Northern Ozaukee School District
Enrollment 2025-2026
Welcome to Fredonia and the Northern Ozaukee School District
We are excited that you have selected Northern Ozaukee Schools for your child's educational journey. Whether you are new to our district, are enrolling siblings; or have applied through the Open Enrollment Program, NOSD is proud to welcome you to our Warrior Family! We look forward to working you and sharing all that NOSD has to offer our students and their families.
NOSD families who are enrolling a new student for the school year 25-26,
may do so by completing the Skyward New Student Registration.
If you have already completed this step, thank you.
The Open Enrollment Dates are: February 3, 2025 - April 30, 2025, @ 4 pm.
Staff will begin to contact students/families in early May to learn more about your student(s) after the Open Enrollment window closes.
Non-Resident (open enrollment) families will be notified by June 6, 2025
via email, if their child's Open Enrollment Application has been approved or denied. Additional New Student Registration information will be provided to those families within the "Notices of approval/school assignment" .
If you have specific questions about one of our schools, or would like to arrange a tour of our campus, please contact the building Secretary:
Michelle Ringwell, Ozaukee Elementary School
Sandra Henke, Ozaukee Middle School
Kristin Petersen, Ozaukee High School
Please contact the District Registrar, Ann Baumann for any enrollment related questions at 262-692-2489 ext. 294.
- February 3 – April 30, 2025
Non-residents of NOSD must submit open enrollment online applications to attend and NOSD school.
- May 1 - June 30
The enrollment team will connect with new families to welcome/answer questions and learn more about student(s).
- June 6
"Notices of approval/school assignment" or denial will be emailed/mailed to families.
- June 13
Resident districts must notify applicants if their application is approved or denied (open enrollment families). - June 27
Parents of accepted Open Enrollment students must notify the nonresident district (NOSD) if the pupil will attend the nonresident district (NOSD) in the 2025-26 school year. * If the parent fails to make this notification, the nonresident district (NOSD) may refuse to allow the pupil to attend the district. - July 1
Skyward New Student online registration will open for all new and returning students. Instructions will be provided to families in their acceptance email. - July 31
All online registrations & school fees are due for approved/enrolled students.
- August 26 - 5-7 pm
* Families are invited to our annual Back to School Picnic!
Event details will be sent to all families prior to this event.
Held In-person at Northern Ozaukee School District *
401 Highland Drive, Fredonia, WI 53021. - September 2 - First day of school for students in grades K5-12.
- September 3 - First day of school for students in K4.
Back to School Picnic * Tuesday, August 26, 2025
The Northern Ozaukee School District will host the annual back to school community picnic on Tuesday, Aug. 26, 2024, (5-7 pm).
* NOSD Campus * 401 Highland Drive, Fredonia, WI
NOSD Contact Information
Dave Karrels, School Superintendent
Matt Zavada, Principal - Ozaukee High School
Charlie Schwartz, Principal - Ozaukee Middle School/Director, Pupil Services
Lynn Kucharski, Principal - Ozaukee Elementary School
Cindy Raimer, Director of Education, Sugar Maple Nature School
Mandie Barr, Principal/Executive Director, Wisconsin Virtual Learning
Ann Baumann , District Registrar/Enrollment Coordinator
Northern Ozaukee School District
Wisconsin Virtual Learning / Sugar Maple Nature School
Location: 401 Highland Drive, Fredonia, WI, United States
Phone: 262-692-2489 - 294
Facebook *Twitter
Registrar/Enrollment Coordinator for the Northern Ozaukee School District & Wisconsin Virtual Learning