CMIT North Middle School Newsletter
Week of November 27, 2022

Special July 2023 Edition
CMIT's Mission
In partnership with students, parents and the community, CMIT will attain educational excellence by providing a rigorous and technology-integrated education for middle and high school students with an emphasis on mathematics, science, and information technologies.
Administrative Announcements
Message from the Principal
I hope everyone enjoyed the 4th of July holiday and is having a great Summer! I wanted to check in and provide some updates on the new school year.
First, welcome to our new families from CMIT North Elementary School and to new families joining the CMIT community for the first time. Our mission statement focuses on community and our goal is to partner with families to provide the best middle school experience possible for our scholars while focusing on a STEM education. During the school year, this newsletter will be released each Sunday and will provide useful information to keep you informed with news, updates, and opportunities to be involved in your child's middle school experience.
Please read on to see updates on the following topics:
1. Important Dates
2. School Hours
3. School Uniforms
4. School Supplies
5. Canvas
6. Athletic Eligibility
7. Substance Abuse and Kids
8. Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) Announcements
The next newsletter edition will be released on August 1, 2023, and will include my official welcome back letter.
Mr. Andrew Brauer, M.Ed
Important Dates
CMIT Academy follows the PGCPS school calendar.
8/25: New Student Orientation (New Students Only)
8/28: First Day of School (All Students)
9/4: Labor Day (Schools and Offices Closed)
9/25: Yom Kippur (Schools and Offices Closed)
10/10: Indigenous People's Day (Schools Closed for Students)
10/10: Parent-Teacher Conferences
10/20: Professional Development Day (Schools Closed for Students)
11/2: 1st Quarter Ends
School Hours
Student drop-off will begin at 8:15 am this school year. This is a 15-minute difference from last school year and is necessary to accomplish collaborative planning, department meetings, and conferences under the recently approved teacher contract this past October.
Collaborative planning is the process in which teachers collaborate with colleagues to align lessons with other content areas and to find ways to integrate STEM into all subject areas. Moving the student arrival time to 8:15 provides time each morning for educators to meet, discuss, and refine lesson plans in alignment with CMIT's mission and vision.
8:15 am - 8:35 pm: Student Arrival
8:35 am - 2:49 pm: Instruction
2:49 pm: Car Rider Dismissal
2:55 pm: Bus and Walker Dismissal
3:00 pm: After-School Activities Dismissal
Fees will be assigned to parents for students dropped off early and/or picked up late.
Before and After Care Enrichment is available through the Chesapeake Lighthouse Foundation (CLF) Enrichment Program.
6:30am - 8:15am: Before Care (Zero)
3:00pm - 4:00pm: After Care (Stars)
4:00pm - 6:00pm: After Care (Scholars)
School Uniform
PGCPS requires all middle and high school students to use a clear backpack this year. CMIT Middle School will follow these guidelines and require clear backpacks as well. A quick search for "clear backpacks" on Amazon produced several options to choose from. PGCPS will provide additional guidance and information soon. Please plan accordingly.
This year, we have two uniform vendors to choose from, All American Wear and Risse Brothers.
Please review the CMIT North Middle School Uniform Policy. Uniforms are expected to be worn on the first day of school for all students, August 28, 2023.
School Supplies
Each educator will provide a syllabus during the first week of school to each student. The syllabus will provide a detailed list of needed supplies for each class.
Until that time, the following items are always needed:
1. 3-ringed binders
2. Pencil Pouch
3. Pens and pencils in bulk
4. Individual pencil sharpener
5. Composition Notebooks
6. Loose leaf paper (hole punched and placed in binder)
7. 2-pocket folders (hole punched and placed in binder)
8. Assorted highlighters
Help Your Child Transition to Our New Digital Learning System!
Prince George’s County Public Schools is continuing our transition to Canvas as our primary learning management system. Starting next school year, teachers and students at most middle and high schools will exclusively use Canvas as their digital learning environment. However, at the elementary level, Google Classroom will remain available for at least one more school year to allow for a phased-in transition of Canvas. Regional centers, K-8 academies, and charter schools are not impacted by this timeline.
What is a learning management system?
A learning management system (LMS) is a software application designed to create, distribute and manage the delivery of educational content. As an LMS, Canvas provides teachers with a platform to share classroom resources and digital assignments, in a single location.
Why is PGCPS moving to Canvas?
We have chosen Canvas as our exclusive learning management system for several reasons:
Robust and Integrated: Canvas is a more powerful learning management system that seamlessly integrates with many of our district tools, making it easier for students to access multiple resources in one place.
Secure Environment: Canvas provides a secure digital learning environment, promoting safety and privacy for our students and staff.
Consistency: Having a single learning management system streamlines instruction and communication between teachers and students, reducing confusion among multiple platforms.
Real-World Preparedness: Since Canvas is used in many higher education institutions, students will be better prepared for a future beyond our school system.
How can I help my child learn Canvas?
To support you in learning more about Canvas, we encourage you to view our Canvas for Families Overview and Canvas Family Guide. These resources will help you and your child familiarize themselves with the platform before next school year.
We believe that Canvas will be a valuable addition to our schools and will be a benefit to our students. Thank you for your flexibility as we modernize our technology applications to meet the demands of today’s digital world.
Athletic Eligibility
CMIT North Middle School participates in competitive athletics with other PGCPS middle schools. To be eligible students must have the following:
1. Complete the Athlete Participation Packet and return completed forms to the Athletic Director;
2. Have and maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA;
3. Review and agree to the PGCPS Parent/Student Athletic Handbook;
The requirements must be completed prior to stepping on the field for tryouts.
Fall Sports: Baseball, Softball
Winter Sports: Girls Basketball, Boys Basketball, Cheer
Spring Sports: Girls Soccer, Boys Soccer
Families are encouraged to complete the requirements over the Summer months to ensure eligibility when seasons begin. Athlete Participation Packets and physicals are good for the entire school year.
Substance Abuse and Kids
A child is depending on you for Guidance. We can help. Watch our video to Learn more.