Concord Baptist Church of Atlanta
Reverend Leroy G. Doe, Pastor
Welcome Concord Family!
Be prepared to enjoy yet another spirit-filled service at
Concord Baptist Church of Atlanta!
Concord Prison Outreach is still accepting soap for the Dial Soap Drive. Every bar counts!
Are you looking to gain exciting new knowledge, enhance your walk with the Lord and fellowship with your Concord family? Join us every Wednesday evening from 6pm-7pm as the elders teach, discuss and give you the tools to rightly divide God's word at Bible Study. We look forward to seeing you there!
We are never done learning at Concord! Come out on Sunday at 9:00 a.m. for Breakfast and 9:30 a.m. for Sunday School. We offer classes for all age groups. The Word of God is available to all!
Please Pray for our Sick and Shut-In. Arrange to visit to unite in prayer and/or lend a helping hand.
"But he was wounded for our transgressions. He was bruised for our Iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him and by His stripes we are healed." Isaiah 53:5
* * *
If you become aware of Concord family who is sick and/or shut in but not listed, please contact Pastor Doe immediately.
Weekly Bible Study:
Church Outreach Ministry
As we walk together in Christian Love to strive for the advancement of this Church and promote its Prosperity and Spirituality, let us continue to pray for our Pastor and his Divine Wisdom directed through the Holy Spirit. Let us also continue to Pray for the Sick and Shut-in, the Bereaved, those in Nursing Homes, the Homeless, those behind Prison doors, and for those who have not yet come to know Jesus Christ as their Personal Savior.
A Pearl of Wisdom
Ephesians 3:20
Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,
Musical Encouragement:
Concord Baptist Church of Atlanta
Visit us Online at: http://www.concordbaptistofatlanta.com/
http://concordbaptistchurch.vpweb.com/concordbaptistchurch.http://concordbaptistchurch.vpweb.com/vpweb.com. Check out the website for ACEconcordbaptistchurch.vpweb.com. Check out the website for ACEConcord Baptist Church is a family of diverse backgrounds coming together to worship in a friendly atmosphere with an inspiring and powerful teaching of God's Word.
No two services are the same as you are guaranteed a life-changing experience each time. Everyone is invited and everyone is welcome. Why not stop by this Sunday with family and friends? Our church family would love to fellowship with you!
Contact Pastor Doe online with your prayer requests at: PastorDoe@yahoo.com
Sunday, Apr 2, 2017, 09:15 AM
3270 Boulder Park Drive Southwest, Atlanta, GA, United States
Church Services and Meeting Schedules
Breakfast/Sunday School 9:00/9:30 A.M.
Sunday Morning Worship Service 10:45 A.M.
New Members Orientation (3rd & 4th Sundays) 9:30 A.M.
Bible Study/Prayer/Preaching (Wednesday Nights) 6:00 P.M.
Seniors Enrichment (Thursdays) 10:00 A.M.
TV Ministry/Prayer Warriors (4th Friday Nights) 5:00 P.M.
Every 5th Sunday, Church Service at Concord will begin at 9:30am and Convene approx. at 11am
Concord's TV Ministry
Did you know that a spiritual tune-up is delivered weekly on TV 57? Pastor Doe’s weekly Television broadcast airs every Tuesday at 10 am on WATC TV-57 or visit their web site watc.tv and view their live streamer page. Plan to tune in!
The Concord DVD Ministry
Concord’s DVD Ministry
DVDs are available of Pastor Doe’s weekly sermons.
Place your orders today with Sis. Doe.
Pastor Doe Imparts The Word
Jeremiah 3:15 “‘And I will give you shepherds after my own heart, who will feed you with knowledge and understanding.
Concord Family Enjoying Fellowship
Our Church Home
Your Donations are Welcome and Encouraged
Van Ministry
More financial support is needed and appreciated for our Van Ministry for pickups on Sunday Mornings.
Breakfast Fund
Your financial contributions are greatly appreciated for our Breakfast Ministry! This Ministry enables us to feed our family before Sunday School. For those willing to help, please make your contributions to Pastor Doe.
God is Good #TeamJesus
Concord Mime Ministry is Fantastic
A Guaranteed Hug After Service
Beautiful Ladies in White
Deacon and Deaconess Hooks Decked Out (select to see entire pic)
Glowing Examples of Concord in White
Pastor Welcomes our Full House at the Black History Program
Min McFarland takes us Back with Phyllis Wheatley
Thanks for Your Direction, Dr. Ross!
Thank You Mother Jones
My eyes shall be upon the faithful of the land, that they may dwell with me; He who walks in a blameless way is the one who will minister to me.
37yrs at Concord Giving God the Glory
If anyone serves Me, he must follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also; if anyone serves Me, the Father will honor him.
Sisters in Christ Lift Each Other in Prayer
Bro John from Nigeria Worships w/ Concord
Concord Choir Giving God the Praise
The Beautiful Jackson Ladies Fellowshipping after Church
Mother Wishes you a Happy Holiday
It is Always a Blessing to see Rev, Scandrick
The Rachel's with their Beautiful Smiles
Chairman Deacon Harper Leads Deacons in Song
Rev. Verden Sharing his Testimony
Sis. Knowles Looking Angelic
Look Who Stopped by Concord
Concord is a Praying Church
The Concord Brethren Fellowship after Service
Sisters Loving on AJ
Rev. Armstrong's Family Prays Together
We Love Our Concord Family
Rev. Kenneth C. Doe and Voices of Victory are Outstanding
Behind the Scenes Making it Happen
Honorees Pastor Leroy Doe and First Lady Fellowship with Attendees
Even Anthony Kai was in on the Celebration
Beautiful Concord Sisters Serving with a Smile
5 Hours is Not Too Far to Come & Give God Some Glory for Pastor & First Lady
The Ace Ministry would like to extend warm thanks to all in attendance to and support of their first Community Conversation!
The dance delivered by Sis Debra was amazing! If you missed it, you missed a treat!
“Have a Blessed week in Jesus’ Name and Bless someone else as you travel along your way!”