Check out these great resources to start coding today!
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Tutorials for Beginners
Build Your Own Game Tynker, Ages 5-13
Build your own games and share with friends! Solve fun coding puzzles and learn programming concepts in each level. Personalize games with animated characters, multiple levels and rich props. Make your games realistic using physics. See the code as visual blocks or JavaScript. Take your games mobile on iPads and Android tablets. Over a dozen fun activities to choose from!
Create Your Own Google Logo Scratch
Get Creative with Coding Scratch, Ages 8+
With Scratch, you can create your own interactive games, stories, animations — and share them with your friends. Get started by animating your name, designing an animated dance scene, or making a pong game.
Lightbot Lightbot, All ages
Guide Lightbot to light up all the blue tiles! Lightbot is a puzzle game that uses programming game mechanics to let players gain a practical understanding of basic coding. Learn to sequence instructions, write procedures, and utilize loops to solve levels. Ideal for all ages.
Minecraft, Ages 7+
Minecraft is back with another new adventure - the Hero's Journey. Students can also play the code with Minecraft Adventurer or Minecraft Designer.
Pirate Plunder - 3D/VR coding coSpaces, Ages 8+
Pirate Plunder takes place in an engaging 3D environment in which students help our pirate captain to reach his treasure by dragging and dropping visual blocks to write code. Students climb, fight, collect, and walk their way through challenges of increasing complexity while learning to create efficient code with loops and write intelligent behaviour with conditions. This actvitiy is targeted to kids aged 7+ and first-time-coders. On top of that, anyone with a smartphone and a mobile VR headset will be able to explore their solved tasks in VR.
Robot Rattle - 3D/VR CoSpaces, Ages 8+
Robot Rattle teaches students to operate a fully physically simulated robot with the help of a visual coding language by easily dragging & dropping blocks to write code instructions. Students are introduced to the robot and its various moving joints, and learn to move its joints with the use of angles. The robot can push and grab objects in order to direct them to the goal, but also break if moved against obstacles. This activity is targeted to kids aged 13+ and offers easy-to-grasp insights into physical behaviour and robotics. On top of that, anyone with a smartphone and a mobile VR headset will be able to watch the full-scale robot performing the written code.
Wonder Woman Google, High School level
In this activity, you'll code three unique scenes from the film using Blockly, an introductory coding language, to help Wonder Woman navigate obstacles and reach her goal. You'll use the power of sequences, variables, loops and conditionals to help Diana train against her opponents.
Write your first computer program, Ages 4-104
Learn the basic concepts of Computer Science with drag and drop programming. This is a game-like, self-directed tutorial starring video lectures by Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Angry Birds and Plants vs. Zombies. Learn repeat-loops, conditionals, and basic algorithms. Available in 34 languages
Tutorials in Other Programming Languages
CodeCombat CodeCombat, Middle School +
Defeat ogres to learn Python or JavaScript in this epic programming game!
CodeMonkey CodeMonkey, Middle School +
CodeMonkey is an online game that teaches coding in a real programming language! Students program a monkey to catch bananas while it gets slightly more complicated on each level. They get star scores on each solution and can share it in a single click.
Drawing with Code Processing Foundation, High school level
An introduction to programming in the context of the visual arts using the Processing programming language. Short video lessons introduce coding exercises that lead to designing an interactive drawing program
Program a Virtual Robot RoboMind Academy, Ages 8-13
Students learn the basics of programming by controlling their own virtual robot. The online course is fully self-contained with short presentations, movies, quizzes and automatic guidance/hints to help with the programming exercises.
Eliza the Chatterbot Doctor Grok Learning, Middle school +
Use the programming language Python to build a chatbot called "Eliza" to act as a robot psychotherapist. You'll teach Eliza how to talk and the right thing to say. Can she fool your friends into thinking she's a human not a computer?
Accessible programming (with screenreader support) Quorum, Middle school +
This tutorial is accessible for the visually-impaired, and works with screenreaders. Join Mary on a tour as she joins a biology lab as a programmer and learns the Quorum programming language. This tutorial is student-guided with online example activities.
TouchDevelop Microsoft Research, High School
The touch-friendly editor will guide you in creating pixel art, solving the bear puzzle, or making your own jumping bird game.
Bitsbox - make an iPhone game Bitsbox, Grades 2-8
Follow the prompts to code five fun mini-apps using real, typed Javascript. From blowing up pie in 'Food Fight' to flushing a notebook down a black hole in 'So Long, Homework!', each app is designed to delight kids while illustrating variables, methods, and more. These apps are also completely open-ended; kids can use them as a starting point for their own app creations. Beginners welcome!
Tutorials for Javascript
An Introduction to Javascript KhanAcademy, Middle School +
Learn the basics of JavaScript programming while creating fun drawings with your code. Do it on your own or with your class!
Learn to Code with Karel the Dog CodeHS, High School level
Giving commands to a computer, which is what programming is all about, is just like giving commands to a dog. Learn how to code with Karel the Dog—a fun, accessible, and visual introduction to programming that teaches fundamental concepts like commands and functions to absolute beginners. Tutorial is student-directed but teachers can sign up to access teacher tools and track student success!
Codecademy Codecademy, High School level
Codecademy is an interactive, student-guided introduction to the basics of CS through JavaScript that's used by tens of millions of students around the world. We've prepared a no-hassle Hour of Code experience with accompanying quizzes, slides, and a completed project for students at the end.
CodeCombat CodeCombat, Middle School +
Defeat ogres to learn Python or JavaScript in this epic programming game!
Build a Game with Javascript Code Avengers, Middle School +
Build a 2 player 2D top-down game with JavaScript in 10 short tasks. Then continue learning some basics of programming (variables and if statements) as you create a Quiz to share with friends. Along the way earn points and badges as you compete to reach the top of the class leaderboard.
Make your own apps or games
Make a Flappy Game, Ages 4-104
Use drag-and-drop programming to make your own Flappy Bird game, and customize it to look different (Flappy Shark, Flappy Santa, whatever). Add the game to your phone in one click.
Bitsbox- make a game Bitsbox, Elementary
Customize your very own virtual tablet, then code a series of apps to play and share. Simple walkthroughs make it possible for even young kids to program real Javascript, and the more advanced you are the further you'll go.
TouchDevelop Microsoft Research, High School
The touch-friendly editor will guide you in creating pixel art, solving the bear puzzle, or making your own jumping bird game.
AppInventor Hour of Code MIT Center for Mobile Learning @ The Media Lab, Middle School +
Entertaining, quick video tutorials walk you through building three simple apps for your Android phone or tablet. Designed for novices and experts alike, this hour of code will get you ready to start building your own apps before you know it. Imagine sharing your own app creations with your friends! These activities are suitable for individuals and for teachers leading classes.
Beyond an Hour of Code!
Take your learning experience Beyond an Hour. Find more resources on the following topics:
- Tutorials for Beginners
- Tutorials that teach Javascript
- Tutorial apps for phones and tablets
- Tutorials in other programming languages
- Make your own apps or games
- University courses online
- Learn to make web pages
- Learn to program with robots