The SHARK Alert
Chatham Elementary School Family Update
Sunday, December 17th
Dear CES Families and Friends,
It's the final week of school for the 2023 calendar year! As we get ready to ring in 2024, it is always nice to reflect on the wonderful things that took place in 2023.
Some of the many things we have to be thankful for from 2023 include:
- the new SHARK Shack on the playground
- our wonderful new to CES staff members (Mrs. Melanson, Mr. Anglim, Ms. Coles, Ms. Kilkenny, Mrs. Imparato, Ms. Groves, Ms. Simundson, Ms. Finn, Mr. Gaulrapp, Ms. Dunford)
- lots of fun field trips (National Seashore, Sturbridge Village, Atlantic White Shark Conservancy, etc.)
- amazing club offerings and incredible participation (87% of CES students are in an afterschool club)
- successful academic challenges (March Madness, Fact o' Lantern, Gobble Up A Good Book)
- tons of music at assemblies and lunches
- countless smiles and laughs
We will be having a school-wide celebration on Friday to commemorate the end of the December Kindness Challenge. All students and staff are encouraged to wear pajamas on Friday, December 22nd and all will be treated to a short movie in the gym.
Thank you for sharing your amazing students with us and supporting our school. Enjoy the final week of 2023 and have a great December Break!
Wishing you the happiest holiday season,
Dr. Kelly
CES - Where we are proud to be SHARKS!
Safe - Honest - Accepting - Respectful - Kind - Successful
Coming Soon to CES...
- Wednesday, December 20th - Early Release Day
- Friday, December 22nd - Pajama and Movie Day - All School Celebration & Last Day of Kindness Challenge
- Monday, December 25th - January 1st - NO SCHOOL - December Break
- Wednesday, January 10th - Early Release Day
- Monday and Tuesday, January 15-16 - NO SCHOOL - MLK Jr. Day and District PD Day
- Wednesday, January 17th - SHARK Assembly - Wear your SHARK gear!
- Wednesday, January 24th - Early Release Day
A Note From the Nurse's Office
School Lunch
Healthy food choices are important for a good night’s sleep, maintaining optimal energy, and academic success in school. Foods that are high in sugar can make children sleepy and cranky and make it challenging for them to perform at their best. The cafeteria at Chatham Elementary provides ALL students, EVERY DAY, with FREE breakfast and lunch. Lunches contain a protein, whole grain, fruit, vegetable, and milk. These food groups help students with essential vitamins and nutrients necessary for growth, energy, and brain function. All students are welcome to participate in school lunch, and families do not need to sign up.
Almuerzo Escolar
La elección de alimentos saludables es importante para dormir bien por la noche, mantener una energía óptima y lograr el éxito académico en la escuela. Los alimentos con alto contenido de azúcar pueden provocar que los niños se sientan somnolientos y de mal humor y que les resulte difícil rendir al máximo. La cafetería de Chatham Elementary ofrece a TODOS los estudiantes, TODOS LOS DÍAS, desayuno y almuerzo GRATIS. Los almuerzos contienen proteínas, cereales integrales, frutas, verduras y leche. Estos grupos de alimentos ayudan a los estudiantes con vitaminas y nutrientes esenciales necesarios para el crecimiento, la energía y la función cerebral. Todos los estudiantes son bienvenidos a participar en el almuerzo escolar y las familias no necesitan registrarse.
Manje Lekol
Chwa manje ki an sante enpòtan pou yon bon dòmi, kenbe enèji optimal, ak siksè akademik nan lekòl la. Manje ki gen anpil sik ka fè timoun yo anvi dòmi epi fè li difisil pou yo fè pi byen. Kafeterya nan Chatham Elementary bay TOUT elèv yo, CHAK JOU, manje maten ak manje midi GRATIS. Manje midi gen yon pwoteyin, grenn antye, fwi, legim ak lèt. Gwoup manje sa yo ede elèv yo ak vitamin esansyèl ak eleman nitritif ki nesesè pou kwasans, enèji, ak fonksyon nan sèvo. Tout elèv yo akeyi yo patisipe nan manje midi lekòl la, epi fanmi yo pa bezwen enskri.
Sea of Success
One of our favorite parts of our monthly SHARK Assemblies is the nomination of students and staff members to the CES Sea of Success. Nominees go above and beyond SHARKS expectations on a regular basis. Congratulations to the December nominees.
Kindergarten : Angelica Chilikova, Malia McDonald, Elliott Lincoln, Felix Lapuc, Atlas Baker, Cael Butter, Sophia DelGiudice
1st Grade: Aubrey Linhares, Josean Smith, Jayden Mata Torres, Lily Emery, Theo Schreiner, Lydia Fulcher
More Sea of Success
2nd Grade: Cora Hastbacka, Miguel Santana, Sasha St. Pierre, Jameson Hessler, Gemma MacBride, Luke Sweeney, Austin Edwards
3rd Grade: Charlotte Harrington, Wesley Webster, Eleanor Meyer, Cynthia Meyer, Kallie Gilley, Jackson Coffey
4th Grade: Caleb Forbes, Aria Baldwin, Manasse Jean-Baptiste, Noah Santos, Brithany De La Rosa, Ashley Quinonez Perez, Katherine Vasquez, Sadie Blair, Eitan Mata Torres, Conrad Coddington
Staff Member: Mrs. Oona Melanson
Super Sharks
This week, the following students won their class ticket raffle and earned a trip to the SHARK prize box in Dr. Kelly's office.
KJD - Adrian P.
KK - Rowen C.
1H - Isabelle G.
1M - Tulsi P.
2H - Lucy M.
2L - Kayla T.
3T - Parker B.
4A - Yvano B.
4G - Finn E.
Congratulations to all of this past week's winners!
- Thank you to John & Ignacio Mortell for sponsoring the ELF Movie Fundraiser for the third year in a row! We appreciate all of your support!!
- Thank you to the MRHS Key Club for chaperoning and checking in students at the ELF fundraiser.
- Thank you to Kevin& the Orpheum Staff for their incredible service and care at last week's fundraiser!
- Thank you to Ms. Peters for putting together an informative presentation for our staff members this week. We appreciate you!!
- Thank you to the SEAL Team for providing our students a wonderful way in which to honor their classroom teacher.
Resources for Families
Mobile Crisis
MCI provides short-term service that is a therapeutic response to youth and family/caregivers experiencing a behavioral health crisis. MCI evaluates the situation, identifies the challenges, involved, assesses the needs, and begins to treat and stabilize the situation, reducing the immediate risk of danger to the youth or to others. MCI then provides up to 7-days of intervention and services post the initial encounter. Learn more about Bay Cove Mobile Crisis HERE.
Children's Place
Contact the Monomoy Family Resource Coordinator, Lucy Gilmore, / 508-430-7216
for assistance and information regarding any of the following:
➢ Child Development Assessment Tool (Ages and Stages)
➢ Early Education Tuition Assistance Scholarships
➢ Support groups
➢ Free Parent / Child Playgroups and Family Activities
➢ Free Parent Education Classes
➢ Free Books, Diapers, and gently used infant and toddler Clothing
Winter Programming Schedules:
WIC Program
WIC is a nutrition program that provides nutrition and health care education, healthy food, and other services free of charge to Massachusetts families who qualify. WIC is for all kinds of families: married and single parents, working or not working. If you are a father, mother, grandparent, foster parent, or legal guardian of a child under the age of five, you can apply for WIC for your child.
Learn more about WIC at the following links:
Volunteer @ MRSD
All potential volunteers need to complete the Volunteer Registration Form and have a current CORI on file in order to volunteer in our schools or at school-sanctioned events.
Information can be found at:
Monomoy Regional SEPAC
Pre-School Vouchers
Application and information can be found: HERE
FAMILY SUPPORT: Lower/Outer Cape Cod Food Pantries, Clothing, Emergency Funds, and Services
Brewster Brewster Baptist Church 1848 Main Street Thursday 10:00-12:00 Walk-In food pantry
Chatham St. Christopher's 625 Main Street Tuesday 4:00-6:00 Walk In Thursday 3:00-5:00 Walk In
Eastham Eastham United Methodist Church 3200 State Hwy, Route 6 Monday 4:00-6:00, Tuesday 10:00-12:00, Thursday 2:00-4:00 Walk-In food pantry
Harwich St. Peter's Lutheran Church 310 Route 137 Monday 1:00-3:00 Walk In Wednesday 2:00-4:00 Walk In Thursday 11:30-1:30 Walk In Friday 10:00-12:00 Walk In food pantry
Orleans Orleans Methodist Church 73 Main Street (Across from the Library) Tuesday 10:00-12:00 Walk-In food pantry
Provincetown Methodist Church 20 Shank Painter Road Wednesday 10:00-2:00 Walk In Thursday 10:00-2:00 Pantry
Truro Community Center 7 Standish Way Tuesday 10:00-12:30 Walk In Wednesday 10:00-12:30 Walk In food pantry
South Wellfleet Grace Chapel Corner of 25 Lieutenant Island Road and Route 6 Monday 3:00-6:00 Wed. 4:00-6:00, Thursday 10:00-12:00 Walk-In food pantry
Harwich Cape Cod Family Pantry 133 Queen Anne Rd, (508) 432-6519 Sat 10 - noon Tues 10
am - 3:30 pm Wed. 10am-noon Th 10-3:30, 5-7 pm, closed on Sun, Mon and Friday
Lower Cape Outreach Council Financial assistance for emergency needs; food pantry, Katy’s Corner free shop 19 Brewster Cross Rd Orleans, MA 508-240-0694
Mass-APPEAL Free shop: clothing, toys, books 2393 Cove Corner Wellfleet, MA 508-349-1173 Tues—Sat 9-12
Mustard Seed Kitchen Meals prepared and delivered to Outer Cape 155 Hopkins Dr. Wellfleet, MA 508-349-2049
Soup Kitchen in Provincetown (SKIP) Provides a hot and nourishing lunch to Outer Cape residents; November to April Monday-Friday 10 Shank Painter Rd Provincetown, MA 508-487-8331
South Coastal Counties Legal Service Legal assistance Monday-Friday 9 am-1 pm 460 W. Main St. Hyannis, Ma 508-775-7020 1-800-742-4107
Sustainable CAPE (Center for agricultural preservation and education) Truro Cape Farmers’ Market Coalition
WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) Program for healthcare and nutrition for low-income pregnant or breastfeeding women and infants and children under the age of 5 Appointments available in Harwich, Orleans, Eastham, and Provincetown 774-209-3212
Katelynn’s Closet serves children ages 4-18 who are in need and live on Cape Cod and the Islands. All orders for children in need must be placed by a social service agent or school nurse. All emails must be sent through a verifiable agency/school email. 508-367-2587
A BabyCenter clothing, toys, equipment, food and formula, shoes, and diapers 81 Willow Ave Hyannis, MA 508-771-8157
Cape Cod Children’s Place Family Support Program Info on childcare funds, food, diapers, referrals, and more 10 Ballwic Road Eastham, MA 508-240-3310
Childcare Network of the Cape & Islands / Community Action Committee 372 North Street Hyannis, MA 02601 childcare vouchers, emergency assistance, immigration assist, tax prep assistance., help with health insurance, women and children shelter.
Department of Transitional Assistance AND Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Cash assistance, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP- provide nutrition benefits to supplement the food budget of families in need) SSI, employment support 508-862-6600
Fuel Assistance Program—Emergency assistance for fuel/heat 20 Willow Ave Hyannis, Ma 508-746-6707
Monomoy Early Childhood Family Resource Center Offers food, diapers, clothing, books, resources for parents, and tuition subsidies Harwich Elementary School, 263 South St Harwich, MA 508-430-430-7216 x3044
Homeless Prevention Council Comprehensive case management, professional counseling, and guidance to those at risk of becoming homeless. Our client services include advocacy and access to housing programs and funding and budgeting and negotiation for rent and mortgage payments. In addition, our case managers assist clients in assessing their ability to earn a living and, if appropriate, encourage them to pursue further job training and/or education. 14 Old Tote Rd. Orleans, MA 508-255-9667
Women of Fishing Families Financial assistance for Cape Cod Fishing families 508-274-2092
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255
Mass 2-1-1 A free 24/7 resource to locate services Dial: 211
Parents Helping Parents of Mass Stress hotline 24/7 1-800-632-8188
St. Vincent de Paul Helpline Food, clothing, emergency funds 508-385-3242
The Samaritans of Cape Cod and the Islands Provide support to those who are lonely, depressed, or suicidal 508-548-8900 / 800-893-9900 Crisis Text Line Text: 741741 24-hour texting service for people in crisis who need someone to talk to without calling
. - use the zip code to search and connect to support. Financial assistance, food pantries, medical care, or to find other free or reduced-cost help.
and snippets of some of our favorite SHARK-tastic activities!
Contact us:
Location: 147 Depot Road, Chatham, MA, USA
Phone: 508-945-5135
Twitter: @ChathamElemMRSD