Pirates Post
Week of May 23rd
Message from Principal Drew...
There are only 9 instructional days left in the school year. Students you need to be making all necessary arrangements now to finish the year successfully. If you have over ten absences in a class see your guidance counselor immediately to start making up time. We offer the opportunity to make up time every day after school. If you are missing work get it completed and submitted now to give yourself the best opportunity to succeed. Summer school will be offered this year for English 2, Math 1 and Biology as well as credit recovery and seat time completion. The dates for summer school are June 14th through the 24th. The student day for summer school will be from 8:00 AM to 11:30 AM each day. This is a great opportunity for students to regain credits before grades are closed out for the school year.
We have another busy week as we approach the end of the school year.
On Monday our Women's soccer team will play at home in the 3rd round of the playoffs.
On Tuesday we will hold our annual Senior Walk. All Seniors should report to the gym at 8 AM in their caps and gowns. We will visit the other three schools in our district after taking a class photo in the gym. Baseball will host Bear Grass Charter at 7 PM in game 1 of the Eastern Regional Finals.
On Wednesday we will distribute yearbooks to students who have purchased one. It is not to late to get your copy of the yearbook. See Mrs. Harris for more information if you would like to purchase one.
Friday baseball will travel to Bear Grass for game 2 of the regional series. The game will start at 7 PM. Game three will be on Saturday at home at 7 PM if needed.
Congratulations to our Men's and Women's Track teams on their outstanding performance at the State Championships this weekend. Special recognition for our Women's 4x100 Relay team who placed 2nd overall in the meet yesterday. The members of that team are Essence Bond, Jaslyn Holley, Lailana Harris and Crishya Sellers. Great job ladies. We will post full results for all or our track state finalists once they become available on our Facebook page. A huge THANK YOU to Coach Burke, Coach Mallory, Coach Kajca and Coach Spellman for their work with both teams this season.
Congratulations also to our Women's Soccer team on their 2nd round win over Union last week. These girls will compete in the third round of the playoffs at home on Monday at 5 versus East Columbus. Let's fill the stands for these girls tomorrow as they try to advance to round four. Good luck Ladies!
Congratulations to the Baseball team for advancing to the Eastern Region Finals that will take place this week. The first game of the regional series will take place on Tuesday night at 7 PM at home. The Pirates will be playing Bear Grass Charter in a best out of three series. Game two will be at Bear Grass on Friday at 7 PM and game three if needed will be played on Saturday at 7 PM at Perquimans. Good luck fellas!
We would also like to tip our caps to the Softball team on a fantastic season. They advanced to the fourth round of the playoffs before losing to a strong Vance Charter team. Great season ladies.
Transportation forms for the 2022-2023 school year can be found on our Facebook page. Any student that will need bus transportation for next year must complete this form in order to ride the bus.
Finally, there are some important dates for you to be aware of as we close out the school year.
5/24 - Senior Walk starting at 8 AM in the gym.
5/30 - Memorial Day. No school on this day
5/31 - Athletic Awards Banquet @ 7 PM
6/1 - Baccalaureate Service @ 6:30 PM
6/2 - Academic Awards Banquet @ 6:30 PM. Students receiving an award will be given their invitation to the banquet this week.
6/6 - 1st Period Final Exams
6/7 - 2nd Period Final Exams. Band Banquet.
6/8 - 3rd Period Exams. Early Release at 12:30 for high school students only. Graduation practice at 1:30. This is mandatory for all Seniors. Tickets will be given out to Seniors at the end of practice.
6/9 - 4th Period Exams. Early Release at 12:30 for high school students only.
6/10 - Make-up Exams. Early Release for all students in Perquimans County Schools.
We have accomplished so much this year. We still have lots to do. Stay focused and finish strong Pirates!
Thanks for listening. Go Pirates!
PCHS Highlights...
- Attention all Juniors> All rising seniors must receive a booster dose of the Meningococcal vaccine. A letter was sent home with all 11th grade students on Friday, May 20, 2022. We recommend that you contact your healthcare provider or local health department AS SOON AS POSSIBLE to schedule a time to receive this vaccine. Please contact the school nurse for any questions.
- Math Department> Math Students of the Week...
Carver - Kadyn Spence - Math 3
Craddock - Alex Prescott - Math 2 Honors
Riddick - Phoebe Peters - Math 2
Tyson - Jamaar Perry - Math 1
- BETA Club> Congratulations to the newly elected BETA club officers for the 2022-2023 school year!
President - Breanne Shepherd
Vice-President - Hailey Scott
Secretary - Holly Riddick
- HOSA> HOSA students went to the Landings of Albemarle assisted living and served ice cream sundaes to the residents and spent time socializing with them (see picture below).
Jackson Russell
PCHS Rotary Students of the Month
Jada Modlin
This Week @ PCHS...
- Tue, May 24th> Senior Walk; Baseball home versus Bear Grass Charter 7 PM Game 1!
- Wed, May 25th> Class of 2022 "Decision Day"; Yearbooks Distribution!
- Thur, May 26th> Keep working hard...almost done!
- Fri, May, 27th> Baseball @ Bear Grass Charter 7 PM Game 2!
- Sat, May 28th> Baseball home versus Bear Grass Charter 7 PM Game 3 (if needed)!
Important Dates to Remember...
Finally, there are some important dates for you to be aware of as we close out the school year.
5/24 - Senior Walk starting at 8 AM in the gym
5/30 - Memorial Day. No school on this day
5/31 - Athletic Awards Banquet @ 7 PM
6/1 - Baccalaureate Service @ 6:30 PM
6/2 - Academic Awards Banquet @ 6:30 PM. Students receiving an award will be given their invitation to the banquet this week
6/6 - 1st Period Final Exams
6/7 - 2nd Period Final Exams. Band Banquet
6/8 - 3rd Period Exams. Early Release at 12:30 for high school students only. Graduation practice at 1:30. This is mandatory for all Seniors. Tickets will be given out to Seniors at the end of practice
6/9 - 4th Period Exams. Early Release at 12:30 for high school students only
6/10 - Make-up Exams. Early Release for all students in Perquimans County Schools
Test Schedule: June 6th & 7th
Test Schedule: June 8th, 9th, & 10th
Test Schedule: Lunch
2022-2023 Transportation Intent Information...
This year we will be collecting Transportation Intent Information via a Google Form which is already on the District Web Page (under the Announcement Section-link to District Page & Link to the Form below).
Parents please complete their Student's Transportation needs for the 2022-2023 School Year as soon as possible via this online form. We know many parents have had to make alternate transportation plans throughout the year due to the bus driver shortage and the consolidation of so many routes. We need parents to complete this form as if our buses are fully staffed.
District Webpage: http://www.pqschools.org/
Direct Link to the Form: https://forms.gle/pHSxYRTEGRkp2BVu7
We are asking parents to have their information submitted by June 10, 2022, although we will keep the Intent Form active into the month of July.
If you have any questions regarding the 2022-2023 Transportation Intent Google Form, please feel free to contact our office! Thank you for your assistance with this endeavor!
College Center with Ms. Gray...
Class of 2022, congrats on your upcoming graduation. All of your hard work calls for a celebration! Seniors please join us on May 25th, from 9:35 to 11:05, in the Media Center for your Decision Day Celebration. There will be Games, a Photo Wall, Banner Signing, and More! Be sure to complete your Decision Day Admissions Ticket for a chance to win a Tablet, Dorm Room Supplies, Gift Cards and More.
Contact Miss Gray with any questions or concerns at morgangray@pqschools.org