Board Highlights
The Winnetka Public Schools, April 2023
Regular Board Meeting (with Class of 2023 Board Members)
Emily Rose, President, called the meeting to order and thanked retiring Board Members Ms. Maxie Clarke (2019-2023), Ms. Dawn Livingston (2015-2023) and Ms. Megan Panje-Wilson (2019-2023) for their dedication to our school community. She noted Ms. Livingston was selected as a recipient of an award in the Board of Education category as part of the 2023 Distinguished Service Celebration sponsored by the Illinois Chapter of the National School Public Relations Association (INSPRA). She also welcomed the three new Board Members to their roles and provided an overview of the evening meetings.
The Consent agenda and following Action Items were approved:
FY23 Amended Budget
Resolution in recognition of The Retiring Class of 2023 School Board Members: Dawn Livingston, Maxie Clarke and Megan Panje-Wilson
Highlighting Progressive Education in Action:
The Hubbard Woods student leadership team reflected on collaborating with Principal Carmody, Hubbard Woods staff and peers to make decisions that enhance the school experience for their fellow students.
Regular Board Meeting (with newly seated Board Members)
Dan Waters, Pro Tem President, called the meeting to order.
Newly elected Board Members Luke Figora, Katherine Myers-Crum, Marena Rudy, and Emily Rose, took the Oath of Office. Officer positions were determined for 2022-2023. Emily Rose was elected as President. Dan Waters was elected as Vice-President, and Luke Figora will serve as Secretary. The 2022-2023 Board calendar was approved and meetings will continue to be held at 7:15 p.m. at Carleton Washburne School in August 2023.
Emily Rose, President, welcomed all in attendance.
Dr. Kelly Tess, Superintendent, reminded families to participate in the District’s Parent Communicataion Survey, open until the end of the day today. She recognized recent staff effort on literacy initiatives, as well as other work toward the District’s Strategic Plan.
Beverages with the Board
Beverages with the Board, is an opportunity for community members to connect with Board Members on a regular basis.
May 16, 2023
9-10 a.m.
Peets Coffee
817 Elm Street in Winnetka
Winnetka Voices
The latest episode of Winnetka Voices a recently-launched podcast by The Winnetka Public Schools, Cultivating a Culture of Belonging, is available here:
Tentative Amended Budget FY23
The Tentative Amended Budget for FY23 was presented to the Board. It is necessary to amend the budget due to the passage of the referendum in November. The bonds sold to fund the referendum in December 2023 and expenditures related to the referendum through the end of June are now accounted for in the Capital Projects fund. A Final Amended Budget for FY23 will be approved by the Board at the June 13, 2023 meeting.
A presentation for the Board provided a high level overview of the process utilized for Portrait of an Educator. This update included outcomes from each of the committee meetings and what the final steps will be to wrap up the process, as well as how this will roll out to stakeholders.
Update on Washburne Schedule
An update on the schedule task force progress and key features of a new schedule were shared by Principal Fenton and Assistant Principal Horwitz. This presentation provided the Board with an overview of how the current schedule will be improved to better serve the students. A new schedule will be piloted in May and launched in September 2023. For reference, please view the following:
Informational Items
Advancing the Educational Master Facility Plan
Information was provided from the Special Board Meeting regarding the long-term maintenance plan and specific work at The Skokie School. In addition the District has entered into an agreement with Building Technology Consultants to conduct a structural review of Skokie to allow the District to formulate a long-term plan for this building.
This monthly memo provided the Board with a timely update on the Literacy Curriculum Review, the District’s acceleration policy and procedure, RULER SEL curriculum implementation, and continued professional development within the department of student services.
The Board was provided with a follow-up on a previous month’s recommendation to increase literacy facilitator FTE to support the expected professional development needs associated with a literacy curriculum review. Additionally, the request for additional certified special education FTE was recommended due to an increase in 504 plans at Washburne. It should also be noted that registration/enrollment numbers will be reported for 2023/2024 in terms of those students with fully submitted registration as compared to total students expected.
Staffing and Enrollment Update
The Board was provided with an update on current enrollment numbers and the progress made in recruiting a Director of Student, Services, Equity & Inclusion following the resignation of Melissa Lind (current Asst. Director of DSSEI). Following the approval of a restructuring of the District’s Administrative organizational chart, Denise Matthews’s title will shift to Assistant Superintendent of DSSEI beginning July 1. There are no changes being made to FTE amongst administrative staff.
The Board approved the purchase and service agreement for copiers to replace the current fleet that has been in place for six years. This agreement is with Imagetec, who will provide Konica-Minolta Copiers for our schools.
The Board approved the purchase of MacBook Air and MacBrook Pro laptops to replace teacher, staff and administrator laptops that have been in use since 2019. This is a four year lease agreement financed through Apple at a rate of 1.619%. This is part of the 5-year technology refresh plan.
PTO Donation-Hubbard Woods RC Furnishings
The Board approved the purchase of Resource Center furnishings by the PTO to update soft seating, tables and chairs in the Resource Center at Hubbard Woods. The Board shared their appreciation of this donation by the PTO, and their continued support of our schools.
The Consent Agenda and Following Action Items Were Approved:
Copier Bid Approval
Resolution to enter into Apple Lease Agreement
PTO Donation - Hubbard Woods School
To view the entire Board Packet from the April 25, 2023 Meeting, click here.