The Olive Branch 8.25.23
What's Up At The Nest...
Principal Message
September Evacuation Drill
Student Health Update
D25 Superintendent Search
Visual Lunch Menu - Yearbook Sale - ABC25 Event
Important Dates
Dear Families,
Thank you to all who were able to attend Curriculum Night. It was a pleasure seeing all of you! If you haven't had a chance, please watch the OMS Principal’s Welcome, Behavior Expectations Information, and Staff Introductions.
Please help us respect our neighbors by only picking up and dropping off your child on the North Side of the building. Student Drop-off and Pick-up Prohibited signs are posted along Belmont, Clarendon, Pine Avenue and Olive Street between Arlington Heights Road and Douglas Street. We also ask that you do not allow your child to get out of the vehicle on Olive Street. Please use our loading zone.
As a reminder, our bus zone sidewalk is closed to pedestrian traffic. For the safety of all of our families we do not want anyone crossing between or behind the buses. Please use the crosswalk with Ms. Vicki.
Erin, Julia, & The OMS Staff
September Evacuation Drill
Our first evacuation drill will be on 9/18 with the AHFD present. Each year we practice several emergency drills including fire/evacuation, shelter in place, hard lock down and bus safety. We will notify families prior to practice drills.
Student Health
Please continue to use the links and phone numbers on this page: to report your child’s absence. If your child has tested positive for COVID-19, you can notify the school nurse for guidance regarding how many days it is recommended to stay home (5 days with day 0 as onset of symptoms or test day if asymptomatic) per Illinois Department of Public Health.
D25 Superintendent Search
The search for the District’s next Superintendent is under way and our Board of Education needs your help. The following are opportunities for you, our parents/guardians, to give your feedback to be considered in the selection process of the District's next Superintendent.
Online Survey
This survey will be available from Sept. 11 - Oct. 13. The link to the survey will be emailed to you, and it will be available on the Superintendent Search Page on our website ( Parent Focus Group
September 13, 2023 | 6:15pm - 7:15pm
Ivy Hill Elementary School
If you are not able to attend the focus group, you are invited to attend the community-wide focus groups linked here. For all things Superintendent Search, visit
Visual Lunch Menu
Is your child unsure what a school lunch might look like and be hesitant to try it? Please use the updated visual menu so they can see what they would be ordering! Click on the image to enlarge.
OMS Yearbook - On Sale Now!
Click the image to enlarge for more details. You can also find information on the PTA Twig. Look for the button below.
ABC/25 at Arlington Ale House 9/20
ABC/25 invites parents and community members to an adult only info session at Arlington Ale House (3rd floor of the Metropolis) on Wednesday, September 20th 7-8PM. Come learn how your membership benefits the schools and students and become involved in our rebrand! This is a free to the community event - not a fundraiser. RSVP here:
8.30.23 - MAP testing begins K-5th - Classroom teachers will share their testing days
9.4.23 - NO SCHOOL - Labor Day
9.6.23 - Picture Day
Olive-Mary Stitt Elementary
Ms. Erin Davis, Principal
Mrs. Julia Pemberton, Assistant Principal
Location: 303 East Olive Street, Arlington Heights, IL, USA
Phone: 847.398.4282
Twitter: @ahsd25Olive