Board Meeting Summary
Glen Ellyn School District 41
October 5, 2022 Special Board Meeting
Meetings are video streamed live online and the videos are archived on the District website, Click Here.
Proposed Boundary Map and Operating Cost Information Presented
In Attendance
President Dr. Robert Bruno, Vice President Jason Loebach, Secretary Jess Buttimer, Ted Estes, Julie Hill, Dr. Chris Martelli, Tayyaba Syed
Return from Closed Session | watch
Public Participation | listen
Financial and Educational Information about District 41 | watch
President Bruno asked district administrators to provide background information about finance and academics in District 41.
Assistant Superintendent for Finance, Facilities and Operations Eric DePorter gave history about the fund balance policy, current reserves, and how the district has funds that could support the projects proposed if the referendum passes. Mr. DePorter also explained the district’s tax rate and that District 41 has the lowest tax rate of all Glenbard feeder elementary districts. He also shared that District 41 has the second lowest operating expense per pupil amongst all Glenbard feeder schools. He then provided a summary of how the District will utilize an outside professional to determine the appropriate strategy for issuing bonds if the referendum passes.
Assistant Superintendent for Teaching, Learning and Accountability Dr. Kristine Webster explained the Illinois School Report Card data for literacy and math. She shared that the information can be easily misinterpreted as reflecting the percentage of students performing at grade level in these areas. However, the Illinois School Report Card data actually reflects the percentage of students meeting or exceeding state determined proficiency levels toward the Illinois State Learning Standards at each grade level. Each Illinois school receives a yearly Summative Designation from the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE). This designation is a measure of progress in academic performance and student success in the district and provides a more clear picture of student performance. D41 anticipates that four of our schools will receive an Exemplary designation from ISBE on this year’s Illinois School Report Card. This designation indicates that D41 is in the top 10% of high performing school districts across the state.
Referendum Information
Boundary Information | watch
Superintendent Kaczkowski presented a proposal for new boundaries if the referendum passes in November. Board consensus was to support this recommendation.
Click here for the boundary proposal map.
Financial Information: Operating Costs | watch
Mr. DePorter presented a projection summary of operating costs for the new K-5
elementary school as well as the early learning preschool center addition.
Adoption of Resolutions Authorizing the Acquisition of Real Estate—871 Bloomingdale Road, Glen Ellyn, Illinois, 1 N 249 Bloomingdale Road, DuPage County, Illinois and 1 N 221 Bloomingdale Road, DuPage County, Illinois | watch
Prior to taking action, Dr. Bruno provided a summary of the process the Board followed leading up to the acquisition of the property located north of Churchill Elementary School.
(Voted Yes - Bruno, Loebach, Buttimer, Estes, Hill, Martelli, Syed)
Monday, October 17, 2022 - Regular Board Meeting & Public Hearing - 6:30 p.m., Hadley
Wednesday, October 19, 2022 - Special Board Meeting - 6:30 p.m., Central Services Office
Monday, November 7 - Committee of the Whole - 6:30 p.m., Hadley
Email: ekrehbiel@d41.org
Website: www.d41.org
Location: 793 North Main Street, Glen Ellyn, IL, USA
Phone: 630.790.6400
Facebook: facebook.com/glenellynd41
Twitter: @glenellynd41