Eagle Band Family Newsletter
September 19 - October 2, 2022
There is a LOT of information here, yet ALL of it pertains directly to our awesome band family! Be on the lookout for newsletters in your inbox approximately every two weeks.
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High School News (LNHS)
The LNHS Wind Symphony will soon start preparing for their upcoming performance at the Missouri Music Educators Association (MMEA) convention. This is a HUGE honor that involved a recorded audition for an out-of-state panel of judges. This is only the second time in the history of the LNHS Bands that one of our groups has been selected for this performance!
Please bookmark libertynorthband.org, your 'one stop shop' for all things LNHS Bands!
LN Marching Band
2022-2023 Drum Majors
Color Guard
Guard Team-Building
Trombone Melee!
Middle School News (HMS/SVMS)
Also, the Beginning Band students started with instruments TODAY! Welcome to your life-long journey as an instrumental musician!
Visiting FIVE Elementary Schools in One Day!
8th Grade Night!
Beginning Band
Band Boosters and Fundraising
The Liberty North Band Boosters are a group of parent volunteers, organized to:
- Support the students, directors, and families.
- Create a sense of community and encourage parent and student engagement in band activities.
- Raise funds to financially support band programs. (SEE BELOW!)
- Promote the program within the community.
The Boosters support ALL of our Band Family, grades 6-12!
Please contact Booster President Amy Konkle with questions, ideas, or to find out ways to get involved! libertynorthband@gmail.com.
Trivia Night - Oct. 9
Online Silent Auction
Spread the word to anyone interested!
(Auction is live through Oct. 9)
Needing a new mattress? Check this out!
Coming Soon! (Oct 10-21 - LNHS Students!)
Recent/Upcoming LNHS, HMS, and/or SVMS Performances
- Thurs., 9/15 - HMS/SVMS 8th Concert Bands Elementary Tour
- Fri., 9/16 - LNHS Home Football Game (8th Grade Band Night - SVMS, HMS, LNHS)
- Sat., 9/17 - LN Drumline to Drummit at the Summit (Lee's Summit HS) - CLASS CHAMPIONS!
- Sat., 9/24 - Fall Festival Parade (LNHS)
- Sat., 9/24 - Liberty Marching Band Showcase (LNHS, LHS) at the LNHS Football Stadium, 7:00 p.m. (FREE to the public! Come check it out!)
- Thurs., 9/29 - Nest Fest Parade (LNHS), 6:30 p.m.
- Fri., 9/30 - LNHS Home Football Game (Homecoming)
- Mon., 10/3 - 7:00 p.m., Band Booster Meeting AND Mattress Fundraiser Kickoff Meeting
- Mon., 10/3 - LN Advanced Bands audition videos due
- Sat. ,10/8 - LN Screaming Eagles at Lee's Summit North Marching Invitational
- Sat., 10/15 - LN Screaming Eagles at Cameron Marchfest
- Tues., 10/18 - First day of Wind Symphony/Symphonic Band (1st hour at LNHS)
- Fri., 10/21 - NHS Home Football Game
- Sun. 10/30 - Mattress sale fundraiser (LNHS Field House)
Senior Spotlight
Zachariah Huber
Favorite band memory - "My favorite memory as it regards to band is competition days. Getting to travel and preform at places that are not North is an amazing experience. Plus with all the downtime there is generally a fun atmosphere where everyone hangs out and plays games."
Something interesting/unique about me - "I play Rugby for the school club and over the summer for a local club."
Accomplishments/accolades/awards - "I have lettered all three years in band. Sophomore year I got a silver at districts. Junior year I got gold at districts and silver at state."
Karlee McQueen
Favorite band memory - "When we go to the Cameron band festival they always schedule the drumline and Indoor guard competition super close together. As soon as I finish one I am running out of the room to get to the other one on time. It's always super stressful at the time but when I look back I always find it kinda funny."
Something interesting/unique about me - "I'm a childhood cancer survivor." Also, "In my free time I enjoy reading and swing dancing."
Josh Nelson
Favorite band memory - "The most influential memory is when I made improved in state year after year, and hope to continue that trend."
Something interesting/unique about me - "I can solve a Rubik’s cube."
Accomplishments/accolades/awards - "Two years in the All-District Band and Two years in the All-State Band."
Caiti Harts
Favorite band memory - "When Mr. Fuller started singing during a drill down."
Something interesting/unique about me - "I love to code!"
Accomplishments/accolades/awards - "All Districts 3 years in a row, All State HM junior year, Drum Major two years, exemplary rating at district and state music festival for my solo junior year."
Upcoming Auditions/Camps/Workshops/Performance Opportunities
Northwinds Symphonic Band Young Artist Concerto Competition
The Northwinds Symphonic Band has an annual Concerto Competition for students in grades 9-12. The winner of this competition not only gets to perform with this semi-professional band on one of their concerts, but they also win a cash prize of $1,000.00! (Dr. Doss has had 4 former students win this competition over the years, though I take ZERO credit for their success in this event! I say this only to let you know it is VERY possible to win!)
Information may be found here.
The National Youth Wind Symphony will be conducted by internationally acclaimed conductor Eugene Migliaro Corporon. Maestro Corporon is the conductor of the Wind Symphony and Regents Professor of Music at the University of North Texas.
Northwinds Symphonic Band Young Artist Concerto Competition will be conducted by internationally acclaimed conductor Marios Papadopoulos. Maestro Papadopoulos is the Founder and Music Director of the Oxford Philharmonic Orchestra in England.
To apply, your students will need to prepare the excerpt/s for their instrument from the approved list and video or audio record themselves playing the music, without accompaniment. Additionally, a written and signed letter of recommendation from you or their private instructor which speaks to their ability to perform the selected repertoire is necessary and must accompany the application.
To audition for the National Youth Wind Symphony, go to https://bit.ly/NYECarnegieHallMAP
To audition for the National Youth Symphony Orchestra, go to https://bit.ly/NYSOCarnegieHallMAP
KC Metro All-District Band / Missouri All-State Band
KC Metro All-District Band auditions (for both middle school AND high school) will occur on Sat., Nov. 5 at Liberty High School.
The Eagle Bands have an incredibly strong tradition of excellence at the District and State levels. Last year, we had more students make the All-District Bands AND the All-STATE Band than any other schools in the state!! Let's keep the streak going!!
Contact Information
SVMS - Kelsee.Gardner@lps53.org
HMS - Michael.Dragen@lps53.org
LNHS - Michaelshane.Fuller@lps53.org
LNHS - Justin.Doss@lps53.org
LNHS Band Website - libertynorthband.org
- LNHS Concert Band (all grades) - @lncb2223
- LNHS Seniors - @lnband23
- LNHS Juniors - @lnband24
- LNHS Sophomores - @lnband25
- LNHS Freshmen - @lnband26
- LNHS Varsity Guard - @lnvguard
- LNHS JV Guard - @jvguardln
Remind Codes for Band Boosters
- 22-23 Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors - @lnhsbandb2
- 22-23 Freshmen - @lnhsbb2026
- 22-23 8th Grade - @lnhsbb2027
Wish List
- Convince friends, family, coworkers, neighbors, etc. to attend the mattress sale, trivia night, bid in the online silent auction, buy Shakespeare's pizza, etc.!
- Vending machine for LNHS band room (to include reeds, oil, marching gloves, flip folder pages, etc.)
- Semi trailer for transporting instruments, uniforms, etc.
- Scholarship funding for HMS/SVMS/LNHS students - specifically, funds for summer band camps, honor ensemble participation, private lessons fees, etc. (These are NOT currently in place, so we would be looking for someone to help create them AND acquire ongoing funding for them.)
- New Eagle Band attire for the Directors/Coaches/Staff - Help us dress for success! (We cannot use our school budget money for this, so we would welcome funding for new polo shirts, matching staff jackets, hats, etc.)
- New 6' silver flag poles for the guard (approx. $500-600 for 30 poles - https://www.bandshoppe.com/shop/color-guard/color-guard-flags/flag-poles-accessories/aluminum-flag-poles-58102/ )
- Two tarp carts for winter guard floor tarps (approx. $250 each - https://www.mccormicksnet.com/FloorMover-Tarp-Cart-p/8010040.htm)
- Batteries - 9V, AAA, AA (You would be surprised how many of these we burn through in a year!)
Directors Do Things, Too!
Band Directors
Mr. Fuller
LNHS Wind Symphony
Screaming Eagles Marching Band
Screaming Eagles Drumline and Percussion Ensemble
Screaming Eagles Pep Band
Screaming Eagles Jazz Band
LNHS Musical Pit Orchestra Director
Email: Michaelshane.Fuller@lps53.org
Website: libertynorthband.org
Phone: (816) 736-5500 (2259)
Dr. Doss
Instrumental Music
LPS MS Honor Symphony Founder & Conductor
MMEA State Band Vice President
MMEA District #3 President-elect
Email: Justin.Doss@lps53.org
Website: libertynorthband.org
Phone: (816) 736-5500 (2698)
Twitter: @LNDrDoss
Ms. Gardner
Email: Kelsee.Gardner@lps53.org
Location: South Valley Middle School, Midjay Drive, Liberty, MO, USA
Phone: (816) 736-7180 (2167)
Mr. Dragen
Email: Michael.Dragen@lps53.org
Location: Heritage Middle School, Liberty, MO, USA
Phone: (816) 736-5380 (2296)