Audubon Eagle Express
Upcoming Events
9/4- Labor Day (Holiday for All)
9/12 9:30am in Cafeteria - First PTO Meeting of the year
9/12- Boy Scout Night (flyers coming home)
9/12- VPK Open House
9/14- SAC meeting at 3:00pm in the media center
9/15- Picture Day
9/16- You Matter Day!
9/18- Interims Released
9/22- Summer Reading Challenge Celebration
*See Flyer below for FAST Testing Dates (dates are subject to change)
FAST Testing Dates- Dates are subject to change
Morning Mile
Students who do not have a permission slip OR do not follow the rules of morning mile, will not be able to participate.
Science Fair Research Rules- limited spaces available- Grades 3-6
PTO Information
We hope everyone is having a great year so far! It's been so nice to see all of our amazing families at the first couple school events and we are so excited to share with you all the fun plans we have for this school year!
To welcome back our staff we are hosting our first STOCK THE LOUNGE on September 12th. Please comment on the Facebook post or email pto (audubonpto@yahoo.com) with whatever you’d like to bring in. Items can be dropped off in the office beginning Thursday, September 7th. Please bring in perishables in the morning of the 12th. Please note, the list shown are suggestions, but you can bring whatever you'd like!
REMINDER: our first PTO meeting of the year is on the 12th at 9:30am in the school cafeteria. If you plan to attend and are bringing in an item for stock the lounge just bring it with you!
Important Reminders
Front Office: The front office will be locked at all times for the safety of staff and students. If you need to enter the front office, please ring the doorbell on the left side of the front door. Office hours are 7:30am-3:30pm.
School Hours and transportation: Audubon's campus opens for students at 7:30 am. Students must be in their classrooms by 8:00 am or they are considered late and will need to go to the front office for a tardy slip. All students are dismissed at 2:30. Please remember, that kindergarten and VPK students must be met at the bus stop by someone on their approved list. If no one is there to greet them, they will be brought back to Audubon. If your child is a car rider, please ensure that you have the car tag clearly displayed.
Bus Loop: The front area of the school is reserved for buses only. After the buses are gone, VPK parents may drop their VPK students and siblings off starting at 7:45 am and will be greeted by their VPK teachers. If you are not a VPK family and need to drop your child in the front, please park and walk your child up (using the crosswalk)
Bus Stops: Parents, please help supervise your children at the bus stop in the mornings and afternoons to ensure that they are making safe choices. Also, students must wear their bus tag daily.
Lunch Accounts: All students are eligible for a free breakfast and lunch daily. If you would like to see the menu or add money to your child's account so they may purchase "extras" please visit: https://www.brevardschools.org/Page/3479 You can add money to the account by clicking on the "my payments plus" button or downloading the app.
Focus: Please make sure that you have your Focus Pin number and have logged in/created an account. Focus allows you to access your child's assignments and grades, as well as view communication from the teacher.
Library News
The Mel Fisher Maritime Museum has chosen Audubon Elementary to host and present the 2023/ 2024 Pop Up Museum: Florida’s Hidden History. Students will discover how science and technology help reveal pieces of the past from underground and underwater. During their media activity, students will be able to view the 8 free-standing exhibit panels and use interactive tools to unlock informative online content, including 3D artifacts, quizzes, and extension activities.
SAC Meeting- Members Needed
Please click the underlined link below to vote for our SAC parents. We have room for all of the interested parents on our School Advisory Council, so please vote for everyone unless you have a specific reason not to.
Audubon Community,
We are looking for community members to participate on our School Advisory Council (SAC).
The Goals and Purpose of the School Advisory Committee are:
- To provide parents, teachers, and the community an opportunity to actively participate in the development of educational priorities, the annual budget, and the School Improvement Plan (SIP).
- To bring into closer relation the school, home, and community so that parents, teachers, and community members may cooperate in a positive way for the education of students.
- To act as an advisory body to the principal.
- To provide a liaison between the school, school organizations, and the neighborhood community.
- To positively impact student achievement by empowering the community and school to be involved in shared decision making.
- To impart an understanding of the responsibilities of the family and of parental obligation to the educational process.
SAC meetings are held once a month at 2:45 on Thursdays. We will be meeting in the Media Center at Audubon Elementary School each month. Please refer to the schedule below for exact days and times:
- Thursday, September 14, 2:45 pm
- Thursday, October 12, 2:45 pm
- Thursday, December 7, 2:45
- Thursday, January 11, 2:45 pm
- Thursday, February 8, 2:45 pm
- Thursday, March 14, 2:45 pm
- Thursday, April 11, 2:45 pm
- Thursday, May 9, 2:45 pm
If you are interested in serving on Audubon’s School Advisory Council (SAC), please email AudubonElementary@brevardschools.org with your name, email, and contact number.
Thank you for your consideration,
Candace Jones, Principal
Mrs. Higgins wants to thank everyone for the donation of art supplies!
District Updates
Cell Phone Policy
We will follow BPS Policy for major wireless devices. This means that cell phones (or any other wireless device) must be turned off and placed in the child’s backpack upon getting on campus, and/or boarding the school bus. If a student is found to have any sort of wireless communication device on his/her person at any time during the school day, it will be confiscated by administration. The consequences for offenses are listed below:
1st offense- Discipline referral submitted in FOCUS
Parent/Legal Guardian contact
Confiscation of wireless device to be returned at end of school day
2nd offense- Discipline referral submitted in FOCUS
Student assigned a consequence as documented in the Student Code of Conduct
Parent/legal guardian and student conference with administration
Confiscation of wireless device to be picked up only by parent/legal guardian
3rd offense- Discipline referral submitted in FOCUS (deemed repeated misconduct and subject to next level discipline corrective strategies)
Confiscation of wireless device to be picked up by parent/legal guardian
Loss of cell phone privileges
Parent/legal guardian and student conference with administration
Student assigned other corrective strategies according to the Student Code of Conduct
Power up with PENDA!
August Top Performers:
Liam E.
Emma M.
Hayden A.
Caiden G.
Berkley C.
Jameson B.
Ryan G.
Ronald G.
Cole M.
Kylie R.
Kamryn W.
Top Classes in August:
Reminders for Friday Lunch
-Students must stay at the picnic tables with their adult. No running around or playing in the courtyard.
-Students cannot bring a friend from class to sit with their parent/adult. Only parents/legal guardians on the child's information forms in FOCUS can eat with a student.
-Parents/Guardians must check in at the front office as a visitor and get a yellow badge. This badge must be worn at all times when on campus.
-Parents/Guardians MUST stay in the courtyard. You cannot walk your child to the restroom or to class.
*Teachers have been reminded that students need to use the restroom before lunch time, so this shouldn't be an issue. :-)
Eat Lunch With Your Student
Parents and Families,
I am happy to share some good news with you. Starting on Friday, September 1st, and every Friday after that, you will be able to eat lunch with your child(ren). Here is what you need to do if you want to eat lunch with your child:
- Make sure you notify your child’s teacher that you are eating lunch with them, so they can meet you at the tables. If you send an email, please do so in enough time for the teacher to see it before lunch.
- Only Parents and Legal Guardians can eat lunch with their own child(ren).
- Sign in as a Visitor in the Front Office and obtain a yellow name badge (you are not volunteering; you are visiting for lunch).
- You will report to the courtyard and wait on your child. The teacher will release your child to this area when he/she is taking his/her students to lunch.
- This area will be supervised during the entire lunch period.
- If you are not a registered volunteer, you will need to be escorted on and off campus by a staff member.
Every Friday will be available for parent/child lunch. We have limited seating, so you need to sign up through sign-up genius. The link for that is below:
Once again, I am happy to share this news with you. I look forward to seeing you and your child enjoy lunch together on Fridays!
Candace Jones