystonelocalschools.org/parents/key-care. If you have additional questions, the direct telephone number to KEY CARE IS 440-355-2324.
Often-Missed Available Tax Credits
Child Tax Credit (CTC): The CTC is a credit that may reduce your tax by as much as $2,000 for each child who qualifies you for the credit.
Child and Dependent Care Credit: Taxpayers who paid someone to care for their child, spouse or dependent so they can work, be a full-time student or look for work may be able to reduce their tax by claiming the Child and Dependent Care Credit.
Other Dependent Credit (ODC): The ODC is a credit that may reduce your tax by as much as $500 for each eligible dependent.
Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC): One refundable tax credit for moderate- and low-income families is the Earned Income Tax Credit.
Click for information on Earned Income Tax Credit
Ski Club Fun!
Connecting for Kids
Connecting for Kids (CFK) provides resources, support and community to families in Northeast Ohio. Check out the programming they offer for families by clicking on any of the images below.