Explorer's Guide
August 2022
I am excited to welcome our new and returning LC Explorers back to school! Our first day of school is Monday, August 15. At Lewis and Clark Elementary, we want to work with you to help our students become independent learners and outstanding citizens. We look forward to working with you as a team to provide the very best learning experience for your kids! As a Caldwell High School graduate myself, I am deeply invested in making our school and school district the best they can be.
I look forward to working with you in the year to come. Thank you for your involvement in our school community!
Dr. Matthew McDaniel
Registration can be completed online anytime between today and August 8. To register online, click here to access the Skyward portal.
We will hold an in-person registration event at the school on Monday, August 8 from 7am - 6pm. For new students, don't forget to bring proof of residence, as well as your child's birth certificate and vaccination records.
You can find information about busing by clicking here or by calling Caldwell Transportation Company at (208) 459-6612.
One of the first things parents and students want to know each fall is who their teacher will be! We know everyone is anxious to meet one another and build a great relationship. Once registration is complete (on or after August 9), your child's teacher will reach out to you by phone or email to introduce themselves and share important information with you regarding the upcoming school year!
Meet the Teacher!
Please check your email or messages for information from your teacher before you come so you know who your child's teacher will be.
Student last name A-L: 5:00-6:00PM
Student last name M-Z: 6:00-7:00PM
Thursday, Aug 11, 2022, 05:00 PM
Lewis & Clark Elementary School, Laster St, Caldwell, ID, USA
**Wednesday early release every week at 2:00pm (including the first day of school)**
Doors Open: 8:45am
First Bell: 8:50am
Tardy Bell: 8:55am
Dismissal Bell: 3:30pm (2:00pm every Wednesday)
**For safety purposes, parents are not allowed in the building unless they have checked in at the front office and have received a visitor's pass.**
STUDENT ARRIVAL: All students will enter the East doors next to the bus lanes this year. Vehicle drop-off takes place in the FRONT of the school. Please DO NOT pull into the bus lanes as this is both a safety concern and makes our bus traffic more congested. Students who are dropped off will be directed to walk to the bus area where they will wait for doors to open at 8:45am. Please do not park in the drop-off lane. If you plan to exit your vehicle, park in a marked parking space. Students should not be dropped off or arrive at school before 8:30am. Outdoor supervision begins at 8:30am.
KINDERGARTEN ARRIVAL: During the first three days of school, kindergarten teachers and staff will meet kindergarten students at the front of the school. Those who ride buses will be escorted to the kindergarten lines. Parents can drop off their kindergartners or park and walk their children to the correct line. Parents will not accompany students to the classrooms on school days. Starting Monday, August 22, kindergarten students will follow the same procedures as all other students, entering the East doors.
STUDENT DISMISSAL: Students who ride buses will be accompanied to the bus pickup location on the East side of the school by their teachers. Students who ride home with parents or guardians will wait at the front of the building with a staff member until they identify their ride. Students who walk home will be released by their teachers at the end of the day. If your student walks, please practice their walking route several times before school starts so they know the way and so they use the appropriate crosswalks to use.
Breakfast and lunch are provided free of charge to all students every day. Students can choose to pick up a breakfast meal on their way in the building each day. Breakfast is eaten in the homeroom classroom for 1st- 5th graders; kindergarteners eat breakfast in the cafeteria. Lunch is eaten in our school cafeteria. Click here to review elementary school meal menus for the Caldwell School District.
Please take the time to review our student and parent handbook found below. This contains important information regarding our school and school district operations.
Looking for ways to get involved at Lewis and Clark Elementary? Consider joining the PTO! The PTO is always looking for volunteers to help with Popcorn Fridays, organizing fundraising events, helping meet school and classroom needs, and providing an amazing support system for our school! PTO meetings happen on the second Tuesday of every month. We would love to have you join our team! For more information, email the PTO at lewisandclarkpto1102@gmail.com.
Parent Involvement Opportunities
Wondering how you can get involved as a parent at Lewis and Clark Elementary School? There are a variety of ways you can connect with your child's education and support our school's efforts even as we operate in a hybrid learning model. During a typical year, parent involvement opportunities are presented at our first family night where information on our status as a Title I school is shared. Information on our school's Title IA program and parent involvement can be found by visiting the Lewis and Clark Elementary School Title I Parent Information page. Since limited group gatherings and minimized parent visits to the school are currently expected, this section of our monthly newsletter will serve as notice and fulfillment of a federal requirement to present this information to parents annually. For more information on the opportunities our federal Title I funding provides, to learn more about how you can participate in the principal's Parent Advisory Committee, or to find specific ways you can be involved with your child's education, please contact the principal, Dr. Matthew McDaniel at (208) 455-3345.
What can I do?
- Participate in the PTO
- Read to your child daily
- Participate in Parent-Teacher Conferences
- Attend and participate in school-sponsored family engagement activities
- Attend and participate in PTO-sponsored school events
- Seek volunteer opportunities at the school
- Join the principal's Parent Advisory Committee
- Communicate regularly with your child's teacher
- Talk to your child daily about what he or she is learning at school
Lewis & Clark Elementary is proud to support the mission and vision of the Caldwell School District! You can review the district's strategic plan by clicking here.
Mission: Nurturing growth, eliminating obstacles, strengthening the community.
Vision: Destination Education
About Us
Website: https://lew.caldwellschools.org/
Location: 1102 Laster Street, Caldwell, ID, USA
Phone: (208) 455-3345
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LewisClarkElementaryCaldwell