Dr. NED's Notes
Helpful Advising Hints for PSYC Majors*
Thank you for seeking the answer to your question here first.
Applications Now Open for Fall 2025 Graduation
Spring/Summer 2025 Grads: Apply by Feb. 28 to get your name in the program.
Who You Gonna Call? (links to the things you need)
Click here for a link to the Registrar's Calendar.
N.B.: I'm in the PSYC department. Like Everybody, I want to rule the world, but I cannot make things happen in any other department. Here's who can...
REGISTRAR: reghelp@uga.edu
CHEMISTRY: chemreg@uga.edu
BIOLOGY: biology@uga.edu
SPANISH: spanish@uga.edu
P.E. or KINS: kins@uga.edu
STUDY AWAY: studyaway@uga.edu
FINANCIAL AID: osfa@uga.edu
DOUBLE DAWGS use this link first. If you still need them: doubledawgs@uga.edu
PSYC processes (like, I need a different advisor or pre-req override): psycadvising@uga.edu
Questions about PSYC 1101 research credit: rp@uga.edu
No one is perfect and we surely do not have all the details in any situation, but if you have a complaint, UGA has a process: UGA Student Complaints Portal.
PRO-TIP: Using polite language that incorporates words like "please" and "thank you," as well as including your 81-ID# will yield more favorable outcomes.
PSYC Capacity Override: It is a rare and last effort to request that a professor let you into their class after it is already full. First, you need written consent from the Professor/Instructor of the course you need. This will only ever be approved under dire circumstances. Then, forward their email granting permission to psycadvising@uga.edu. Include the following:
- CRN of the course (e.g., 99999)
- Course Prefix and number (e.g., PSYC 1999)
- Your 81-ID# (e.g., 811999999)
Word to the wise: the magic number is 19 - if a course is capped at 19, it is under contract with the University to remain small. Even the professor cannot exceed that number.
STUDY AWAY: What if you're curious about study away programs? What if you successfully applied to a study away program and now need help with your TCAF? What if your SA grades have not yet transferred to DW or Athena: https://web.oge.uga.edu/studyaway/other
FINANCIAL AID: Whether you have a concern or not, you should understand the parameters of your scholarship now, not later. What do you mean, I have to maintain a 3.3 GPA? Why should I carry 15 credits? What if I need a 9-credit semester? How do I access my Federal Aid? Why FAFSA every year? Are there scholarships I'm eligible for and don't know about? Honestly, do not ask me. I know just enough to be dangerous. Get the answer from the experts. And get it in writing. https://osfa.uga.edu/about/contact-us/ Contacting OSFA | Office of Student Financial Aid
APPLY TO GRADUATE: This is what you have been working toward - don't forget to apply https://osas.franklin.uga.edu/applying-graduation. You can do so once you have completed at least 90 credit hours. The application will ask you for "curriculum term" that is the last term in which your grades have been posted, in other words the most recent semester. (Look at the present and past, not future for curriculum term.) After you select the right curriculum term, you can start the actual application and select the appropriate graduation term. (The future!)
PSYCHOLOGY WEBSITE - There is so much cool stuff here.
Including links to CURO, 4800 and Directed Reading Applications.
But, I can...
CLEAR YOU FOR REGISTRATION - after our advising appointment. Make your appointment in SAGE for Registration (Zoom link sent daily) or for ANY ISSUE appointments (formerly known as "drop-in"), you reserve that time, too.
REQUEST CREDIT OVERLOAD - If you meet the criteria (no W or I in preceding semester, good GPA- varies based on credits earned) and need more than 18 credits in a semester, I have to advocate for you and get Registrar's approval. For this, you send an email with all the relevant details (course numbers, credit totals) to maiorino@uga.edu.
Clear for Fall Registration Cycle Officially Starts Jan. 21, 2025
Make sure you have the right appointment types selected. You should be able to see restricted appointments as well as follow-ups.
Please use the meeting Description feature when making your appointment so that I can fully prepare.
Update on your awesomeness:
Thank you so much for helping me clear my roster before the registration started!
We did it... 😎
Many advisors reported more no-shows than usual and students not making appointments, but not you! I really appreciate your integrity. 👼
FUN FACT: When classes are not in session, Advisors are still at work, but not on weekends!
Jan. 13 - Apr. 11: meet with me to be cleared for registration. One or two of you likely will have a hold reinstated anyway because the Registrar is imperfect, but I'll clear it again in seconds if that happens. Just call me 706-542-9092
The official start is Jan. 21, but I like to get the ball rolling early so you can set it and forget it, but still come see me when you need something else.
Most of you will register Mon., Apr. 11 or 12 (Seniors) and Tue., Apr. 14 & 15 (Juniors).
You have the option, up to the minute, to Zoom or come to my office Mon., Wed. & Thu. Tue. is Zoom only and Fri. is by appointment only. I send the Zoom link to everyone on the schedule each morning. I prefer in-person meetings, but if you are unwell and possibly contagious, please opt for Zoom. In Zoom, please call from a private location and turn on your camera. These requests are related to FERPA guidelines.
I do not advise by email - some advisors do, and if that is the method you prefer, you may want to request one of them by writing to psycadvising@uga.edu.
I can answer very few questions easily by email, most require discussion. It is almost always better to make an appointment when you need my time and attention.
That's what "Any Issue PSYC" office hours are for.
If you are assigned to me, you have access to my SAGE calendar. Please include a note in your appointment description. It really helps me to prepare. (You know, so I don't create a pre-med schedule and at the end of our meeting learn you're pre-law now 🤪)
I can only make appointments two weeks in advance, but I keep up with that. You have 2 choices:
- Clear for Registration extended duration options
- Scheduled Any-Issue PSYC Office Hours
If there are no regular open appointments for two weeks, your options are:
- Choose an Any Issue spot, either in person or via Zoom (yes, make an appointment for these)
- It is a rare occasion that I can see you on the fly, I will if I can, but just coming by is no guarantee of my availability - Any Issue hours are scheduled -- OR
- Wait. I will add new appointments within a day or two. OR
- Check again. People cancel all the time, spots open.
- I also do not mind getting a phone call or email with all of your availability mapped out so that I can schedule you manually or put you on my waiting list.
So, please book your appointment as soon as you get the word. The sooner you make an appointment, the longer it will be.
- Before Feb. 7 - 30 - 40 mins
- After Feb. 7 - 20 mins
- Mar. 3-7 is Fall Break - no classes - but I will hold advising appointments. Email me with your availability and I will manually enter your appointment, because no-shows for this appointment might result in being dropped from my roster.
- After Mar. 21 - 15 mins - Please do not wait until the last weeks of advising to make an appointment and then expect more than 15 minutes from me. I will send you the standard email and you will be expected to understand it and follow through with your responsibilities. I will not be helping you make a schedule.
- You are welcome to more than one appointment if they are available, but if you don't need it, PLEASE cancel.
Sic 'em!
Franklin Instructions to Apply to Graduate
Registrar Instructions to Apply to Graduate
- You may have marked Yes for walking in the main UGA Spring 2025 commencement ceremony, BUT you will need to still register for your ticket to get onto the floor of the ceremony as well as register for any tickets you will be needing for guests. An email be sent around Mar. 28 about this. See more at https://commencement.uga.edu/undergraduate/#tickets
- Spring 2025 graduates who want their name to appear in the program must apply by Mar. 1st.
- The actual deadline to apply to graduate is much later but you won't have your name in the program and you won't be on your GCO roster early enough for us to spot potential problems, but you can graduate.
- Some people need scores for graduate and professional schools. They can apply as soon as they have 90 credit hours completed, but that assumes the success of plans as currently envisioned. (You know sections get cancelled and plans change in the course of a year.)
- You actually have to pass all the courses in your plan. Don't count your chickens until they hatch, and don't think the world has ended if you need one more class. It happens more than you think.
Applications for Fall 2025 Graduation Are Open!
The sooner the better, according to our Graduation Certification Officers, but not before completing 90 hours!
I hope your commencement speech is as good as this one from David Foster Wallace entitled, This Is Water.
A Few Thoughts on Recommendation Letters
Am I the Best Choice of Reference for You?
Maybe... how well do we know each other? Is this for a UGA scholarship or position? Then, maybe I am a good choice. Is this for a doctoral program in clinical psychology? One of your professors will carry much more significance. They see you 3x a week. I see you 4x in 2 years.
If you think I would be a good reference for you - you must send a resume.
It is also useful to send an idea of how you would promote yourself for acceptance into a particular program.
Please know that I will be 100% honest - so, if I don't know your lab skills, for instance, I won't claim that I do. I will use your transcript to glean impressions, but I won't make a claim I cannot support.
Please narrow your expectation of me to one or two institutions. I simply do not have time to write more than two letters.
You know I wish you only the greatest possible success!
You contribute to the
AWE of Franklin College:
Accepting, Welcoming, Encouraging
PSYC 5100 Topics Fall 2025 (subject to change)
Calendar Notes 📅
My advising duties are Mon. - Thu. (Fri. emails will be answered Mon.)
I teach a section of COMM 1110 this Spring - crn 64811 - 8 a.m. MWF
I will be co-presenter for a PPAO Disparities in Healthcare segment via Zoom, 5p.m., Mar. 11
Thank you so much for the Outstanding Advisor nomination and all your kind words. 🥹
Fall 2025 graduation applications are now open. Apply via Athena, just be sure you have completed at least 90 hours and that your programs (major, minor, etc.) are accurate. You will need permission to add or delete programs once you apply to graduate.
Youth Development Institute is changing their name to Center for Developmental Science, multidisciplinary developmental research among youth and families. Undergraduate opportunities available.
EPSY Research Opportunity: Grad student needs research assistants for study on self-efficacy interventions. Ideal candidates could start within the month and continue through Spring 2025.
Send resume and questions: Artisha.Johnson@uga.edu
Fun Fact: PSYC 3550, crosslisted as PHIL, LING, ARTI 3550, is reserved mostly for COGS minors and majors. Please address your COGS questions to kvanorman@uga.edu
Some really interesting new Certificates:
For Transfer Students: Complete Round One of your UHC modules so that you can Complete Round Two or risk a Registration Hold for Spring 2025.
For Pre-Professional Students: Prioritize your PPAO appointment; connect early. These specialists are booked one month in advance: https://ppao.uga.edu/about/advisors/
Little-Known Hacks -
- BIOL 1103+L are not prerequisite for BIOL 1104+L
- BIOL 2104H can be taken in place of BIOL 1104 if you are eligible (GPA 3.4) - write to honorsadvising@uga.edu for permission. (still need biol 1104L)
- PSYC 3810 and GRNT 3200(E) are equivalent courses
- BIOL 1103+L and PBIO 1210+L are equivalent courses
- BCMB registration requires you take lecture and discussion with the same professor - can't mix and match.
Franklin Tea
Franklin for Life is the giving campaign for the College of Arts and Sciences. $15/month will keep our programs growing and thriving, more research opportunities, more student-centered programs. When I was in college, I would have said, Grandmother, I love you, and I cannot afford $15/month, so instead of giving me another purse for my birthday, please consider making a donation in my name.
Since May 2024, only GGC and UNG equivalencies for 3990 count as direct transfer credit. This does not affect students already admitted (whew!). There will be no 3980 equivalents after May 15. These formerly equivalent courses have been reviewed and will now count only as #TXX.
PSYC 3810 (Psychology of Health) has been added to Spring 2025. (Great for Neuro students!)
Dr. Outland is the Graduate Coordinator for the Institute of Artificial Intelligence
Dr. NED's Advising Schedule this Spring:
Mon. 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. by SAGE appointment
Mondays 2-3 in-person drop-ins
Tue. 7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. by SAGE appointment
(Be prepared to Zoom on Tuesdays)
Wed. 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. by SAGE appointment
Thu. 7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. by SAGE appointment
Fri. occasionally by appointment made via email
So You Want to Go to Grad School.
- Visit the Career Center for grad school preparation guidance
- Masters: Prepare for and Take the GRE (usually Spring 3rd Year)
- PhD: you need some research experience. Once you complete PSYC 3990, apply here: Labs and Research Groups | The Department of Psychology
- Select a lab in which you have a particular interest
- Explain why you are interested in this study/field* or you want to work with this professor*
- Include a copy of your resume
- Look beyond the PSYC department; other disciplines conduct overlapping research.
Everybody, get yourself a mentor:
PUMP - Psychology Undergraduate Mentor Program
Apply for the New EL Activity: Psychology Undergraduate Assistant
Applications to TA for PSYC 1101, 3980, 3990, 4210
Please visit our Career Advisor at some point this semester; they have a 4-year plan for everyone. Make that appointment via Handshake.
*PSI CHI Honor Society Meetings take place in Psychology 309
PSI CHI Meetings TBA
Best of Luck on your Next Steps!
Congratulations, Nadia Syed*, for acceptance to UGA's Master of Marketing Research program!
Congratulations to my students who won scholarships! 👨🎓👩🎓
Congratulations, D.K. McDonald*, for acceptance to Augusta University's Accelerated Nursing program!
Congratulations to all who learned of their acceptance to graduate schools! 👩🔬👨🔬
Congratulations, Cy'Riah Pearson*, for acceptance to UGA's Master of Social Work program!
Congratulations to all who landed a great job! 👩💼👨💼
Kudos to all my students on the Dean's and President's Lists Fall 2024 - Keep up the good work!
You did it! I knew you could! 🎓
*thank you for permission to name you.
There are more scholarships out there than you may know. I will try to keep a list of funding you can apply for. Please send links to any you hear about.
Franklin College Scholarship Line up your faculty recommendations.
Pre-Health Scholarships - All applications due dates tba
Scholarship Universe - UGA Office of Financial Aid - this rabbit hole will keep you busy for a few days
Academic Scholarships - UGA Undergraduate Admissions - you work hard, you get rewarded
Engagement, Leadership, and Service - UGA Student Affairs - participate!
Experiential Learning Scholarships - UGA Office of Experiential Learning - learn by doing!
Experiential Learning Scholarship - Applications Due mid-February
The Office of Experiential Learning is offering awards of up to $3,000 for use in any EL-approved activity during Winter Break, Spring, Maymester, and Summer 2025.
Applications will open after grades are posted. Select "Spring 2025" application.
- This is a hard deadline (including receipt of recommendation letters).
- Students can create an application by following the link on the EL website: https://el.uga.edu/for-students/scholarships/scholarships/
- Students will be notified of their awards within 8 weeks of the application deadline.
- Are you on the fence about their summer plans? No worries! The Spring application cycle will include Maymester, Summer, and Fall 2025 activities.
- Students may only receive this award one time.
Student Eligibility:
- Undergraduate students (including transfer students) with a minimum overall GPA of 3.4
- Must have completed at least 1 semester of coursework at UGA
- Incoming students are not eligible during this application cycle, but they can apply during the Spring cycle.
- Must be pursuing a course or non-credit activity that is approved for the Experiential Learning requirement
- Students and advisors can check blanket statements by college on the EL website and search for specific approved activities on engage.uga.edu.
Students can send their questions to el-scholarships@uga.edu.
Study-Away Scholarships - UGA Office of Global Engagement - you don't get to be 6th in the U.S. by not funding students to study away. Some people take multiple trips, all paid by scholarship. Apply for as many as you can!
Registration Reminders - Spring Summer 2025
- Senior Seminar/Advanced Lab/5000-Level Requirement
- PSYC 5100 sections (Special Topics) require successful completion of PSYC 3990 and Permission of Department (PoD)
- Only graduating Spring and Summer students get PoD
- That PoD restriction will lift just before Drop/Add week
- PSYC 5850 pre-requisites can be PSYC 4130 or BIOL 1108
FUN FACT: 14 credits min. make you eligible for Dean's or President's List in a semester.
(Dr. NED's List is not going to matter on med school applications 😮) - Campus Restriction notice probably means you tried to register for a course on the Griffin campus or for something only offered on a Study-Away program.
- When a class you want has no more seats, you can
- put yourself on the Waiting List
- not every class has a waiting list so...
- Guard Athena - log in regularly to see if a seat opens - this can happen as late as drop/add. (Aug. 14-20)
If you have never seen this Guide to Registration, seriously, check it. It's Gucci.
Dr. NED's Gems
Courses Worth Considering
💎CMLT 2400 - Asian-American Literature (satisfies Franklin multicultural & literature & Area IV)
ECHD 3020 - Introduction to Counseling & Human Development Services
EDIT 4100S - K12 Teaching with Technology (upper-division, no pre-req, fills Experiential Learning)
FHCE 3200(E) - Introduction to Personal Finance (upper-division, no pre-req, practical AF)
MUSI 3550 - Music Theory for Non-Majors (upper-division, no pre-req, fills Franklin FAPHIRE)
POLS 2200 - Hot Topics in Political Science (1-credit, S2 meets only Tue. 5:30 -7:20 pm S2)
FUN FACT: If your GPA is good enough and there's an open seat in an Honors section of a course, you might be eligible to take it. Write directly to the professor to request permission. Include your 81ID#!
Boosters - for when you need to lighten the load
POUL 1010E - Birds in Our Lives
FANR 1100/E - Natural Resources Conservation
SOCI 1101 - Introduction to Sociology
ANTH 1102 - Introduction to Anthropology
WMST 1110 - Multicultural Perspectives Women in United States (also Franklin MC)
ARTS, EDIT, HORT 2000 - Art Appreciation, Teaching & Learning with Technology, Horticulture Science Perspectives of Sustainable Plant Production
DANC, ENTO 2010 - Dance Appreciation, Insects & the Environment
FACS 2000 - Intro to Family and Consumer Science
LING 2100 - The Study of Language
ADSC 2300 - Companion Animal Care
ECHD anything - almost all upper-division - also, a good minor for many PSYC students
UNIV anything, all fewer than 3 credits (some are Service-Learning, i.e., they satisfy E. L.)
My fave/your fave MC silver bullets (i.e., Franklin Lit+ or FaPhiRe+ MC)
MUSI 2040, 2060, 2300, 2960, 3020, 3030
ARTS 2050
CMLT 2400, 2500, 2600
THEA 2110
Favorite Fall 2025 Online Options
ECHD 2050E, 3050E (2 credits)
ECHD 3170E
ECOL 1000E, 1100E
EDIT 2000E, 5100E
ENTO 4100E
EPSY 4240E
FANR 1100E
FHCE 2100E, 3100E, 3150E, 3200E, 3300E, 4400E
FORS 1000E
GLOB 3100E, 3200E (part of Global Certificate)
GRNT 3100E, 3150E, 3400E
HORT 1990E, 3300E, 4020E
KINS 3115E, 3830E, 4850E
LAMS 2000E (2 credits)
LAMS 3000E, 3010E, 3020E (now 3 credits each)
LAND 1500E, 2510E, 2520E, 4580E
LLED 2110E, 4010E
MATH 1113E
NUTR 2100E, 4050E, 4640E
POUL 1010E
PRTM 1100E
WILD 1110E (2 credits)
That last upper-division credit hour (one credit) in order of recommendation
PSYC 3030 - Preparing for a Career in Psychology
FHCE 5900E - Professionalism - taught online
ENTO 3000E - interdisciplinary seminars about insects
Those last upper-division credit hours (two credits) in order of recommendation
FANR 3400+D - Renewable Resources (second half of semester only)
MARS 4740L - Scientific Diving - fundamentals of underwater research methods, including SCUBA.
ADSC 2500L - Beginning Horsemanship
ECHD 3050 - Career Planning
ECHD 3050E - Career Planning but online
Recommended Upper-Division Electives
DMAN 3100 - Disasters and Society
ECHD 3170/E - Drug and Alcohol Abuse Issues
ECHD 4380 - Human Development and Mental Health
FHCE 3200/E - Introduction to Personal Finance
HORT 3300E - Organic Gardening
Are You Experienced?
What is Experiential Learning? Demonstrating that you can learn beyond the classroom, by doing.
How Can You Satisfy this Requirement?
- Volunteer Opportunities - Search existing activities here
- As-Yet Undiscovered Activities - Propose a Performance or Activity here
Sherry Gray - swgray@uga.edu handles Franklin students - that's you.
- Approved Study Away Programs - Make an appointment with a Study Away Advisor
- Pre-Approved Internships - Use this link to have your internship approved BEFORE you start it.
- Research with a Professor - these courses usually end in R. (PSYC 4800 is an exception.) CURO and most department prefixes have 4960R. First, you must approach a professor and either propose your own research project, or request to be a research assistant. They will ask you to enroll in an R course, or create a CRN for you to enroll in.
- Service-Learning Courses - these courses end in S.
- Here is a list of Spring 2025 -S Courses* - I mostly exclude courses with non-psyc pre-reqs - some are fewer than 3 credits
- There are a few outliers included
- Check the Bulletin for course requirements
AESC 4920S FOCUS - promoting science literacy ccsd
ALDR 3900S Leadership and Service
ARED 2110S Issues in Education
ARED 4060S Art Ed in Museum
ARED 4360S Secondary Art Curriculum
BIOL 3110L Basic Skills in the Lab (R)
EDIT 4100S Mentoring K12 Students thru Technology
EDUC 2120(E) Soci-Cultural Perspectives on Diversity (in teaching)
ENGL 3851S Writing for Social Justice
ENGL 4845S Prison Internship
ENTO 4300S Insect Outreach
EPSY 2130
FANR 3960S Warnell Student Ambassadors
FANR 4444S Foundations of Environmental Education
FCID 4920S FOCUS - promoting science literacy CCSD (xlisted AESC)
FHCE 5360S Topics in Sustainable Housing (PoD)
HDFS 4890S Animal-Assisted Interventions
HORT 3920 UGArden Internship (pre-reqs waived katecass@uga.edu)
IHDD 2050S DISABILITY STUDIES - part of Disabilities Studies Certificate
ILAD 5000S ILA CAREER MGMT - requires admission into Terry ILA program
Contact JURI for Permission lawminor@uga.eduFor any KINS write to KINS@uga.edu for PoD
LAMS 5425S Large Animal Farm Practice
LLED 4620S ESOL Service Learning
MGMT 5920S Organizational Behavior (good for PSYC/genb)MUSI 4500S Music Techniques for Children
PHIL 3900S Philosophy for Children
PHYS 4910S Communicating Physical Science to Diverse Audiences (PHYS 1112 pre-req)
POLS 1101S American Government through Service-Learning
SOCI 4470S Seminar in Deviance (SOCI 1101 pre-req)-
SOWK 2157S - Service-Learning in Social Work
SPAN 4004S Intro to Medical Interpreting
SPAN 4083S DIVERSITY THROUGH DANCESPAN 4090S Practicum in Service-Learning
UNIV 1202S BECOMING ACTIVE LEARNERSUNIV 2301S Transformative Learning
UNIV 2302S Success for Transfer Students
WMST 4170S Environment, Gender, Race & Class (PoD)