Lenox Elementary
Family Newsletter-March 2019
It's beginning to look like spring, until we see all those snowflakes falling or popping up on our weather apps. I'm so glad the flakes are not sticking and we are able to continue with our regular routines and engaging activities. A HUGE thank you to our teachers and the Booster Club for putting on another amazing STEAM/Science Fair Night. We had so many families come and participate in the fun activities. Don't forget that Daylight Savings Time begins at 2 a.m. this Sunday, March 10. Please remember to turn your clocks ahead one hour before going to bed Saturday night!
Mrs. Gina McLain
Important Upcoming Dates
- Wed., March 13th--Booster Dining Night Out @ Noodles & Co., 4:00-8:00 PM. More info here.
- Mon., March 18th--Principal Chips & Chat, 1:00-1:45 @ Lenox in Room 3--more info below
- March 25th-29th--No School: Spring Break
- Mon., April 1st--Jump Rope for Heart Kick-off--more info will be sent home before and after spring break
- Mon., April 8th--Booster Club Mtg., in the library at 7:00 PM
- Thurs., April 11th--End of Quarter 3
- Fri., April 12th-- No School: Teacher work day
Principal Chips & Chat
Time: 1:00-1:45
Where: Lenox, Room 3
Topic: State Assessments- supporting your student (geared toward 3rd-6th grade parents, but all are welcome)
What: this is the same as a Principal Coffee & Conversation, but since it's in the afternoon we will be enjoying snacks, chips and refreshments other than coffee. :)
2019-20 Incoming Kinders
Social Media Safety
Please remember to call in to the attendance line when your child will be absent. You need to call each day they are gone and give a reason for absence. The attendance line is 503-844-1363. Please click on the following links for information to know if your child is too sick for school, English, Spanish
Booster Club Information
For more information about Booster Events, please click on the links below:
- Volunteer
- Popsicle and Smoothie Fridays!
- Dining Night Out
- Fundraising
- Volunteer & Fundraise at the same time: Employer Matching information
Lenox Elementary School
Website: https://www.hsd.k12.or.us/lenox
Location: 21200 Northwest Rock Creek Boulevard, Portland, OR, United States
Phone: (503) 844-1360
Twitter: @LenoxHSD