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Highland Lakes Elementary School
Week of Feb 13 - Feb 17
Title I Three Way Compacts
See our Title I Three Way Compact HERE
Opportunities to provide feedback on our shared agreements will be provided throughout the year - Open House, Student Led conferences in the fall and the spring, PTO meetings, and in CEIC
Important Dates
Upcoming Events (dates subject to change, updates available from our office or PTO)
- 2/14 Valentine's Class Parties at the end of the day in class (this event is reserved for students; please ask your child's teacher about what snacks or treats might be requested)
- special "breakfast for lunch" menu for lunch this day
- 2/17 5:30-7:00 PTO Sponsored Valentine's Dance
- 2/20 Student and Staff Holiday for Presidents' Day
- 2/23 4:30 CEIC site based decision making committee meeting (using your input on Title I compact to make any adjustments - please return those to the office if you took it home from Student Led Conferences and want to provide us your valuable feedback)
- 2/24 Rick Edwards Day of Service - projects in class that benefit our community
Students can arrive at 7:15 a.m. (all students may choose a free breakfast until 7:45)
Dismissal begins at 3:15 p.m.
Our school office cannot deliver items to students that are dropped off from home. Please refrain from dropping off personal items left behind by your child (lunch box, homework, water bottle, etc) - we cannot interrupt learning to call classrooms and we do not always have staff to make classroom deliveries. Students without a lunch box will be offered a free lunch from the cafeteria. (Teachers are permitted to send your student to the office when the class is on the way to lunch, to check if their personal item was dropped off there).
You are encouraged to come eat with any personal children with whom you live or for whom you legally share custodial rights; visitors listed as only an emergency contact must be escorted by a legal guardian or a guardian must give our administrative staff consent for your lunch-time visit. Thank you for your cooperation as we work to focus daily on safety and learning during school hours.
Parent Information
See our HLES Parent Information Letter HERE - this contains campus specific procedures and schedules
See MFISD parent resources including student handbooks and code of conduct HERE
- Policy that addresses Bullying can be found on page 34 of the MFISD School Board approved Student Handbook, linked above. Please be familiar with your rights and our procedures, and let us know immediately about any concerns.
- Policy regarding hair (styles, cut, and color) can be referenced on Page 57 of the Student Handbook. This has been a recent area of required reminders to students and families.
- Policy regarding dress code (length of shorts/skirts, midriff, earrings, etc) can be found on pages 57-59 of the Student Handbook. With varying temperatures and with the growth and development of elementary children comes wardrobe unexpectedness. One day they need hoodies and the next they need shorts (which may no longer fit them); one day they want Pokemon and unicorns and the next they want colored hair and a new earring. Check our policies so that your children are successfully set up to meet district expectations.
- Policy regarding possession and confiscation of personal electronics (such as cell phones, games) and the appropriate use of district technology is addressed on pages 59-61.
Make School Meal/Snack Payments
(for second entrees and for optional snacks: chips, cookies, ice cream, bottled water)
See monthly child nutrition menus HERE
Visit Us for Lunch
You are invited to have lunch with your child during their designated lunch period any day (your child only please). Please wait in the office until your child's lunch period begins, and leave from the office after you have enjoyed lunch.
Students may not share food - please help us to remind our kindhearted children to protect our friends by not sharing any food.
Photography/Video is strictly prohibited in the cafeteria - thank you for honoring the privacy of all students.
Please Volunteer for Parents on Patrol
We received an excellent rating from our most recent state security audit - we appreciate the volunteers who have already been on campus to help monitor for safety and overall positivity. Join us!
Start by completing this volunteer form for a background check:https://www.marblefallsisd.org/Page/13110
What will I do at HLES as a Parent on Patrol? Read More HERE!
Approved Volunteers with a completed background check are HIGHLY encouraged to pick one or more calendar sign ups throughout the school year to come support on campus: Sign Up Here
College and Career Crazy - No Excuses!
We believe that every child deserves the opportunity to be educated in a way that prepares them for college or for leading in the career or technical field of their choice. When schools exhibit a culture of universal achievement by believing in students, they collaborate around that belief. During collaboration, they align their standards as a team. As teams align standards, they need to assess the standards and manage the data. Then, and only then, can they pursue meaningful interventions with their students.
What is No Excuses University?
¿Que es la Universidad Sin Excusas?
See which colleges our classrooms represent: