The Neighborhood Voice
Historic Central Avenue COS Newsletter - November 2022
Message From Your Community of Schools Administrator
October 27, 2022 marked the 50th Day of School, and our focus continues to be on attendance. Thank you to all families for making sure your children are at school when they are healthy. As we continue thinking about health and attendance, we know that many of us may be around family and friends over the upcoming Thanksgiving Break.
In preparation for Thanksgiving break, students and staff will receive an at-home rapid antigen test on or before Friday, November 18, 2022. It is recommended, but not required, for students/staff to test within 48 hours of entering campus after Thanksgiving break, so please administer the test at home on either Saturday, November 26, 2022, or Sunday, November 27, 2022.
Individuals who test NEGATIVE:
Do not upload to Daily Pass
Attend school on Monday, November 28, 2022
DO NOT attend school/work
Isolate immediately
Contact a doctor to make a plan for care, and
On a separate paper, write down the following information and take a picture:
Full legal name,
Date of birth,
Test date,
Last date on site (if applicable), and
Upload to dailypass.lausd.net
For assistance with uploading test results, please contact the Family Help Desk at 213-443-1300, Monday-Friday, 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.
We understand that administering this test is something extra to do on your break. As always, thank you to the entire Historic Central Avenue Community for doing everything possible to make our schools safe, collaborative, and caring learning spaces for everyone.
What's New This Month
- November is National Homeless Youth Awareness Month
- Book Corner
- Parent Conferences
- Smarter Balance Interim Assessments
- Shout Outs: Nevin Avenue ES, Sally Ride ES, and Estrella ES
- Acceleration Days
- Announcements/Resources
November is National Homeless Youth Awareness Month
- Providing ongoing training, technical assistance and advocacy district wide to ensure federal statutes and district policy are being followed in regards to homeless students in the LAUSD
- Removing barriers to academic success for McKinney Vento eligible students by providing needed supplies such as backpacks, school supplies, clothing, transportation, etc
- Educating students and parents on their educational rights
- Promoting parent participation in school related activities
By law, school-aged children in any of the following situations may be considered homeless:
- Living in a shelter
- Living in campgrounds, temporary trailers, or parks
- Living in an automobile
- Living in an abandoned building or public place
- Staying doubled up with friends or relatives, due to loss of housing from financial hardship
- Living in substandard housing (i.e.no running water, no electricity)
- Living in a transitional housing program
To verify eligibility and access needed services, families should fill out a Student Residency Questionnaire/Student Housing Questionnaire at their school, contact their child's school’s homeless liaison or contact the LAUSD Homeless Education Office at (213) 202 -7581
We Are Grateful: Otsaliheliga by Traci Sorell
Written in a mix of English and Cherokee, We Are Grateful: Otsaliheliga, by Traci Sorell (Cherokee), shares how the tribal community is grateful for the many blessings — and challenges — that come with each season. The book offers definitions of each Cherokee word as well as the complete syllabary, created by Sequoyah more than 200 years ago. Audience: 3-7 year olds.
I Can Make This Promise by Christine Day
All her life, Edie has known that her mom was adopted by a white couple. So, no matter how curious she might be about her Native American heritage, Edie is sure her family doesn’t have any answers. Until the day when she discovers a box hidden in the attic—a box full of letters signed “Love, Edith,” and photos of a woman who looks just like her. Suddenly, Edie has a flurry of new questions about this woman who shares her name. Audience: 8-12 year olds
Not Your Princess edited by Charleyboy
Not Your Princess is a collection of poems, essays, interviews, and art that combine to express the experience of being a Native woman. Stories of abuse, humiliation, and stereotyping are countered by the voices of passionate women making themselves heard and demanding change. Sometimes angry, often reflective, but always strong, the women in this book will give readers insight into the lives of women who, for so long, have been virtually invisible. Audience: 12-17 year olds
Parent Conference Tips - Elementary Parent Teacher Conferences are the Week of November 14-18
Below is a tip sheet for parents to ensure successful and productive parent - teacher conferences focused on student achievement. A parent or a teacher can request a conference at any time of the year, however, there are certain times throughout the school year that LAUSD has specifically identified as Parent Conference Windows. For elementary schools the next upcoming dates for Parent Conferences are November 14 to November 18.
Smarter Balanced Interim Assessments
The Smarter Balanced assessment system has three components:
- summative assessments administered in the Spring, designed for accountability purposes, and required by the state for students in Grades 3-8 and 11th grade
- interim assessments, designed to support teaching and learning throughout the year and required by LAUSD twice per year, once in the fall and once in the spring semester.
- Tools for Teachers, designed to support classroom-based formative assessment processes.
In LAUSD teachers are required to administer the Interim Assessments in English Language Arts and Mathematics twice per year to all students in Grades 3rd-11th Grade. Students in grades 3-11 just finished taking the fall interim assessment on Friday, November 4, and will be taking the SAME assessment in the spring in order to measure their growth.
If your student is in grades 3-11, make sure you know the results for your student and how the teacher plans to support your student in his/her areas of need. Please communicate with your school to find out when the Interim Assessment will be given in the spring semester. The window to administer it is from January 17, 2023 to March 17, 2023.
Exemplary High Dosage Tutoring Program Launch
Sally Ride ES is Out of this World
Kindess is Cool!
Acceleration Days - December 19 - 20 and April 3-4
Acceleration Days will take place on December 19-20, 2022 and April 3-4, 2023.During Acceleration Days teachers and support staff will provide additional instruction to students. Through LAUSD's four Acceleration Days, students will have the opportunity to receive up to 32 additional hours of face-to-face instruction or enrichment and social emotional support. Teachers and support staff will be able to meet with students one-on-one or in small group settings.
Participation for students and employees is voluntary, but everyone is highly encouraged to participate, especially students whose data shows areas of high academic need.
To help us plan for the upcoming Acceleration Days in December, we are asking school employees and families to complete a survey to indicate interest in participating. LAUSD Staff please fill out the survey as soon as possible! Families, if you are registered to receive emails from LAUSD, you should have emails in your Inbox with a quick yes/no survey.
CHOICES On Time Deadline is Friday, November 18, 2022
Choices Brochure
Click here for English Brochure
Click here for Spanish Brochure
Choices Time Line
Click here for English Time Line
Click here for Spanish Time Line.
User Guide
Click here for English User Guide.
Click here for Spanish User Guide.
School Experience Survey DUE December 9, 2022
School Experience Survey
Encuesta de la Experiencia Escolar
Free Tutoring for all Students in Grades TK - 12
Events and Resources Around LA
- Sunday, November 6: Daylight Savings
- Tuesday, November 8: Election Day
- Wednesday, November 9: Tech Talk for Parents, 3:30 pm (Zoom Webinar)
- Friday, November 11: NO SCHOOL - Veteran's Day
- Sunday, November 13: World Kindness Day
- November 14 - 18: Elementary Parent Conference Week
- Wednesday, November 16: Tech Talk for Parents, 3:30 pm (Zoom Webinar)
- November 21 - 25: Thanksgiving Break
- Thursday, November 24: Thanksgiving Day
Connect With Us
Email: Historic_Central_Avenue@lausd.net
Website: http://HistoricCentralAvenueCOS.lausd.net
Location: 644 East 56th Street, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Phone: 323-897-6720
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/historiccentral.avenuecos
Twitter: @Historic_Cos