Good afternoon to our Monclair Parents,
Thank you all for your patience and kindness during this first week back to school. The staff members at Montclair would like to thank you for helping us navigate our first week fully back in school since March 2019. The Administration would like to remind you of a few details as we continue with in-person learning.
For parents who drop off their students in the morning, please be reminded that students will not be allowed to enter the building before 8:00 AM. Please understand that many of the staff members at Montclair are also parents, so we entirely know the inconvenience of getting to work on time while getting your student to school. We know that the Car Rider line has been tedious and time-consuming. Please be assured that we are looking at ways to have the Car Rider line run more quickly. Keep in mind that our students can begin entering the building from 8:00 AM until 8:30 AM. The late bell will ring at 8:25 AM. The dismissal time for Montclair is 3:00 PM. We must all work together to make this a seamless transition.
Suppose you feel that you would like to have a voice in some of the decisions making at Montclair. If you would like to represent the Parents of Montclair Elementary School, please join our School Improvement Team as a parent representative. If you are interested, please email Mrs. Powell, our school principal, or write her on Classdojo.
Lastly, please understand that providing Transportation is a process for bus riders and parents who would like to receive bus transportation for their students. Transportation Coordinators have to follow a set of steps when placing students in the system for Transportation. Transportation is not an automatic assignment, nor is it a right. It is, in fact, a privilege and a way of us supporting our families. Continue to be patient with Mr.Gillespie as the Transportation Coordinator for Montclair. If you have put in a request for Transportation, please allow 24-48 hours for him to complete the process. As soon as your child receives a bus, the classroom teacher or Mr.Gillespie will contact you. The staff members at Montclair will always do what is best for children. If you would like to request Transportation, please fill out the form listed in the Top Five for Parents below. Parents with students in the First or Second that would like your child to walk from the bus stop without an adult or authorized sibling, please fill out the Bus Stop Authorization form also listed below.
Thank you so much for your time as we look forward to a year and rebuilding, refocusing, and reassuring all stakeholders on being Montclair Strong. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns for administrators, please feel free to email us, use Classdojo or contact us in our Facebook group.
Principal-Stephanie Wall Powell
Assistant Principal-Darius B.Gillespie
Principal Resident-Kacheckia Dewitt
Principal Intern-Geraldine Meadows
Our Mission
Montclair Elementary School provides an environment that encourages our students' growth and development.
We are committed to:
The enhancement of positive character traits
Achievement of academic excellence
Awareness of physical fitness
The faculty and staff invite you to be our partner in our journey toward greatness.
Email: dariusgillespie@ccs.k12.nc.us
Website: https://www.ccs.k12.nc.us/mces
Location: 555 Glensford Drive, Fayetteville, NC, USA
Phone: (910) 868-5124
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/717852188640034/?ref=share
Twitter: @MontclairEleme1