North Star News
December 22, 2022
North Elementary
440 N. 10th Street Noblesville, Indiana 46060
Phone: 317-773-0482 Fax: 317-776-6274
Follow us on Twitter at @Northelem2
Follow us on Facebook at North Elem and North Elementary School PTO
Principal's Point
Dear North Star Students and Families,
Winter Break starts today. Winter break is December 23 – January 8.
It is hard for me to imagine that the end of our first semester is here. Teachers and students have been working hard. We at North want to extend to you our best wishes as the winter season approaches. This newsletter is just in time for us to take a break from school. I hope that doesn't mean that students take a break from learning.
As your students are home during the break, I encourage you to have them continue to read daily. My suggestion is to set aside a time when you can sit and listen to, or read to your child. Be it a novel, a magazine, or the newspaper - your children look up to you as an example of the importance of reading. If they see you read, they see that reading can be enjoyable and something that they need to do all their lives. I hope you will take time this break to read with your child.
Our belief is that effective education results from a positive partnership of parents, students, and staff. This partnership is built on a strong foundation of commitment to student achievement and continues to grow with open communication between home and school. Parents set the tone for their children’s education by instilling the basic understanding that education and learning are important. You are a powerful influence on your child’s overall academic success! And we thank you for your continued dedication to your child.
I also want to take a moment to thank you for your overwhelming response to our request for assistance for families less fortunate throughout this semester. North is truly a wonderful and giving community!
Robert Lugo
North Elementary
Mr. Lugo's BrainBuster
Upcoming Activities and Reminders
12/26/22-01/06/23 Winter Break
1/09/223 eLearning day - start of 2nd semester
1/10/23 1st day back in school
1/11/23 Late arrival - school starts at 8:15
2/02/23 Savor Noblesville
Student Services
Winter Dress Up Day Winners
Thank you to everyone who participated in Winter Dress Up Day! We raised $562.84 to
buy clothes and toys for children in our community. Here are the classroom winners.
Cooper – Amanda Pharis
Norman – Okami Montgomery-Smith
Owens – Everett Craw
Chambers - Liliana Schmeltz
Dage – Lanzo Torres
Swanson – Elinor Helming
Costello – Attikus Brooks
Doerr – Maelynne Robertson Fuentes
Etchison – Giuliana Szabo
Garibay – Harper Powell
Bostic – Jacob Lindamood
Goff – Asher Boston
Nix – Ben Case
Sellers – Isaiah Griggs
Helming – Alayna Earle
Hinshaw – Nolan Helming
Scott-Stewart – Declan Wilson
Clarey – Emerson Riddle
Gersonde – Ben Williams
Kimmel – Carter Zook
Jackson – Shyann George
Thompson – Abby Nickelson
Wilkinson – Nina Mcclain
Congratulations to Attikus Brooks for being the overall school winner!
Notes from the Nurse
Influenza. Let’s fight the flu together! Influenza is a contagious disease of the respiratory tract
(nose, throat, and lungs) that can lead to serious complications, including pneumonia and the
worsening of other chronic health conditions. Flu symptoms may include fever, headache,
extreme tiredness, dry cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, and muscle aches. The best
way to protect your family from new influenza strains is to get vaccinated each year.
The top five most virus-contaminated areas in the home are: telephones (have you cleaned
your cell phone lately?), appliances such as refrigerator and microwave, faucets, light switches,
door handles and TV remotes. Follow good health guidelines: eat right, exercise and get plenty
of rest to help boost your immunity to fight the effects of colds and flu. Wash hands or use
hand sanitizer frequently.
Have a Healthy & Happy Holiday!!
eLearning Days
January 9
February 13
March 15
Please call the office at 317-773-0482 if you need supervision for your child on any eLearning day.
Community News
Increased Pay for Sub Teachers
We have increased our compensation for substitute teachers by almost 20% and hope you will share this news with friends and family who may be interested in sub teaching. Additional compensation opportunities exist for those who sub frequently and those who are retired teachers. Learn more here.
Sign up now for Noblesville Youth Baseball Spring League
K-8th grade percussion and rhythm clinic registration is now open
Registration now open for 2022 Miller Winter Baseball K-5 camp
Registration is now open for NGSA spring softball
Ripfest diving is now offering lessons