The Dolphin
Happy Friday
Hello Families, staff, students!
I wish everyone a wonderful and restful weekend. Stay safe and healthy!
Thank you to everyone for your patience, support, and partnership!
Jude & Tiffany
For your Calendar!
- Mon, Oct. 19 Principal's Coffee- 8:30-9:00 (link)
- Wed, Oct 21, 7:00 pm – RCSD Board Meeting Speakers Card | Agenda
- Mon- Thurs-10/19-22= Eat at Sanchos Taqueria October19- October 22 (mention Clifford!! 20% of proceeds comes back to Clifford)
Support Clifford School and Sanchos Taqueria October19- October 22
Direct Donation!! PTO! Help PTO Support our wonderufl programs and services!
Hello Clifford Families,
My name is Jennifer Erskine and I have the privilege to be leading our amazing Clifford PTO this year. No one could have imagined that when we went home in March that our upcoming school year of 2020-2021 would be like this. As we all have struggled with these changes, we have also become closer within our Clifford Community. I am honored and so proud of the positivity our community has during these difficult times. We all have had to adapt and change how we have been doing things in the past. One the items that PTO has struggled with, is how do we raise enough funds this year during a pandemic when we cannot put on our biggest fundraiser, the PTO Auction?
Clifford PTO has committed to support and provide the following services this year:
•We are covering half of the salary of our wonderful Middle School PE Teacher, Mr. Dan Rogers. Dan is not only doing PE for our Middle School students but also running Study Hall on Wednesdays.
•Healthy Cities Tutoring – We support Healthy Cities that provides tutoring for our students. •Reimbursement of school supplies for Staff.
•Art in Action
•Project Cornerstone
•Marine Science
•Support for Staff participating in SEAL Training
•Books for the Library
•Staff Appreciation Through the summer, PTO met many times to review other ways we can fundraise and be successful with our endeavors.
As such, we respectfully request a donation from you, our Clifford family. Your support is critically important to enabling us to continue to support these valuable programs and services. We appreciate your investment in our school and children. This year, we raised our goal for Direct Donations to $100,000. While this is a large number, Clifford PTO usually raises roughly $150,000 with more than half coming from the Auction. We will have some smaller fundraisers throughout the year but through Direct donation, we believe that we can be the most successful. Any amount we help! You can also sign up on our website to support Clifford monthly in lieu of one flat amount. We appreciate your support. Please remember we are in this together.
Jennifer Erskine (PTO President)
Payment Options
1. Pay lump sum donation by check. Your check can be dropped off at the school office or mailed to Clifford PTO Treasurer, Leslie Street, at 320 Oakdale Street, Redwood City, CA 94062. Please include the completed Direct Donation Form with your payment.
2. Pay lump sum donation of any amount online via the button below.
3. Sign up for monthly donations for any duration via the button below.
Thank you for your support!
Pumpkin Decorating Contest TK-8!! Will be judged Nov 1~
TIDE Academy would like to invite all 8th-grade families
TIDE Academy would like to invite all 8th-grade families to please virtually join us on October 22nd at 7:00 pm for 8th-Grade Parent Information Night.
Please see attached flyer.
Date: 10/22/2020
Time: 7:00 pm
Location: Zoom Presentation: https://tinyurl.com/TIDEOct22
Redwood City Playgrounds Now Open!
In accordance with the California Department of Public Health's recently-issued guidelines for reopening playgrounds, the Redwood City Parks & Recreation department opened our playgrounds on October 13th. Several strict rules are in place so that families can enjoy our wonderful city playgrounds again. Play safely!
Activities for Redwood City Families
Each week, new opportunities are shared within our community to support and engage Redwood City families. Here are just a few:
Redwood City School District Support & Info
Be sure to stay up to date on the latest news shared by the Redwood City School District in support of all students and families. Here are a few important links:
Scholastic Book Fair
The Scholastic Book Fair is back! While the Fair will be exclusively held online this year, we still plan on making it a fun and joyous experience for our kids. Features include:
Clifford School’s own online store, with a large selection of titles, at the right price points
A Virtual Fair so you and your kids can experience the magic of the school shopping experience.
Browse titles by grade, meet popular authors and discover the comfort and joy of our Fair
Every dollar you spend will benefit our school directly (25% back in rewards!)
Save these dates and view our school’s Fair site:
Fair Dates: November 2-15
Online Store: https://www.scholastic.com/bf/cliffordelementaryschool1
The store will not go live until the 2nd
Clifford School
Jude Noyes- Principal
Tiffany Parrish- Vice Principal
Email: jnoyes@rcsdk8.net
Website: https://sites.google.com/rcsdk8.net/clifforddistancelearning/home
Location: 225 Clifford Avenue, Redwood City, CA, USA
Phone: 650-482-2402