Bear Valley Bugle
January 2024
The second semester of school is in full swing. We were happy to recognize over 60 students with perfect attendance for the 2nd quarter. Way to go!
As we finish January, the Student Council Kindness Cup Project will be ending. Thank you for contributing items for the Kindness Cups. Students are working on decorating the cups with kind notes. Student Council will be working on filling the cups and they will be delivered to a local shelter to help those in need. With the supplies brought in we hope to fill over 400 cups.
For second semester I challenge everyone to find times of "no technology" during the evenings. Encourage reading together, dinner together, puzzles, games, drawing, etc. During the month of January we have been working on our skill of patience. As I shared a book with classes, we played a game to help grow our "Patience Spot." Finding ways to be creative and enjoy "waiting" can help our patience spot grow. I encouraged students to try not to use technology when they have to wait, instead do something more creative. For example, instead of looking at a phone while waiting at the doctor's office have a conversation and play "I Spy" instead.
Conferences are coming February 21 and 22. Look for information in the coming weeks about signing up for a parent-teacher conference from your chid's teacher. These are important times to discuss your child's progress before the end of the third quarter. Thank you for taking time to meet with your child's teacher.
As always, we appreciate the continued support of families as we educate your children each and every day.
Stay warm,
Mrs. Scherer
6th Grade
Sixth graders have been learning about WWI and ended the unit by building a model bi-wing plane. Each student selected the country they wanted their plane to be from, indicated whether it was on the Allied or Central Powers side, and designed and painted their plane to be historically accurate. Students added creative touches like a cockpit, a gunner, and some even added artillery to make it more realistic. These are displayed in the 6th grade classrooms and will remain until parent/teacher conferences.
Coffee Chats with Mrs. Scherer
Please fill out this survey regarding topics you would like to see offered.
OUR NEXT CHAT WILL BE WEDNESDAY, FEB 7 at 9:15 AM Our topic will be the Alaska Reads Act and what that means for below level students in reading.
Mondays are late start!
First Bell 9:50 Second Bell 10:00
Activity Reminders
Spelling Club- Mondays 3:30-4:30
1-3 Musical Rehearsal 8:00 AM Tuesdays and Wednesdays
Bear Valley Math Night
Join us for a fun, free family night all about MATH! Stations and activities for the whole family! More info to come after the break~
Thursday, Jan 25, 2024, 06:30 PM
Bear Valley Elementary School, Mountain Air Drive, Anchorage, AK, USA
PTA News
Thank you to our volunteers and PTA members. Please see the newsletter below for some great information. We will have an Ice Skate/ Sled night on February 7th.
Student Directory Information
School Lunch
We are currently looking for a cafeteria manager to join our team at Bear Valley! Until we have someone hired, our school will provide shelf stable meals and milk to students who need a lunch during the day.
School Buses
Learn About The Alaska Reads Act
Learn more about the Alaska Reads Act! Valley Radio
We are back on the air after Winter Break! Join us each week on 89.9 FM in the parking lot or find us on Spotify!
Bear Valley Attendance Information
We are sharing our attendance information and goals with you. You can view the attendance data here:
Here are our most recent attendance stats:
90% attendance rate in November: 68.85% and December: 78.63%
We know a lot of families like to travel in February, but attending parent teacher conferences is a great way to communicate with your child's teacher. Parent Teacher Conferences are scheduled for February 21 and 22. Please know that if you travel during that time, the teacher might not be able to accommodate a conference for you.
Pick up and Drop off
Please Remember
With the snow...... Please remember do not pull forward until the drop off line has space. NO CARS should wait on the end of the island. The lane is not wide enough to pass especially with the snow. Our bus loop is closed each day from 8:35-9:10 (10:10 on Mondays). We have a later bus and this will help keep the bus loop clear.
Thank you!
Learn about our Bear Valley PAWS!
Students are learning about our school expectations through PAWS.
Practice Kindness
Act Responsibly
Work and Play Safely
Show Respect
Birthday Celebrations
To minimize distractions during the school day, we are asking that parents refrain from bringing in balloons and treats for birthdays. We have students with allergies and treats are not always appropriate. We do a special certificate, pencil and announcement from the office, as well as classroom recognition.
Bear Valley Personal Property Policy
ASD Personal Property Policy
Adapted from the ASD Student Handbook
Link to 23-24 Elementary Handbook
Student desks and/or coat closets are not secure enough to store personal property (e.g. iPods, electronic devices, etc.) The same restrictions apply to toys, Pokemon Cards, legos, earbuds, etc. These and other items are not permitted at school. Cell phones must be turned off and stored during the school day (8:40-3:30- and not be taken out until students are in a bus or vehicle) including lunch/recess. Smart watches must have bluetooth/wifi disconnected as these can function in the same way as a cell phone.Repeated violations will be regarded as willful disobedience.
ASD is not responsible for loss or theft of personal property.
Bear Valley Elementary
Location: 15001 Mountain Air Drive, Anchorage, AK, USA
Phone: 907-742-5900