Tioga Family Bulletin
March 3, 2023
Translating: Did you know?
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Recapping February & March Celebrations and Events
Matt Wilhelm
Lincoln Peirce
NWEA MAP Parent Information Sessions
To help support parents in interpreting their child's MAP score report, District 2 has scheduled parent information sessions on March 22nd. Please click on the flyer for the session times and locations.
March Breakfast and Lunch Menu
5Essentials Survey
Thank you to the 140 families that have already taken the 5Essentials Survey!
The 5Essentials survey window opened Tuesday, January 24, and responses from students, teachers, and parents will be collected through Friday, March 31. Students in Grades 4-8 will take the survey during class, while parents and teachers are invited to click the link below to complete the survey.
Click here to complete the Illinois 5Essentials Parent Survey.
Go online and complete the 5Essentials survey, and your family could win four season passes to the Bensenville Water Park & Splash Pad - a $240 value - courtesy of Bensenville Park District. A winner will be selected from each BSD2 school, so submit your response by March 31, tell your child's teacher you participated, and - if you're lucky - your family could swim for free all summer long!
Second Trimester Report Cards Will Be Sent Home with Students on March 14th
On Tuesday, March 14, second-trimester report cards will be sent home with elementary students, and mailed to middle school students' homes.
Standards-Based Grading
District 2 uses standards-based grading. This means you will receive scores for standards only. You will not receive an overall score for assignments/assessments.
The grading scale is:
E- Exemplary (4): The student independently extends and applies key concepts, processes, and skills and can transfer this learning to new contexts.
M- Meets (3): The student demonstrates a solid understanding of key concepts, processes, and skills and can consistently apply this learning.
P- Progressing (2): The student is progressing toward an understanding of key concepts, processes, and skills with minimal assistance.
B- Beginning (1): The student is beginning to understand key concepts, processes, and skills with assistance.
Click here for more information on Standards-Based Report Cards.
2023-2024 Kindergarten Registration
Incoming kindergarten students will be able to register for the 2023-2024 school year on Tuesday, March 7, from 3-7 p.m. at Tioga School, 212 W. Memorial Road
Students will need to register at their home school, so parents who are unsure which school their child will attend should call the Educational Administration center at 630-766-5940.
Registration requirements are as follows:
- Child must be present during registration to be assessed for kindergarten.
- Parent or guardian must present a certified copy of an original birth certificate indicating the child will be 5 years old on or before September 1, 2023.
- Parent or guardian must also present the following proofs of residency at the time of registration:
- A lease or mortgage statement
- A driver's license or current photo identification
- Three additional proofs of residency.
Drop-Off and Pick-Up Reminders
As reminders, families can further assist in creating a safe arrival by ensuring that:
- Students exit their vehicle through the curbside door
- Parents and students respect the directions of Tioga Crossing Guards
- Families respect Village of Bensenville parking signs when parking on nearby streets and the property of Tioga's neighbors
- Dropping students off on Memorial Road is not permitted due to student safety issues
Please contact the Tioga office with any questions about student arrival or dismissal.
Important Upcoming Dates
- 3/7: Kindergarten Registration from 3:00-7:00 PM at Tioga
- 3/9: 1st & 3rd Grade Field Trip to BMS for Beauty & the Beast Musical
- 3/15: Parent Connections from 6:30-8:00 PM at Peacock Middle School
- 3/22: Parent Education - NWEA MAP Growth from 1:00-2:00 PM at BSD2 District Office
- 3/22: Special Education Family Support Group from 5:30-7:00 PM at Johnson School
- 3/22: Parent Education - NWEA MAP Growth from 6:30-7:30 PM at BMS Auditorium
- 3/23: Kindergarten Field Trip to the Shedd Aquarium
- 3/24: Pre-K Field Trip to the Morton Arboretum
- 3/27-3/31: No School - Enjoy spring break!
Check out our upcoming Spirit Day themes:
- 3/10: Favorite Color Day - Wear your favorite color
- 3/17: Workout Day - Wear your favorite clothes for exercising
- 3/21: World Down Syndrome DAy - Wear mismatched socks
- 3/24: Pajama Day - Wear pajamas
- 4/6: Rainbow Day - Wear as many colors as possible
Tioga Elementary School
Ms. Soike - Assistant Principal
Email: ckramer@bsd2.org
Website: https://www.bsd2.org/Tioga
Phone: (630) 766-2602