Callahan Family Newsletter
October 17, 2022
Small Group Instruction
This year, all the elementary schools have a shared goal on implementing small group instruction in all classrooms:
Implement intentional groupings of ALL students (data-based) where effective instructional strategies are employed consistently to facilitate grade level, standards-aligned learning.
At our school, small groups are in full swing!
Picture Day
Calling for families to join the Callahan School Council!
Virtual meetings on the second Wednesday of each month 6:00pm-6:30pm
A school site council is a representative, school building-based committee composed of the principal, parents, teachers, community members and, at the secondary level, students, required to be established by each school pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 71, Section 59C.
The school site council improves student outcomes by uniting, in responsible participation, those closest to the teaching-learning relationship. Working together, the school site council helps the principal create a shared vision and school improvement plan that unite all members of the school community in a sense of belonging, commitment and growth.
Lost and Found
A message from the Callahan PTA
Hello Callahan Community!
We have a fun and busy two weeks ahead of us with our 2nd Annual PUMPKIN PALOOZA! and the return of MONSTER MASH!! Please read to the end and reach out to the Callahan PTA ( with any questions. Please see the flyers with details attached as well as links below for volunteer sign ups.
PUMPKIN PALOOZA! - FLYER ATTACHED - 2 weeks of fundraising ending with a fun, pumpkin themed activities.
SIGN UP GENIUS - please use this link to volunteer for Friday, Oct 28th for PUMKIN PALOOZA day time event
Callahan PTA's Pumpkin Palooza!
Please consider volunteering to assist with the activities involved in the 2022-2023 Pumpkin Palooza! Students will be outside on the Callahan field (weather permitting) participating in various pumpkin/fall themed activities. Volunteers are needed to assist and manage the activities -- as well as set up and clean up! Activities include: an inflatable obstacle course, pumpkin bowling, pumpkin ring toss, sack races, and more! We do ask that younger siblings do not attend with the volunteers for safety reasons. Additionally, volunteers will need to complete a CORI form, which can be printed here. If you need a copy printed and sent home with your student, please let us know and we can arrange for that. for helping make this event a success! (Here's the URL for the CORI:
MONSTER MASH- FLYER ATTACHED Join us for a fun family evening on Friday Oct 28th, 6pm-7:30pm
CANDY DONATIONS - FLYER ATTACHED will be used for the games at Monster Mash!
SIGN UP GENIUS - please use this link to volunteer for Friday, Oct 28th evening event - we are looking for a few adults and Callahan Alumni who are currently at Coakley Middle School
Monster Mash Volunteers
The Monster Mash is back! We plan to have the event outside with some new activities (rain location will be in the gym). We are looking for help from a few parents/adults and Callahan Alumni from CMS to help with the games! The event is from 6:00-7:30. Volunteers are asked to arrive at 5pm to help setup and stay to 8pm to help clean up. Please leave a comment if you cannot be be there from 5-8pm
Are you Volunteering? Please print and complete the required CORI form found at this link.
Please reach out to with any questions!
Thank you!
Callahan PTA
District flyers
Aspen Returning Student Registration - PLEASE COMPLETE (REMINDER)
The district requires that each family completes the "Aspen Returning Student Registration" via Aspen Family portal to update emergency contact information. Please review this video for instructions. If you have any questions or concerns, please email or call the Main Office. Please note that Aspen is not available on mobile devices.
Attendance and Dismissal Changes (REMINDER)
Important dates
October 20 - Coffee with the Super 6:00pm-7:00pm
October 25 - Early Release PD
October 28 - Pumpkin Palooza and Monster Mash (PTA)