Ms. Garcia's Classroom
Week at a Glance: August 19-23
A Note from the Teacher
Thank you to all the donations you have given to our classroom! We greatly appreciate both the necessities and the comfort items!
**Please make sure you read the notice from our school media specialist, Ms. Misbach, about Young Adult books (called "Green Star books in my classroom) toward the end of this newsletter. If you have questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me immediately. This applies to YA titles in both the school library and my classroom library.
**You will also notice that we are starting our Nutrition and Human Growth and Development units in Science this week, which includes the videos on puberty. Please see the links under "Class Information" and again, contact me with any questions.
Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
Get-To-Know You Activities
English Language Arts
- Personal Narratives
- Compare narratives to other forms of writing
- Write a one paragraph narrative about an experience
- Write sentences using descriptive verbs and adjectives
- Practice giving positive peer feedback on writing pieces
- Use personification in writing
- MAP TESTING (READING)--Wednesday, August 21 and Thursday, August 22: 9:45-11:05
- Numberless Word Problems
- Estimation Strategies
Unit Studies: Nutrition/Human Growth and Development
- The Five Food Groups
- What's On My plate?
- Breakfast Basics and Case Studies
- Creating a Comfortable Learning Environment
- Puberty
Support Learning at Home
Study/Practice math facts 1-12 (1 x 1 through 12 x 12).
- IXL Skills:
- Math: D.10 Multiply 2-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers (LLJ)
- Reading: M.2 Read realistic fiction with illustrations (YQT)
- Grammar: MM.1 Use action verbs (8Z3)
- Writing: Use personification (LDG)
- Any recommended skills on the IXL dashboard
Encourage daily reading time--students are working on their 30 Book Challenge.
Class Information
Snack: Students are allowed to bring a small morning snack. Please avoid snacks with nuts and other common allergens.
Homework: Typically, math homework is given daily. Sometimes, there may be other subject assignments as well that need to be completed at home. Generally speaking, if the student is using their time in class wisely, they will come home with minimal or no homework. Reading daily for about 15-30 minutes and working on IXL skills is not required, but strongly recommended.
IXL: Students each have a school IXL account. They have been given their usernames and passwords, but I am happy to share them with you via email if you need them at home. The recommended skills each week (see support learning at home) are current skills we will be learning and working on during the week. They can also work on recommended skills that go with the results of their diagnostic test.
30 Book Challenge: Students were introduced to the 30 Book Challenge last week. They received a workbook where they write down summaries and opinions of books they have read this year. They are asked to read a variety of books from a variety of genres. It is not a required project, but it is recommended. At the end of the year, students who have completed the 30 Book Challenge will be invited to a special party.
Multiplication "Belt Tests": A goal in 5th grade is to have mastered all basic multiplication facts (0-12). To help students master these facts, each week we will have a "Belt Test" on Friday. The belt tests are organized by skills (For example, the first belt test is on facts 0s, 1s, and 2s). They are timed, and to pass students must get the facts all correct within the time limit. At the end of the year, those students who have mastered all their facts (able to complete 100 mixed facts with 98% accuracy or higher) will get to participate in a special party! Please help your students practice these facts at home. We will be making flash cards in class, but they also have access to IXL to practice these skills. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Safety Patrol: Safety Patrol permission slips and information went home last week. If your child is interested, please read the information with them and have them return the permission slip to me. Permission slips are due Tuesday, August 20th. There will be a mandatory informational meeting (only for interested safety patrollers) on Wednesday, August 21st at 3:15 in the library.
Battle of the Books: Information regarding Battle of the Books went home last week. Please sign the permission slip and return to school by Thursday, August 22nd.
Recorders: Ms. Sigel sent home recorder forms last week. Please let her know if your child plans on buying, borrowing, or using one from last year. Parent signature is only required if you need to purchase a new recorder.
MAP TESTING: MAP Testing will be this week on Wednesday and Thursday from 9:45-11:05.
Human Growth and Development: On Friday, we will begin our Human Growth and Development Unit. On Wednesday, August 28th, the students will be separated into two classrooms to watch the Puberty videos and participate in a discussion. The boys will be in one classroom with Mr. Watts and Mr. Moore, and the girls will be in another classroom with Ms. Chesley, Ms. Garcia, and Ms. Rogers. Please reach out to your classroom teacher if you have questions.
To preview the film, click on the links:Girls video: https://www.yout-ube.com/watch?v=gv21b3ZpSLg
Boys video: https://www.yout-ube.com/watch?v=2XF0awGRTWs
- Class Schedule: Click here for our daily class schedule and here for our specials schedule. Day 1 for specials was Wednesday, August 14.
- Birthday Treats: Students are able to bring in birthday treats to share. The treats need to be store-bought and individually wrapped. Students will bring them home to be consumed, so they will be brought home for parents to inspect prior to consumption. Safe Snack Ideas
Water Bottles: I would recommend sending students to school with a water bottle. Please encourage your child to bring the water bottle home on Fridays to be cleaned. Thank you!
Donations: Thank you to everyone who has donated any supplies to our classroom! I really appreciate it! Here is the link to my Amazon wishlist.
Smart Watches: If your child has a smart watch and they wear it to school, please remind them that they are not to be used for communication (texting/calling), internet, or social media. If used in those ways they are then considered phones, and they will be asked to put them in their backpack. Thank you for your support on this matter!
Library: Young Adult Books
Portal does not require parents to sign a permission form for 5th and 6th grade students to be able to read YA books. We do however encourage you to have a discussion with your child about your parental expectations on what you would like them to read or not read. If you are concerned, you can always access what books your student has checked out by looking at the Papillion-La Vista Public Schools app. If you do not wish for your student to read books from the YA section, please contact me with your student’s name and their teacher’s name.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
Upcoming Dates
- August 21 & 22: Reading MAP Testing (9:45-11:05)
- August 27 & 29: Math MAP Testing (9:45-11:05)
Email: kara.garcia@plcschools.org
Website: https://portal.plcschools.org/
Phone: (402) 898-0425