Week of October 30, 2023
Veterans Day
Please join us for our annual
Veterans Day Celebration at Brock Elementary!
Friday November 10th
9:15am Pre-K, 1st, 3rd & 5th graders 10:15am K, 2nd, & 4th graders
Please be seated in the gym 15 minutes before
If you do not pre-register, you will have to wait in line to be checked in through our Raptor System and you may miss the program.
Guests should arrive at least 30 minutes before the program to pick up his/her sticker.
Our program will be led by our Brock students along with the Brock Tiger Choir.
Please consider allowing your Brock Tiger to decorate a poster or
bring a photo honoring a Veteran or Veterans for our Celebration display.
Write the following on the back of each picture or poster! *student’s name *grade *classroom teacher Indicate on the front of each picture or poster: *name of the Veteran being honored *students relationship to their Veteran * Branch of Service
Send photos and posters no later than Tuesday November 7th so that we may begin hanging them up!
Please wear red, white, and/or blue!
Veterans! We honor you!
Counselor Corner- Kellie Johnson
Parent Lunch and Learn on Social Media Safety:
This is a presentation for all BISD Elementary parents at Frazier Elementary. Parents are encouraged to bring their own lunch.
Attendance Matters
Our School Wide Attendance Goal for the Year is 97%
Attendance Incentive- The classroom is working on spelling out ATTENDANCE. Each day everyone is in attendance (including the teacher), and the classroom earns a letter of the word. Once they spell out ATTENDANCE, the class will celebrate! The teacher will decide on the celebration in his/her classroom.
The winning grade level each week will earn a special dress-up day: Hat Day, PJ Day, etc. Teacher choice for Friday of the following week.
K- 95
1- 95
2- 95
3- 96 Winner!
4- 92
5- 95
All- 95
Instruction starts immediately at 7:40 a.m. If your child is consistently absent or tardy, they will have gaps in their learning.
Attendance and tardy letters will be sent home with students and emailed to those who have chronic absences and /or excessive tardies. Per Tex. Educ. Code § 25.093, truancy will be filed on chronic absences. If you need support, please reach out to Mrs. Taylor.
A Message from Nurse Smith
Just a reminder: Attendance is essential to your child’s success at school! Throughout the year, there may be health reasons to keep your child home from school. The following guidelines may help determine when your child should stay home from school due to illness:
Fever of 100 degrees or higher in the past 24 hours
Your child must be free of fever for a full 24 hours without the help of fever-reducing medications (such as Tylenol or Motrin) before sending them back to school.
Vomiting and/or diarrhea in the past 24 hours
Itchy, red eyes with discharge
Rash that has fluid or pus coming from it until treatment has been received, and a note from the doctor states that your child may return to school.
Ringworm of the scalp (until treatment has started)
Head lice (may return after appropriate lice treatment) -Your school nurse will need to check your child’s head before he/she returns to class.
Please encourage your child to wash his or her hands often, use hand sanitizer, and cover their nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing. It is also helpful for your children to get plenty of sleep and to eat healthy foods, especially breakfast.
Always remember that I am available to assist you if you have any questions on whether or not you should keep your student home. We share a common goal – your child's health, safety, and educational success!
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
- AM Crosswalk is covered from 7:15- 7:35 am
- Please do not drop your child off on the street in front of the school. If you want them to use the crosswalk, you need to pull into the neighborhood.
- During AM and PM drop-off, please stay in your car. If you need to help your child get prepared to drop off in the morning, please park in the parking lot. At dismissal, if your child needs help buckling, please allow us to put them in the car. You can then pull into the field by the school or in the parking lot to help get them buckled. This will keep our traffic moving.
- Please do not drop students off at the corner stop sign. We have had reports of students almost being hit by other drivers. If you would like to walk your child to the door, please park in the parking lot or in the field to escort them to the door.
- Our tardy bell rings at 7:40 am. Please arrive on time for school. We will start counting tardies this week. Our instruction starts at 7:40 am each morning. If your child is late, you will need to escort them inside and sign them in for school.
Grade Level Newsletters!
Upcoming Events
- Thursday, November 2nd- 2nd-5th grades report cards available in Family Access; Pre K Fall Family Night 5:30-6:30.
- Friday, November 3rd- Pre-K report cards available
- Tuesday, November 7th- Burleson Friends Festival
- Wednesday, November 8th- Kindergarten Field Trip
- Friday, November 10th- Veterans Day Program *see details above
Thanksgiving Break November 20th-24th
- Wednesday, November 29th- Make up Pictures
Email: kkimberling@bisdmail.net
Website: https://www.burlesonisd.net/brock
Location: 12000 Oak Grove Rd S, Burleson, TX, USA
Phone: (817)245-3800
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100057506085306
Twitter: @BrockTigers