It's Fall, Y'All!
Resources for Teaching about Autumn, 2023
By this time my blood type is pumpkin spice...☕️
“It’s the first day of autumn! A time of hot chocolatey mornings, and toasty marshmallow evenings, and, best of all, leaping into leaves!” — Winnie the Pooh
This template has resources for teaching about the autumnal equinox, science activities related to fall food, gardening, weather & autumn leaves, prompts for poetry, and some fun stuff for grownups.
Happy fall! 🌰 🍂
Did you know...?
Equinox comes from the Latin words for 'equal' and 'night'? Meaning that on the equinox, the day and night is roughly equal in length. Read more about it here!
“It’s like going
back to school. You know, autumn! Time for Harry Potter.”
— Robbie Coltrane
“Life starts
All over again when it gets crisp in the fall.”
– F. Scott Fitzgerald
“She loved the fall,
All the sun-faded colors of summer repainted by vivid reds and golds.”
Ever wonder why pumpkins show up at Halloween?
Turns out fruits and vegetables have seasons, too! And here's a list of what's grows in the fall.
15 Vegetables YOU MUST Grow in FALL or AUTUMN
Grow your own classroom garden! 👆🏽
Who can get enough of the colors of autumn?
Kids always want to know the "why" -- this great set of activities helps students deduce all kinds of answers to why the leaves turn colors.
More science?
Kick it off with leaves, but don't stop there. This blog is filled with activities from weather stations to density columns. It's geared towards elementary, but could definitely be adapted for older budding scientists.
"Every leaf speaks bliss to me..."
Once you've been inspired by other poets...
It's time to write your own poetry! Check out this GREAT set of prompts for writing poetry about fall.
Prepping those fall classes? Enjoy a fall treat!
Wait, don't 🍁 yet! We still have to get our groove on...
Earth, Wind & Fire - September (Official HD Video)