The Dolphin Whistle
WLES Family Newsletter
Sunday, December 17, 2023
Phone: (240) 740-1020 Fax: (301) 601-0392
School Office Hours: 8:45am-4:45pm
Mrs. Lara Fisher, Registrar/Attendance Secretary
Mrs. M. Deneise Hammond, Principal
Feel free to text (240) 753-9472
Ms. Sheia Jennings, Registrar/Attendance Secretary
Mr. David Kim, Assistant School Administrator
Mrs. L. Orinda Nelson, Assistant Principal
Mrs. Padma Radhakrishnan, Administrative Secretary
Wake Up Waters Landing!
Good evening, Waters Landing family,
Did you attend our Winter Concert and Winter Wonderland Formal Dance last week? If not, you missed a treat! A special thank you goes out to Ms. Pasierb, one of our General Music teachers, Ms. Speak, our Instrumental Music Teacher and Mrs. Moore, our Parent Community Coordinator, along with all of the people who supported the facilitation of their efforts in making these amazing events come to fruition. Our Dolphins, sang, played instruments and danced beautifully! I am so proud of all of them and I am so grateful for the Waters Landing Elementary School community of staff and families who are always ready to support them. Thank you!
Tomorrow is my close-out meeting for our Dance Fit fundraiser. I am looking forward to finding out if we met our $10,000 goal. If we did, I will be kissing Leo the Bearded Dragon, our counseling amphibian. Stay tuned for a final report and if we met our goal, there will be a video..
Chat & Chew with the Principal is Monday, December 18, 2023 at 12:00pm. This month's topic is the Maryland Report Card. Joining information is below:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 454 689 3834
Passcode: wles
Our PTA is sponsoring a Restaurant Night at Ledo's this week. Show the flyer below or mention that you are supporting Waters Landing Elementary School when you order. A portion of the profit made between 11:00am and 9:00pm on Tuesday, December 19. 2023 will be donated to our PTA.
Waters Landing Elementary School is part of the No Place for Hate initiative, which teachers students to respect everyone's differences. We are getting ready to identify some students to be No Place for Hate Rangers, but we want to hear from parents. During the month of January there will be focus groups of 10 or less parents, as well as individual meeting times offered to meet with Principal Hammond to share your thoughts and ideas
December is spirit month at the Landing! We are showing spirit throughout the month of December as we countdown to Winter Break. Your student is welcome to join in the fun!
Last, but certainly not least, I want to thank our community for coming together in the event of an emergency on Friday afternoon. Thank you for your patience and cooperation as we worked to ensure that everyone was safe, by moving quickly into a Lockdown during dismissal. I am hopeful that this is the first and last time we have to engage in true emergency procedures other than drills, but here are some reminders, just in case:
- Please check your email throughout an emergency. I send updates through Connect-Ed, which pulls from the contact information on file at school. Please make sure that your email address and phone number are correct in our school data base or you will not receive messages from me. Also, check your junk and Spam email inboxes, as sometimes messages end up there.
- Please sign up for the Principal Talking Points. I only sent one message through Talking Points on Friday, because most families have not signed up for it. That is a quick and efficient way for me to get information to you. Here is the Principal's Talking Points joining information.
- Please avoid calling the school during an emergency situation. During an emergency, all staff are engaged in making sure that students, staff and families are safe. When the phones are constantly ringing, it takes staff away from our main focus, which is safety.
- Please follow directions of WLES staff, MCPS security and MCPD during an emergency. Their directions are meant to ensure that everyone is safe.
MCPS security and MCPD will continue to partner with us to ensure students, staff and families are safe at the Landing. Please review the resource Helping Children Cope with Emergencies to get some insight into how emergencies may impact children. My weekly message for students addresses how well Dolphins managed the Lockdown on Friday, Teachers will engage students in a community circle sometime during the day on Monday, to provide them the opportunity to ask any questions about Friday's event or safety in general. Please let me know if your child needs additional emotional support as a result of the Lockdown.
Proud to be a Dolphin,
Mrs. Hammond, Principal
December is Spirit Month at the Landing! Join in the fun!
Community Partners
If you know of any organization who would like to partner with us, please let us know.