District Student Achievement Team
March 2019
We're so LUCKY...
District Updates
English Language Learners Update
A BIG thank you to our ELL team with leadership from Donny Sikora. The team worked hard to ensure our WIDA testing was completed. A special shout out to Julie Kay and Tammy Ishaq for getting this completed in a timely manner. Also, thanks to Gruben for finishing up the WWT WIDA testing.
Additionally, we're also very excited to share our news about the upcoming Spring Break Camp offered April 2-5th at Pinewood elementary aimed to support our English Language Learners in Kindergarten through fifth grade.
The camp will emphasize reading and writing, in addition to speaking skills. Our goal is to provide an opportunity for students to gain confidence and develop their language skills through fun and engaging activities. In order to meet the diverse needs of our ELL students we've been exploring different resources. As part of this process we intend to utilize National Geographic’s materials, as well as McGraw Hill's Language for Learning resources for possible consideration for possible adoption in the 2019-20 school year.
Since our intent is to welcome our English Learning families, we've recently attempted to translate the flyer to make it more inclusive for our entire WWPS family. Please see the attached flyers for the flyer in many different languages that are spoken throughout our elementary schools.
Instructional Technology Team Update
Warren Woods Foundation Grants
The internal grant review team had an opportunity to go through all of the foundation grants that were submitted and then moved them forward to the foundation board for consideration to be approved. The foundation has made a decision on the grants. Letters of whether the grant was approved or denied will be coming out soon. Just like in the past, grants that had a technology component will be ordered directly by our technology department. If this applies to you, Kevin Hustek will reach out to coordinate that after the letters have been sent out.
Assessment Update - Michigan Accountability Index
Federal and State Funding - Grants Update
Title I - Parent and Family Engagement
About Us
Email: kbeal@mywwps.org
Website: www.mywwps.org
Location: 12900 Frazho Road, Warren, MI, USA
Phone: (586) 439-4469
Facebook: facebook.com/warrenwoodspublicschools
Twitter: @WarrenWoodsPS