Betz Buzz
January 2024

Happy New Year!
Welcome Back
We are excited to be back into the full swing of things around here. It's so great to see everyone again. We hope you all had a peaceful winter break! I had hoped for more snow so that the kids could go sledding and build snowmen. Maybe they will get the opportunity before winter is over.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day
No School - January 15
All Cheney Public Schools will be closed on Monday, January 15th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Semester Break Day
No School - January 22
All Cheney Public Schools will be closed Monday, January 22nd for Semester Break Day.
Inclement Weather Reminder
In the event that school is delayed or closed due to weather and road conditions, families will be notified by the school district. Make sure your phone numbers and email addresses are current to receive this information.
Delayed Start
Class will begin at 10:50
Supervision and Breakfast will begin at 10:30
School Closure
The school day will be made up on a Prescheduled Emergency Make-Up Day in accordance with the school calendar.
A Note from the Nurse
Health Room Protocol
It's that time of year where it seems like the sniffles and colds are more common. We would like to remind our families of the guidelines we follow at school in regards to illnesses. Please read the document below. If you have any questions, please call us at (509) 559-4800.
Home Language Survey
Earlier this year, we asked that ALL families please complete the updated version on the "Home Language Survey". If you have not done so already, please download and complete the form below and return it to the office. Thank you to those who have already completed it.
Generation Alive Coin Drive & Meal Build
Our coin drive and meal build was a HUGE success!
After our final collection day, we raised $3,642.67. This was enough to make 14,571 meals!
We had an amazing team of 5th grade students leading our school-wide meal build. They led other students through a food packing event, helping to package meals that will be distributed to local food banks. ALL of our students were assigned a task and participated in putting the meals together. Thank you to everyone who helped make this such as success. This was a great opportunity for our students and for our community.
Silverwood's "Read 2 Ride" Program
Students can earn a FREE ticket to Silverwood by Reading!
Betz Elementary has been selected to participate in "Read 2 Ride" again this year! This is where students can read for 10 hours (600) minutes from January 1st - March 31st and receive a FREE Silverwood ticket for the 2024 season.
Reading logs have been sent home with students. If you need additional forms, you can download it by clicking the link below.
ASB Dress-Up Day!
Pajama Day!
The ASB Dress-up day for January is PAJAMA DAY!
We can all spend the day in our comfy jammies on January 12th!
For the complete list of this year's dress-up days, please open the file below.
5th Grade Field Trip
We are headed to EWU!
On January 18th, our 5th grade students have been invited to attend an EWU Women's Basketball game. The game starts at 11:00 am again the Weber State University Wildcats!
ECEAP Preschool
Space is limited!
We still have a few openings in our ECEAP Preschool program. For more information visit our website here: https://www.cheneysd.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=510014&type=d&pREC_ID=1032339
If you have additional questions or would like to register, call Jodi at (509) 559-4857
PACE Character Trait
The PACE Character Trait for January is FAIRNESS.
Throughout the month of January we will look for examples of students demonstrating fairness. If you have an example of your child being fair at home, we'd love to share it on the morning announcements! Click on THIS LINK to submit a shout out!
To learn more about fairness and for additional resources, visit the PACE website:
January Lunch Menu
Important Dates
1 - New Year's Day - No School
2 - Return from Winter Break!
10 - School Board Meeting, 11:00am, CHS
12 - ASB Dress-Up: Pajama Day
15 - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - No School
18 - 5th Grade Field Trip to EWU
22 - Semester Break Day - No School
24 - School Board Meeting, 6:00pm, CHS
Looking Ahead to February
8 - ASB Dress-Up: Grade Level Color Day
9 - PLD - No School
14 - School Board Meeting, 6pm, Westwood Middle School
16 - Tentative Emergency Make-Up Day
19 - President's Day - No School
28 - School Board Meeting, 6pm, Windsor Elementary
Betz Elementary
Email: betzoffice@cheneysd.org
Website: https://betz.cheneysd.org/
Location: 317 N 7th St, Cheney, WA 99004
Phone: (509) 559 - 4800
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100057570664379