Oakland Owls News
May 2023
Monthly Message from Dr. LaFrance
Happy May to our Oakland Families,
I can’t believe it’s May! Where has the time gone? I must start by saying how proud I am of all students, staff, and families. This year, we opened the doors and classrooms and did our best to make this school year engaging and productive for everyone. Every month I’m amazed by the success of the day-to-day and special memories we create.
I'm looking forward to all the fun events planned for this last month of school. We will be celebrating Teacher Appreciation Week May 8th- 12th. This is a great time to recognize our staff that has shared priceless moments of encouragement, support, love, and joy with your child this year. On Friday, May 5th we will be hosting our 2nd annual BINGO night. This is a fun, family event for you to enjoy - we hope to see you there!
We are looking forward to a great last month of school! We truly appreciate all you do as parents and guardians to support our school, community, and each other as we grow together.
End of Year/Summer Reminders to do at home.
Keep some kind of reading challenge. (Work on the summer packets we provide. They will be due September 1st.
Practice writing in various forms, letters, words, and stories!
Kindness Challenge
See you soon! Dr. David LaFrance
Library News
Book Returns
Please look for overdue notices to come home with your student at the beginning of May. Lost/damaged books may be paid for by sending in cash or a pre-printed check made out to Oakland Elementary. ALL books must be returned by Monday, May 8th this year.
Book Fair
We had a successful spring book fair! Thank you to everyone that volunteered to make this event possible. We could NOT have done this without you!
Nurses Corner
Dental exams are due May 15th for Kindergarten and Second grade. Please turn it into the school nurse as soon as possible.
5th Grade parents: It's not too early to schedule your 6th grade physical exam and immunizations for Junior high.
Please pick up your student's medication in the nurse’s office on or before May 25th. Medications not picked up by the last day will be discarded.
*If your student will need medication next school year you will need new medication authorization forms completed by the doctor. Forms can be found on my school website or pick one up in the nurse's office.
Student Attendance
- All student absences should be reported to the office by 9:30am on the day of the student's absence. The phone number for the school is (309)662-4302. State law requires schools and parents to attempt to contact each other when a child is absent. Please assist us by calling first. You can also report a student absence by sending an email to oaklandattendance@district87.org
- For students that are tardy or leaving early, the student sign-in/sign-out slips are now located in the office- See Mrs. Immke.
- If it is after 9:00, DO NOT let your child out of the car at side circle. Pull around to the front of the school to sign your child in.
Oakland Elementary
Email: oaklandattendance@district87.org
Website: https://www.district87.org/Domain/11
Location: 1605 East Oakland Avenue, Bloomington, IL, USA
Phone: 309-662-4302