Knights EXCEL
Week of March 13th-March 17th, 2023
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Another way of thinking of about the relationship between art and mathematics:
And of course, it wouldn't be Pi Day without 🥧
Current 6th graders also brought home Math placement guidance letters
Calendar Conversations
March 13th: 8:30 and Noon Registration questions sessions for current 6th and 7th grade families
March 14th: 6th grade registers with counselors during success block
March 15th: 7th grade registers with counselors during success block; Math 1 IA 3 Student Council Elem reading visit; AP mtg; Track meet vs Western
March 16th: Baseball/Softball @ Western; Chess club meets
March 17th: ELA IA 3
March 20th: Baseball/Softball vs NE
March 21st: PLC's; Committee meetings; Track vs Allen @ Smith HS
March 22nd: Math 8 IA 3
March 23rd: Baseball/Softball @ Jamestown
March 24th: SPRING PICTURES; Sci IA 3--may be moved
Week of March 27th - March 30th: Student and Teacher surveys through Math classes
March 27th 8th grade to HS for visit and HS registration; Baseball/Softball @ Southeast
March 28th: 8th grade to HS for visit and HS registration;
March 29th: Track vs Jamestown
March 30th: rising 6th grade visit; Baseball/Softball @ NE; END OF QUARTER
March 31st: Workday--