Franklin County R-II
November Newsletter 2023
Better Together...Our Community Empowers Students
If you have not filled out the district survey yet, there is still time! Our goal is to have responses from all of our families. Surveys were sent out via ClassTag. Please click on the link to complete. We appreciate your feedback!
Parent/Teacher Conferences
The first round of conferences concluded on October 26. If you have not scheduled your conference, we have availability on November 1st from 8:00 am until 12:00 pm.
Pumpkin Pie, Oh My!
Pumpkin Pie, Oh My is the theme for our November Family Reading Night. Save the date for November 21st from 6:00-7:00 pm. Mrs. Scheer will have the Scholastic Book Fair open so parents and grandparents can shop.
Sports and Extracurricular Activities
The mandatory basketball meeting will be held on November 2nd at 5:30 pm. Practice and game schedules will be handed out at the meeting. Students should attend so they can pick their uniforms. We will have three teams this year, A girls (5-8), B boys (5/6), and A boys (7/8). We exhausted all avenues to field a B team for our girls. They will have opportunities to play a few games against girls their age. More info will be discussed at the meeting.
Basketball practices will begin the week of November 6th.
Students in 5-8 grades are able to participate in basketball. Students must be committed to the season.
Academic Requirements – In order to participate in sports, cheer or clubs, students must:
1. Maintain a C- average in basic subjects.
2. Have a passing grade in all classes.
3. Be present for the last four hours of the day of the game, or have pre-scheduled appointments approved by the principal.
4. Not be under any suspension or expulsion.
These academic requirements pertain to basketball, cheer, Science Olympiad, and archery.
Failure to meet these requirements on the mid-quarter or quarterly report card will result in ineligibility of extracurricular activities for a period of four weeks upon issuance of the report. After four weeks, if requirements are met, the eligibility is reinstated. If not, ineligibility continues until the next report card. Grade check for ineligible athletes will be November 20th. The student may attend practices, but may not participate in events (games).
Athletes must have a current sports physical and copy of insurance card on file. Players will not be able to practice until they have their physical. Physicals are good for two years.
Archery practice:
Archery will begin at the end of November. More information will be sent home with students closer to date. Practices will be on Mondays at 3:00 pm. Due to the popularity of the archery program, we had to limit the number of students that we can safely supervise in the gym. We can not have more than 20 students. This year, grades 7-8 may participate in the archery club after school. Coach Walker will be coaching archery.
Practice Schedule
School Board Filing
Board candidate filing begins on December 5, 2023 and ends on December 26, 2023. The Franklin County R-II School District will have two seats open. Candidate filing will open at 8:00 am on December 5th. We can not allow anyone to file prior to 8:00 am due to state statute.
Filing dates:
December 5th-8th 8:00 am-4:00 pm
December 11th-15th 8:00 am-4:00 pm.
December 18th-Office Closed
December 19th-Office Closed
December 20th- Office Closed
December 21st- Office Closed
December 22nd- Office Closed
December 25th- Office Closed
December 26th- Last day to file, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Sign up will not be conducted any day the office is closed due to inclement weather or health related reasons.
Placements of candidates appear on the ballot in the order they file. Please contact Karen Hoffmann ( if you have any questions.
Please RSVP 237-2414
Our veteran celebration will take place on November 8th. Veterans and their spouses are invited to a breakfast that will be served from 8:00 am until 8:45 am. A program will follow at 9:00 am in the gym. Please call school to RSVP for our celebration! (573-237-2414)
As of today, we only have 7 guests registered. Please contact local veterans and invite them!
Thanksgiving Break
The District will be closed November 22nd-24th for Thanksgiving Break. Classes will resume Monday, November 27th.
Our Christmas Break will run December 18th to January 2nd. Classes resume January 3rd.
December 15th is a full day.
School Closings
The School Messenger phone system will be activated if a decision is made to close school. We have set up the phone system to call and text to the cell number of every student and employee in the district. You should be contacted by phone with a recorded message in the event we have a school closing. Messages will also be sent out via ClassTag and be posted on Facebook. You may also watch or listen to the following TV stations:
TV Channels:
2, 4, 5, 11, & 30
The television stations have a computerized system and our school name appears almost immediately (depending on the alphabetical order scrolling across the bottom of the screen) once the information is entered. The first time for closing school each year is often problematic so you should check different channels for our school closing information. School closing information will also be posted on Facebook.
Please make sure your child understands where they are to go if school is called off early. Students will be taken to their usual drop off unless you have sent instructions indicating an alternate drop off for early dismissals. It will be much less confusing if this issue is addressed before the situation arises.
What is the CSIP?
As a component of the implementation of the Sixth Cycle of the Missouri School Improvement Program (MSIP) review process, all districts are required by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) to develop a Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP) that directs the overall improvement of its educational programs and services.
The Franklin County R-II School District began this process in October, 2021. The purpose of the CSIP is to prioritize objectives and goals that will be developed and implemented over the course of the next three to five years. It is a plan that centers on the improvement of the district from all perspectives with the major thrust on enhancing student achievement and performance levels. Our plan was board approved on December 14, 2021. On November 9th, stakeholders (parents, teachers, community members) will review our plan to see how many goals have been achieved. In the spring, another committee meeting will be held to review the 23-24 school year.
Our district priorities are centered around:
- Academic Focus (Student Achievement & Professional Development)
- Culture and Climate (Physical, Social & Emotional Safety)
- Leadership (Financially & Facility)
Homework Tips
1. Set up a homework friendly area
2. Schedule a routine study time
3. Help your student make a plan- What is due tomorrow? Is anything late? What tests do you have coming up?
4. Minimize distractions (phones, TVs, loud music etc.)
5. Motivate instead of monitor- Ask about assignments, quizzes, RC, and tests. Give encouragement, look over completed work, and make sure you are available to answer questions.
6. Be sure to sign the planner-Your student's planner is a good tool for communication between school and home. (if it is required for your grade.)
7. Reach out to the teacher before small issues become big issues. Please contact the classroom teacher before calling administration.
8. "I don't have any homework." Have you heard that? Well, there is typically always something to work on. Students should be reading nightly, studying math facts for fluency, practicing sight words, etc. There is always room for improvement!
9. All of our 5-8 students have access to study hall at least twice a week. Students should take advantage of this time.
Our goal is to help you help your student be successful in school!