Wasco Weekly
November 3, 2023
Wasco Families,
This week the Illinois State Board of Education published our Annual Summative Designation, and Wasco has been designated as Exemplary!! The Exemplary designation acknowledges the top-performing 10% of schools in the state. The graphic below displays how the designation is determined, and if you would like more information you can view our full ISBE report card here.
On Wednesday, our staff celebrated this accomplishment together. I am so proud of the staff for their commitment to collaboration and learning in order to support our student’s growth. Please join me in acknowledging their dedication to learning, for themselves and the students.
Kind Regards,
Principal Brennan
A big thank you to our teachers for meticulously planning and collaborating with our teams in order to organize student learning- plus they make our school environment fun for kids. We love the Wasco staff!
Important Upcoming Dates
November 10: Trimester Ends, Veteran's Day Celebration (see above below)
November 20-24: Non-Attendance Thanksgiving Break
November 21: Report Cards available at HAC
November 29: Early Release @ 2:10pm
December 1: Photo Retake day
December 25-January 5: Winter Break
January 8: No School for students, Teacher work day
January 9: School Resumes
Wasco Families,
Our Wasco Community is preparing to honor Veterans. Do You Know a Veteran or Military Service Member? If so, your family is invited to share this veteran’s history in our all school Veteran Slideshow. Please click the link below for the process. Also, you are welcome to invite a friend, neighbor, or family member who is or has served in our Armed Forces to our Veteran’s Day Assembly on November 10th at 2:00. We would be honored if they could attend our ceremony and we want to show our appreciation in person. Details for sign up below. All Veteran form submissions are due on/by Nov. 7.
Being the SSI Assistant is a BIG job! Last week Belle earned the position by collecting over 100 Wasco Bucks. As the assistant she helped with the morning announcements, helped set up the Gaga Ball Pit, helped with a game of “Would You Rather” with the 2nd graders, and helped me collect and count all of the Paw Prints. She even announced the winner of the Paw Print drawing and the classroom that earned the most Paw Prints for the week. She was an excellent assistant for the day! I am looking forward to working with many more students this year! Keep up the great work Wasco and keep earning those Wasco Bucks!
Wasco PTO - Salsa Verde Night - November 8
Community News / Resources
We have a collection box in the Wasco Office!
Early Release
Early Release:
One Wednesday per month, students will have an early release and dismissal will occur at 2:10pm. Please refer to the district website.
Need to pick up your student early?
Calling in an absence
Attention Parents....Arrival and Dismissal
When using the drop off lane, please drive all the way forward so that we can load/unload as many cars as possible. Please stay in your car. If you wish to get out and load your child, you are welcome to park in the lot. By following this procedure, we can expedite everyone’s waiting times in the car lane.
Ways to receive Wasco News
The Principal sends a weekly newsletter on Fridays
Wasco Elementary has a Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/WascoElementarySchool
Twitter account: @WascoD303
Join Membership Toolkit on the PTO site for ways to connect with parent community
Attention Parents!
Please be mindful of communications coming from “donotreply@d303.org”. This is the email address for our school newsletters and our all school emails. If you reply to this email address it will not be forwarded to office staff.
Office Contact Emails:
About us
Email: heather.kudabeck@d303.org
Website: https://district.d303.org/
Location: 4N782 School Street, Wasco, IL, USA
Phone: 331-228-2900