Chester Elementary School
December 10, 2021. Connect. Thrive
Bright Spots
Dear CES Families,
As a CES staff, we have been focusing on the Bright Spots in our own lives and at CES! Bright Spots are the small celebrations and moments in our life that sometimes sneak by us because we are caught up in the grind, are overwhelmed, or are so busy with everything that life seems to be throwing our way.
At CES, we know there are many Bright Spots, we wanted to take a minute to share:
--we have WONDERFUL, CARING, CREATIVE students at our school;
--we have ENGAGING activities such as Thriving Thursdays, Buddies, and Outdoor Core that keep our students wanting to come to school;
--we have a DEDICATED, GENEROUS, SKLLED staff working with your children;
--we have a BEAUTIFUL school renovation planned for 2022!
--we have a community that SUPPORTS, BELIEVES, and PROTECTS our school!
We encourage you to take a moment and celebrate your own Bright Spots in your life this week. We know if you look, you can find many. Each of your children are a Bright Spot in our lives.
With Flexibility, Grace, and Appreciation,
Colly Fischer and Nicholle Crowther
A great reminder about friendship from Mrs. Spooner's Class
Upcoming Dates
12/11-Report Cards available on Parent Portal
12/14- 5th and 6th Music Concert, CES, 6 :30PM
12/16 -Thriving Thursday
12/20-12/31-Winter Break
1/3-Students Return to School
Holiday Creative Arts Contest
Let's get some CES students entered! We have coloring pages and entry forms in the office.
The deadline to enter is December 17th at noon.
Scan Your Receipts to earn Box Tops!
Help us Reach our Box Tops Goal!
December Book Give Away!!
Shellie Posch, a native of Greenville, joined the CES team in 2015 as a Paraeducator. Ms. Shellie was motivated to become a Paraeducator because she has always believed that children are the future and that it takes a caring and committed community to raise them.
Ms. Shellie has worked with all grade levels while at CES, but she has a special place in her heart for kindergartners. She loves being able to watch students grow academically and emotionally during their time at CES. Ms. Shellie also enjoys all the different things that she does during her day from supervising on the playground to helping students in small groups.
When she is away from CES, Ms. Shellie loves being in nature either hiking or walking. She also loves to drive to new places and explore. Her favorite children’s book is Wacky Wednesday and she loves the color yellow. Her favorite animal is a wolf and she hopes to travel somewhere that she can dig to find rare gemstones.
Snow Days Explained
Each year in the district wide calendar, you will see 3 "Built in Closure Makeup Days" which are numbered. If there is a school closure becuase of weather or other unexpected circumstances, those will be used as they are numbered. In other words, if we have a snow day, one of the 3 days will be a school day later in the year rather than a day off. The closure days are as follows:
Built in Closure Makeup Day #1- March 18
Built in Closure Makeup Day #2- May 27
Built in Closure Makeup Day #3- April 15
Knowing that we have weather coming in, there is a potential some of these days will be used. If you have questions about this, please call the office for clarification.
You can customize the color and design of items!
PUSD Dashboard
PUSD now has a Dashboard on the website with updated Covid positive test results in each school. These results come out each Friday, so the numbers here are from last week. Please see below for the updates to this week’s Dashboard which can be found here.
Independent Study Explained
There are two types of independent study, long and short term. Long Term Independent Study is an option for your student if in-person instruction presents a health risk to your child. You will follow the instructions found here. Notification of Independent Study
Short Term Independent Study is provided in case a student is excluded from school due to Covid-19, exposure or symptoms and can do work from home. The school will communicate with you and explain the process. Then, we will send a short term independent study agreement to you on Parent Square. The teacher will provide work and for the work that your student completes, he/she will have those days credited and not marked as absent.
If you are planning for a child to be away from school for a family trip or the like, please notify the office. You may request a Short Term Independent study agreement in this case. This request should be 5 days in advance of your departure and will need to be approved by the principal. If approved, your child will be provided work which should be returned the day your child is back in school.
Volunteers on Campus
Volunteers on campus
CES values our volunteers who help us so much. This year, in addition to the paperwork that volunteers complete we will be requiring
proof of vaccination
Or a weekly Covid test
and be fingerprinted (this can be done at the District Office in Quincy)
You are considered a volunteer if you come in consistently to assist at school in your child’s class. Field Trip drivers or parents that help for one event are not considered volunteers in this circumstance.
Testing will occur on campus once a week starting in early October but one can get a test result from anywhere convenient. The “quick test” AKA antigen will be the test provided at the school. At this time, over the counter tests will not be accepted.
Covid Protocols- new changes
Hello Chester families!
We’d like to remind all of our families that the same COVID protocols remain in place from last school year. If your child is ill, you will need to keep them home and follow the return to school criteria (see below). The complete PUSD Covid Protocols are found
Please use the At-home Staff and Student Screening to screen your children at home prior to sending them to school. The schools will contact any guardian for pick-up if your student develops symptoms during the school day. After experiencing any of the symptoms on this list, the student must meet the return to school criteria before they will be permitted back on campus. If you have any further questions, please contact your school office.
This week brings a change to Appendix B. See below for the details.
Here is to a great year!
Your PUSD nurses,
Emilee Pruitt, BSN, RN, Lead School Nurse
Jessica Logan, BSBA, RN, School Nurse
Lauren Tasaki, BSB, RN, School Nurse
Christina Tate, LVN
Emilee Schramel LVN
Free Crisis Counseling
It’s been a tough last year and half for many in our county. The Covid 19 pandemic has brought hardship and uncertainty to our community, and the added stress of several catastrophic wildfires in the past two summers has added another layer of difficulty.
This double crisis has put tremendous burdens on all of us, and many people have no choice but to struggle alone. This is why California State has started a productive new partnership with BeWellLine, a partnership that will bring care to the people who need it most.
The BeWellLine mission is to provide evidence-based, free-of-charge care to people who might not have access to it otherwise. This is a free service, available to anyone, without regard to existing insurance coverage or qualification. Everyone in the state of California is entitled to reach out and get the help they need, receive advice and counseling, and share their story.
If you’ve been struggling through the pandemic alone or feel like you need greater guidance and support, get in touch with the BeWellLine by calling (855) 838-6910 or visiting bewellline.com or calhopeconnect.org today to arrange a counseling session or learn more about how they can help you.The counseling services are available by phone, online chat, and video conferencing, and are free.
Bus Route
Chester Elementary School
Email: cfischer@pcoe.k12.ca.us
Website: ces.pcoe.k12.ca.us
Location: 158 Aspen Street, Chester, CA, USA
Phone: 5302583194
Facebook: facebook.com/ChesterElementary