The Avery Pulse
October 8th, 2023
Upcoming Dates
- October 19th - No School for Students (Teacher PD)
- October 20th - No School
- October 22nd - Trivia Night Meeting @ 7pm (871 Atalanta Avenue)
- October 23rd - Late Start
- October 26th - Avery Parents for Equity Meeting via Zoom @ 7pm
- November 1st - No School (Teacher PD)
- November 13th - Late Start
- November 14th & 16th - Parent Teacher Conferences (more information soon)
- November 13th-16th - Scholastic Book Fair (more information soon)
- November 20th - Picture Retake Day
- November 22nd-24th - No School - Thanksgiving Break
- November 27th - Late Start
- December 11th - Late Start
- December 21st - Winter Parties @ 1:45pm
- December 22nd-January 3rd - No School - Winter Break
Add our calendar to your device!
Avery Parents for Equity
Avery Parents for Equity, a sub-committee of the PTO that focuses on cultivating a sense of belonging for all students and families at Avery, will meet on Thursday, Oct. 26 from 7-8 p.m. on Zoom:
All are welcome to attend. We want to hear your perspective as we work together to determine the group's priorities for this year.
Questions? Contact Julia Maki and Libby Dowdall at averyequity@gmail.com.
House Decorating Contest
It's time to get those decorations out and get your house
Silly, Spooky or Lit!
If you would like to be included on the map, please signup up here https://forms.gle/5Bv663VShzHLukhM9
Your address will be included and sent to all families at Avery to come view your decorations and vote.
Questions? Email Amy Whisler at amy.tappmeyer@gmail.com
Fund-a-Teacher - FINAL PUSH!
A huge thanks to those of you who have contributed to the Fund-a-Teacher campaign so far this year. We've raised $7200 of our $10,000 goal and are asking for your help to put us over the finish line! As a reminder, all money raised through Fund-a-Teacher goes directly back to teachers to reimburse them for money they have already spent on classroom basics.
Venmo: @pto-avery
PayPal: pto.averyelementary@gmail.com
Cash / Checks: PTO Mailbox in Front Hall
Please indicate that your donation is for the Fund-a-Teacher campaign
Did you know socks are one of the most requested items at homeless shelters? Avery Elementary is doing a school wide service project to help address this need. For the month of October, we are collecting new socks to donate to Socks 4 Soles, a local organization that will distribute the socks to shelters that need them. Our goal is to collect 400 pairs of socks, about one per student at Avery. Each grade level will have a collection basket for the socks that are brought in.
We will have a Town Hall meeting on October 31st with a sock theme to celebrate our service project. We’re hoping a representative from Socks 4 Soles can come to the Town Hall meeting to congratulate the students on their donations and talk about how it will positively impact the St. Louis community.
Equity in Action Committee Community Recognition
The Webster Groves School District's Equity in Action Committee values and encourages peer-to-peer recognition for equity work. Last year, the EIA just developed and launched a Community Recognition initiative, which provides an opportunity for members of the community to recognize individuals (i.e. students, teachers, parents, friends, community members, etc.), schools, businesses, and organizations who make everyday contributions towards creating and cultivating a culture of dignity that values all human beings within the WGSD. To learn more about this opportunity and to make a recognition, please go to Community Recognition. The deadline is November 17, 2023 and April 19, 2024.
A Note from Mrs. Wallace… Avery’s School Counselor
Habit #1- Be Proactive
So far our Kindergarten, First, Second and Third grade classes have had a visit from Mrs. Wallace in order to begin the year Proactively J All of our students have had reminders about getting in the green zone and being proactive (in charge of yourself).
In Kindergarten - We introduced the Howard B. Wigglebottom series of stories with “Howard B. Wigglebottom Learns to Listen”. Howard has to learn to be Proactive the hard way. We can learn from him and not make the same mistakes.
In First- We met Grinner and Blackbelt. Grinner is a flying squirrel but he does not have confidence when it comes to flying, school, and other things his friends do. Blackbelt is a wise raccoon that is a wonderful mentor for Grinner and he helps him learn 4 steps to always being a winner.
In Second- We Learned “How to Grow a Happiness Spot”. Second graders learned that they have the power to grow happiness spots everywhere they go. Happiness spots can grow through smiles, reading, creating, talking, and having gratitude…. There are so many ways to grow them!
In Third- graders learned how to Be Proactive. We read the Habit #1 story, Just the Way I Am. In this story Pokey the porcupine is sad when other students make fun of his quills. He learns that he is in charge of himself and he can focus on the positive aspects of being a porcupine. We also discussed the four things that are happening is you are faced with a situation where you might be being bullied.
Read, Right, & Run
Avery Families-
Your child’s school is participating in the GO! St. Louis Read, Right & Run Marathon® program
and your child has expressed interest in joining. GO! St. Louis®, a local non-profit organization,
encourages individuals and families in the St. Louis region to adopt a healthy and active lifestyle
year round.
The GO! St. Louis Read, Right & Run Marathon® is a fully integrated marathon program for
children in grades K-8 that focuses on literacy, fitness, and character development. Students are
challenged to READ 26 books, RIGHT the community with 26 good deeds and learn to set goals to
RUN the necessary miles in preparation for their final race. After 26 weeks of hard work, the
program culminates each year when the students complete their race day goals of a 1.2 mile race
or a 5K race on April 6, 2024.
- Students in grades K-5 will train to complete either a 1.2 or 2 mile race.
- Students in grades 6-8 will train to complete a 5K race.
- As a GO! St. Louis Read, Right & Run Marathon® participant, we are here to support you throughout your training journey.
- An activity journal that allows students to track their books, deeds, and miles.
- Monthly informative emails filled with helpful hints on how to stay motivated, serve your community and book recommendations!
- Race bib, t-shirt, and finisher’s medal upon crossing the finish line.
Please direct any questions to Mr. Velten. For more information on this
nationally recognized youth program, visit: gostlouis.org/rrrm.
We hope you will consider having your child participate in this annual event. Research shows that
regular exercise actually improves many areas of brain function including memory, stress
reduction, and attention span. All of these areas point toward academic success.
GO! St. Louis
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Arrival from 7:40-7:50 AM
Bompart Avenue
Carpool drop-off only in front of school – parents to remain in vehicles with staff members assisting students
Families walking students to school will say goodbye at the external doors
No parking during arrival
Staff members will supervise at the curb
Marshall Avenue
This entrance will be utilized for bus arrival
- Atalanta Avenue
We strongly encourage families to travel only from Bompart towards Glen to alleviate congestion and increase safety
No parking on sidewalks
Staff members will supervise at the curb
Dismissal 2:50pm-3:00pm
Bompart Avenue
Kindergarten and First grades will dismiss out front
Atalanta Avenue
Third and Fourth grades will dismiss along the side
Secure Vestibule Entrance (located on Bompart)
Second and Fifth grades will dismiss out front
Back Parking Lot
Staff parking only
No entrance or exit from 2:20-2:50
Want to make a submission to The Avery Pulse?
To qualify for direct distribution to students and families, the
information must be:
- district-sponsored information
- something from a group affiliated* with the district.
- curriculum-related, as determined by the principal, including programs, events, contests and other activities.
*Affiliated is defined as a group recognized by the Board of Education and working
group created soley to work with district staff, students and parents
to raise fund for district activities (PTOs, booster clubs, the
Regarding signs, only signs for school or district groups (sponsored
or affiliated) can be placed on school grounds.
You can read the board policy here
If you are a non-profit organization that doesn't qualify for direct distribution to students and families, you can contact Derek Duncan (duncan.derek@wgmail.org) who is our Director of Communication and he will ensure that your flyer is posted on the community electronic bulletin.
If your information fits the above criteria, you can make a submission to theaverypulse@gmail.com
Submissions are due on Thursdays at 5pm
Avery Elementary
Location: 909 North Bompart Avenue, Webster Groves, MO, USA
Twitter: @avery_allstars