Wednesday, Dec. 6th "F" day
Daily Announcements
Good morning Wildcats! Today is Wednesday, December 6th. It is an “F” day.
Activities Announcement
Callbacks for Mean Girls Jr will be after school today in the auditorium. Check your email or the callboard to see if you are needed.
Mindfulness Club will meet in Ms. Beil’s classroom, room 177 this Friday morning 8:15-8:45 am.
7th/8th grade boys basketball google sign up has been emailed out to you. It starts Jan. 2nd. Get signed up now.
Check your email for a google sign up form for all clubs and sports teams.
Other Announcements
It is Ben Franklin night at Skate City this Friday, December 8th 8-10pm. Admission is $8.00 with your school id. $3.00 skate rentals. This is a fund raiser….more skaters the more money we get back.
Lost and found is very full. Please stop by to check it out. The lost and found is across from the main office.
Some Good News
Our positive affirmation for today is: I am accepting of others, regardless of their differences or background.
We are here to help you. If you need something, find the closest adult.
Remember, We are Ben Franklin, and “We” have the best students and staff in Fargo!