CEMS Parent Counselor Connection
December/January School Counseling Report
National School Counseling Week February 3-7, 2020
Please follow Mrs. Russell and Mrs. Kemper on Twitter @CemsCounselors for the National School Counseling Week Photo Challenge! Each day, we will be posting pictures with the ASCA theme of the day as well as sharing what activities and programs we do to support our students!
New Student Breakfast Club
Classroom Guidance Lessons
During December, we focused on executive functioning in 6th and 7th and stress management in 8th grade. During January, both counselors were in classrooms helping 8th grade students with high school scheduling. This will continue in February.
8th Grade High School Scheduling Information
February 12-13th - Parent meetings on student schedules at Cooper
You should have received a call about scheduling a meeting with a JAM teacher at Cooper to go over your child's Academic Plan (schedule requests). if you have not, please contact Cooper to set them up. Your child needs to have their schedule requests into Infinite Campus prior to this visit.
March 1st - Schedules complete in Academic Plan for students going to Boone County
Students going to Boone County High School need to have their Academic Plan completed in Infinite Campus by March 1st and their schedule sheets need to be turned to Mrs. Russell or Mrs. Kemper by February 26th.
Students going to Conner:
Conner will be coming to CEMS at the end of February/beginning of March to discuss their scheduling process. We will send out that information as soon as it's available!
January College Focus
Career Field Trip through the Counseling Office!
Weekly Second Step Lesson
6th Grade
This week’s lesson uses a fun and engaging activity to practice looking at different perspectives. Practicing the skills he or she has learned will help your child use them in real life.
Tell your child about a time you learned something from thinking about another person’s perspective. Explain what you learned and how. Ask your child about some of the different perspectives he or she has encountered at school and talk about how recognizing them can be helpful.
7th Grade
This week’s lesson uses an engaging activity to practice exploring the possible issues that come from jumping to conclusions. Practicing the skills he or she has learned will help your child use them in real life.
Family Lesson Question
Ask your child about some of the problems that jumping to conclusions can cause and talk together about how to handle those problems.
8th Grade
This week’s lesson uses an engaging activity to practice exploring how making assumptions affects the decisions people make. Practicing the skills he or she has learned will help your child use them in real life.
Family Lesson Question
Ask your child about a time he or she made a decision based on an assumption. Talk together about how assumptions can affect decisions, both good and bad.
Also don't forget about the parent website! ParenTeenConnect.org, a free website for parents and their teens created by the makers of the Second Step Program, is a great resource for middle school families. It provides expert advice and practical tools for dealing with real parent-teen issues.
Upcoming Dates
February 11th - Mid-terms sent home
February 12th/13th - 8th grade Cooper High School scheduling parent meetings
February 17th - No School - President's Day
March 1st - Boone County High School scheduling deadline for 8th graders
What We're Reading
Mrs. Russell -
Before We Were Yours by Lisa Wingate
Mrs. Kemper -
Substance Use Counseling by Patricia Stevens and Robert L. Smith
CEMS Counselors
Mrs. Stacey Russell - 8th grade and 7th Grade Adventurer team
Website: cemscounselors.weebly.com
Phone: 859-534-4000
Twitter: @CemsCounselors